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Honest discussions?

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Found this this morning on Chakra.



Honest discussions

by Caitanya-candrodaya das


Posted June 10, 2004


It is nice to hear so much support and appreciation for Satsvarupa Maharaja honesty, openness and transparency from a whole section of devotees.


I would however point out that even with best intentions such discussions could be quite disturbing for both his disciples and Maharaja himself. He has a medical condition of debilitating migraines caused by anticipated anxiety and reading all the comments even favorable just adds stress!



So don't read them. He has lived a very public life, and taken a very public position placing himself as a medium between God and man. Naturaly when that has been exposed to have been overblown in such a way that is disruptive to the Vaisnava community on the whole people are going to express their thoughts and opinions on the matter.




Some communications posted were for his disciples. In this way they are private. So if letter say 'dear disciples' you really should not post it -- just out of respect for very intimate relationships he has with his disciples



Do you mean to say that with this "very intimate relationship he has with his disciples..." a personal and private mode of communication hasn't been established or maintained? Meaning a private e-mail list of somekind.



...and his example of honesty, not often found in the history of Vaisnavism or among contemporaries.



In the history of Vaisnavism???? Please pull your head out of the sand. He was outed.





[Editor's note: The letter from Satsvarupa Goswami and the GBC EC statements were forwarded to Chakra from "SDG's Communications Management Team" for posting in order to reach "Temple Leaders, Disciples, and Friends of His Holiness Satsvarupa das Goswami".]




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just to say I totally agree with you...


**...and his example of honesty, not often found in the history of Vaisnavism or among contemporaries.**


And what Vaisnavas aren't honest? where does this bogus idea come from?

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Yes,you are able to uncover the dishonest move here in this very peculiar 'history of Vaisnavism'


The sleight of hand in how we should think in order for the sake of maintaning and abetting their guru-disciple relationship-this you are exposing by your questions.



Do you mean to say that with this "very intimate relationship he has with his disciples..." a personal and private mode of communication hasn't been established or maintained?

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