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from: www.giwersworld.org/opinion/jcgod.phtml


The judeo-christian god


The Judeo-Christian God

by Matt Giwer, © 2004 [May]


As there are so many brainless people believing they are fighting Satan in the form of Islam, let us take an unbiased look at this judeo-christian god.


Let us put this god in the context of its rise to prominence in the ancient world. It was a world of many gods and pantheons of gods. It was not our world but it was the time of the great civilizations of Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome. Not one of their gods ever ordered or demanded war or destruction of other peoples. Not one. Ares/Mars my have been gods of war but they never ordered the war. They were not even worshiped in peace time only after men had decided upon war. War for men was a calculation of interests. Wars for this god were mindless crusades for its glory.


The Bible reports this god ordered the only successful genocides in all of human history and many attempts at genocide that failed. This god ordered wars left and right. This was an grossly god in context of the civilized world at the time.


This god ordered body mutlitation as a religious ritual, something abandoned by the surrounding civilizations long before. Animal sacrifice was rare and usually limited to the military before battle. This primitive judeo-christian god reveled the smell of burning flesh.


This judeo-christian god was originally claimed only by the people whom we now call Jews. They lived in the shadow of great civilizations and never produced any civilization of their own. We are not talking a minor civilization. We are talking about a region never known for any aspect of civilization and no signs of any civilization found by archaeologists today.


Their region was the anus mundi, the . of the world from which eminates nothing but .. It never contributed anything to civilization. It was never known for anything but as a cesspool of disease and ignorance. It produced no art, no literature, no math, no science, no architecture, no music. It never produced ond thing which contributed to the world. It was a total waste of landmass and biomass as far as human progrss in concerned.


And a fact of life in this real world is they were not monotheists and so did not even invent monotheism even though their books say it was revealed to them not invented by them. So if they invented it, it is a fake religion and god and if revealed they get no credit for it.


Even the much ballyhooed ten commandments were disgustingly primitive compared to laws which had been around for millenia such as the Code of Hammurabi and the laws of Egypt. To take the big ten seriously one has to believe the people were so primitive they didn't have a problem with theft and murder before their war-mongering, blood thirsty god told them to stop it. They were murdering each other for the fun of it until told to stop. If this is considered a contribution to the world it was to set back the rule of law at least a thousand years.


Ordinary men created empires through war. Creating them resulted in centuries of peace within their borders. Egypt, Greece and Rome fought on their peripheries, rarely inside their borders. When the Roman empire was sufficiently judeo-christianized it collapsed into the Dark Ages where all of Europe became like the anus mundi of Judea.


The history of judeo-christian Europe is one that is measured by its never-ending wars and religious conflicts among the followers of this judeo-christian god. In the last century two of the greatest war ever fought by humanity centered on the Europe of the followers of this god.


The rest of the world should joyfully adopt the judeo-christian god for what reason? So they can share in a culture of constant war? The longest peace judeo-christian Europe ever had was the Cold War. As soon as it ended Yugoslavian secessionist wars started and still required small armies stationed there to keep from starting up again.


But what did the judeo-christians do for the world as soon as they had the ability? They enslaved most of it. Judeo-christian colonial empires spread around the world. Going into the second World War only Japan and China were holdouts against the total enslavement to judeo-christian interests. I am not saying it is any better or worse than any other. I am saying judeo-christians do exactly what everyone else does but use their judeo-christian god as an excuse to be among the worst barbarians in the history of the world. And that god orders and justifies ten times worse murders and atrocities than the civilized world without this particular god.


Today where the followers of this god have the most political power they are impose their anti-science, anti-art, anti-intellectual primitive attitudes upon everyone. They promote the antiscience of creationism. They have hampered stem cell research and try to stop it. They go crazy over the sight of a woman's breast in public even if it is that of a marble statue. Their views of women are maybe one step above those of the Taliban.


The people today who have the greatest problem with Islam are the knuckledragging rednech Zionists like Robertson and Falwell. They also proudly proclaim they are creationist droolers and scientific illiterates and proud of it. The welcome another Dark Ages and actively work for it. Most of them are against bar codes because they are the Mark of the Beast they are such primitive, superstitious twits.


These are your judeo-christians in all their glory. This is the great heritage that is to save the world.

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many people turn towards atheism when they realize how destructive such primitive religions can be. that is certainly the view of the author of this article. but we can look at the problems related to judeo-christian ways of seeing the world and ARRIVE AT QUITE DIFFERENT CONCLUSION: the solution is not in abolishing all religion, but in promoting the non-sectarian Vedic spirituality. the age of Aquarius is at our door.

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