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Astrocytoma brain tumor

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I am worried about my own spiritual life, a lot. I miss the flock, so to speak, yet I have not really been a part of any flock, I ...crave the association of devotees of Krishna consciousness & I pray that my example of a devotee who professes to love Krishna has not scarred too many karmies. Truthfully I am full of faults, hardly qualified for this endeavor & I pray I may someday keep my mouth shut about Krishna until I am sure I can be a better ambassador for the Supreme Lord. It is so hard being on this planet. Dukhalayam for sure.

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WOW This is a tough one. After reading some of your posts, I am very moved. I make no promises but I run a healing egroup where some devotees pray, others do other things, but its for all sorts of conditions. First, here is the web page which explains what its all about (and how to make a request). http://www.geocities.com/priitaa/distant_healing.htm


And here is the group addy for anyone interested in joining to assist. (Just for the record, this is a Prabhuapda group. With that said, peace please.) Krishnas_Distance_Healers


To the first poster, we make no promises. For some, its just nice to have others praying for them to be able to remember Krishna if they are meant to pass over. In lesser cases, some just want prayer for peace of mind or to be able to chant better. Others want it for specific medical conditions. Since there has been a surge of devotees getting into reiki and similar types of energy healing, I created this group to dovetail it to serve the devotees. But the group is not where you 'request a healing.' You can do that thru the web site (first link posted above). The purpose of the group is for devotees who don't live in temples (or do!) and often complain they have no devotional service to do, they miss the old days where they did so much, or whatever, to have a place they can serve in this simple manner. Anyone can pray!


Anyhow, I haven't posted about my site etc in quite a while, and wasn't going to, but after reading your post I felt obliged to at least let you know this is out there. The choice of course is yours, and whats right for one person is not necessarily for another. Good luck and Hare Krishna.


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Thank you Priita. I am on your mailing list. I am a Reiki II practioner. I have felt the prayers sent our way and appreciate all of your kind hearts...feels like Krishna's love. I joined www.Vaisnavascare.com after Theist mentioned that wonderful website. Everyone should read the advice on caring for the sick on this site. It will benefit anyone helping others that are sick, not just terminally ill.It will help you understand what you may want when your turn comes.It helped me realize some of my emotions were to be expected. I felt much more knowledgeable of the total situation after reading all this site had to say.


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  • 1 month later...

To date, my friend has had a blood test, urine test & CT scan of the brain. All have come back as 'normal'. The doctors have said,"Whatever you are doing, keep it up." I am not sure which thing I am doing is the one, but for advanced brain cancer the resulting "normal' tests are just amazing. Than you my dear devotees & dear Lord Krishna.

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  • 2 months later...

Dear devotees,

Thank you for all the prayers. It is 7 months since my friends ordeal began & I asked for help on this website. He has just received a second head cat-scan & it is AGAIN 'normal'!!! What worked? Krishna's love, prayers of devotees, mantras, healing herbs, his will to survive & I did everything I could in Dr.Hulda Clark's books on cancer. Especially the use of extracts of walnut hulls, wormwood & cloves,(an 8 teaspoon dose at once!), the ZAPPER & as few chemicals around him as possible including deod,soaps, detergents,dish soap,fragrances of any kind. I also beleive the 400 miligram turmeric did a lot & the coenzyme q-10 100mg. He is still partially paralyzed on the left side, esp. left arm,hand & am doing accupunture for that.

Hare Krishna!

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That is amazing and very good news. It would be hard to say of all the things you have been doing what is been the second most helpful to him. But obviously the most important ingredient has been the loving balm of friendship that you have engulfed him in over these months.


What an example in God conscious caring you have shown. Thank you for that.


Be well sistersoul,

Hare Krsna

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  • 5 weeks later...

I trained with some of Dr Clarks staff in San Diego (death of ego) and have recently learned Dr. Clark goes to MH for advice.


www.MhDewormer.com get your body alkaline

www.WaterCure2.com Drink water and use pure salt

www.SolarHealing.com Get sunlight and Never Use lotions



www.FiveTibetanRites.com start rejuvenating exercices now


http://www.LifeEvents.org/5-tibetans-energy-rejuvenation-exercises.htm ~~

http://store.HarborHealth.com/catalog/index.cfm?fuseaction=product&theParentId=10&id=46 ~~total package, for all Rites books and video

http://www.PeterKelder.com/hp_home.php ~~ publisher of 5 rites

www.Cayce.Egympie.com.au/HealthYogaFiveT.htm ~~ online book

http://www.Geocities.com/churchofyoga/exercise.html ~~ rites

http://www.Diac.com/~ekwall2/Fountain_of_Youth/index.shtml ~~ book 1

http://www.MkProjects.com/fa_TibetanRites.htm ~~pictures, warm-ups, exercise

http://TkdTutor.com/11Training/Rites/TibetanRites.htm ~~practice

http://www.Andinia.com/s03651.html ~~ Spanish version


www.FlowerPowerGenerator.com ~~ colloidal silver.


http://ChetDay.com/5Rites.htm ~~Testimonies, plus colloidal silver link

Make silver water useing this chetday link to give the body that extra edge,



Pancreas and Brain cancer are tough to beat. Honor all Jivas and especially all vaishnavas and chant like it is more important than the air we breathe. Hear your own chanting with affection chanting.


Ohm Nitai Gaura


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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear vaisnav soul,


All glories to your kind and wonderful service to serving Krsna in your sick friend. I know where you are coming from. I am doing the same. This experience has changed my life as well.


A good place to research alternative healing ways for cancer is Johanna Budwig, do a search in google. Also get the book by Dr Colin Campbell on the China Study.


Many devotees are dying of cancer and heart disease. These bodies cannot tolerate meat, fish, eggs, dairy, and vegetable oil. Some ghee is OK.


We have been devotees for nearly 30 years. We have been married for 38 years and now my wife is dealing with cancer for almost 2 years. She has had surgery, chemo, bach flower, herbs, quark, carrot juice, meditation. Almost died many times and rises again.


The karma in all this is DIET. ALL animal products are dangerous for this age. Read the research at www.vegsource.com and watch the videos. Cut out all SUGAR, ALL ANIMAL FOODS, white flour, and only use celtic sea salt.


Why are so many devotees getting sick? I visited a Hare Krsna farm recently and old devotees were using walking sticks, being wheeled in wheelchairs and were sick and scared looking.


The vegetarians of south India have massive heart disease. Why?...vegetable oil!


Do not cook in OIL. A teaspoon of GHEE is all you need and some beautiful water.


Hope this helps your research. meanwhile we face each day one at a time.


Hare Krsna


Kaunteya das

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