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Bathing Festival At Jagannath Puri Temple

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Bathing Festival At Jagannath Puri Temple




PURI, ORISSA, June 4, 2004: The Snan Yatra or bathing festival of the

Deities of the Jagannath temple in Puri was held on Thursday. The Snan

Yatra marks the end of the hot and humid Hindu month of Jyestha. The

icons of Jagannath, Balabhadra, Subhadra and Sudarshan are brought in a

ceremonial procession to a high altar called the Snan Mandap for the

bathing ritual. "Heat affects even the Gods, and they need some cooling

as well," said researcher Sidheswar Mohapatra. It's the only occasion

other than the Rath Yatra when the deities of Jagannath, Balabhadra,

Subhadra and Sudarshan make a public appearance. Sacred water drawn

from the Golden Well and filled in copper containers are poured over

the idols, a practice similar to the tribal ritual of giving deities a

bath on the last day of the Jyestha month. The drenched wooden images,

which lose color during the bath, are then kept away from public view

for the next 15 days for fresh coloring. This period is called the

Anabasaro. On the 16th day, the deities reappear in public for the Rath

Yatra. This year, it is scheduled on June 19.

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