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'Walk your talk! ','Practice what you preach!'&'Be a worthy rep!'

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I am successful only because I am following strictly the orders of my Guru Maharaja, and I do not deviate. Therefore people respect what I am saying and they listen because I do not say one thing and do another. So now you are doing my work and you shall be like me and be yourselves the worthy representatives of our disciplic succession.


- Letter to: Madhudvisa, Los Angeles, 16 June, 1972 (exceprt)

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I just posted this quote in another Forum,


whats going on?



The test of preaching ability is whether one is making some disciples or not. So it appears that your preaching is going on nicely. The standard of purity which I have introduced in the Krsna Consciousness movement will give you the real spiritual strength needed to preach. If you will simply stick to your principles, you will gain the respect of the whole world and our preaching work will be successful.

- Letter to: Tirthapada, Bombay, 13 November, 1970 (excerpt)




I am successful only because I am following strictly the orders of my Guru Maharaja, and I do not deviate. Therefore people respect what I am saying and they listen because I do not say one thing and do another. So now you are doing my work and you shall be like me and be yourselves the worthy representatives of our disciplic succession.

- Letter to: Madhudvisa, Los Angeles, 16 June, 1972


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Now you guys have gone quote crazy. /images/graemlins/smile.gif No seriously those are very good quotes and I definetly should take them to heart as I am not always worthy representative of Krishna I shouldn't even speak on some of the matters I do. I apologize if I have ever offended either one of you by posting quotes etc. You both are very knowledgable and great source for learning about Krishna.

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  • 8 months later...

<font color="blue"> "Before me, many swamis went to the Western countries to preach this Bhagavad-gita. Not a single person became a devotee of Krishna. Not a single person. And now Bhagavad-gita is being presented as it is, thousands are becoming devotee of Krishna. This is the secret.


People give me credit that "Swamiji, you have done wonderful. Nobody could do it." I am not a wonderful man. Neither I do know anything magic. I have presented Bhagavad-gita as it is. That's all. This is the secret." </font color>


-- Srila Prabhupada



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  • 2 months later...

The year was 1977 and I had just returned to Vrindavana after visiting Jaipur. It was quite a decision to visit India since it was public knowledge that His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada was traveling to the west even though gravely ill. It was a difficult decision based upon the fear that the frailness of his health could rob us of a last opportunity to spend time with the spiritual master.




Rightly or wrongly, I went to India and immediately preceding my return to the holy dhama, Srila Prabhupada arrived unannounced from England. We quickly learned the news that his health had taken a turn for the worse and that he had come to Vrindavana to spend his last days. To say the least, the devotees were in shock at the thought of losing Srila Prabhupada's association and guidance. We all prayed that our worst nightmare wouldn't come true.




Srila Prabhupada left his quarters only twice after his return from England and both times were to circumambulate the Deities. Recently, I saw a video of him circumambulating the temple and was surprised that the kirtan was so subdued. I had attended his last two outings and the kirtans were incredibly intense. My only thought is that the video-recorded instance occurred upon his arrival before my return.




In any event, the next day, as Srila Prabhupada sat on his palanquin, he was accompanied by a throng of devotees and a roaring kirtan. We were leaping and chanting in a manner I don't think any of us had experienced before. It was a herd of singing and dancing white elephants.




To see His Divine Grace in such a weakened condition was a jolt for us all. It drew out our love but was mixed with the unthinkable thought that Srila Prabhupada may not be in our midst forever. The chanting and dancing reflected our love for Srila Prabhupada and the thought of losing his direct association drew out even more intense emotion. The threat of his departure brought new realizations and intense appreciation of what he had done for us. It was both wonderful and horrible all mixed together. The sweet and sour emotions sparked intense kirtan, wild dancing and free-flowing tears. Our only contribution was to bathe him in the holy name and pray that Lord Krsna would save the situation for our benefit.




As we accompanied His Divine Grace around the temple courtyard, I had the opportunity to be dancing directly by his side. As I looked his way, there was a tear flowing from the corner of his eye and down the length of his cheek.




Of course, I cannot say for certain what was on Srila Prabhupada's mind. But my feeling was that he deeply appreciated that his disciples had developed a genuine attachment and affection for him and the holy name. Even in the closing moments of his pastimes he inspired us and drew out our dormant love of Godhead. As always, he was the perfect devotee and our spiritual beacon. Life without him was unimaginable.




Vyapaka dasa


(Editor, Hare Krishna Rural Life)


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To be able to observe the lofty position of Srimati Radharani and Her confidential associates is not within the realm of the common people. Especially and only those who engage constantly in intimate, confidential and eternal loving service to Her understand this sacred truth. Conversely, no one for that matter can fathom the mysteries and esoteric implications of such pastimes except Her confidential associates.


The day when our link with this material world is limited to the barest necessities, and furthermore,when our trivial opinions, concocted austerities, pious works, so called knowledge and mystic power are considered worthless like straw; when

our worship of Narayana in His mood of majesty is not relishable in the least; at that time when we are not inclined at all to be out-spoken in the confidential topics of divine pastimes like the rasa dance, only then will we be fit candidates to receive

such confidential information.


The service to Lordships Sri Sri Radha Govinda is not expressible in common language. The use of the words svakiya, parakiya usually become intermingled with our own intense residual desires of sense gratification. It is for this reason, due to lack of qualified people, that the divine pastimes of Sri Radha Krishna can not be discussed, heard and understood by the common people of this world, and in saying there is very few qualified people is not an exaggeration.



This article was published in the Harmonist Magazine by His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada


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