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<font color="blue"> Varnasrama-dharma Compiled by Hare Krsna dasi, 1998 </font color>










While acknowledging the near impossibility of establishing varnasrama in the modern age, Srila Prabhupada cites his spiritual predecessors and puts forth a challenging mission for the Krsna consciousness movement: to revive the varnasrama-dharma social structure and save human society from gliding down to hellish life.




Madhudvisa: Prabhupada, in this age of Kali when there is no social structure or varnasrama-dharma, how can one discriminate how he is utilizing his energies for his prescribed duties? How can one determine his prescribed duties, as Lord Krsna has described here, for Arjuna to follow his prescribed duties.


Prabhupada: Yes. Before coming to Krsna consciousness were you in the varnasrama? Then how you have come? How you have come to this position?


Madhudvisa: Out of misery.


Prabhupada: No, no, no. You have come to execute Krsna consciousness. Before coming to this Krsna consciousness, were you in varnasrama- dharma? No. So at the present moment, there is no possibility of persons following the principles of varnasrama-dharma, either here or anywhere.


Everyone is varna-sankara. Kalau sudra-sambhavah. In this age, everyone is a sudra. Nobody is brahmana, nobody is ksatriya, nobody is vaisya. Sudra. So in this age, you won't find anybody following the varnasrama- dharma.


Therefore this is the panacea, to engage everyone in Krsna consciousness, chanting Hare Krsna. He comes above the highest principle of brahmanism. This is the greatest gift to the humanity, that even he is in the, I mean to say, fallen condition, the most degraded position, he can be raised to the highest position simply by chanting. This is the only remedy. Now you cannot again introduce this system of varnasrama. It is not possible. But if one takes to Krsna consciousness, automatically he becomes immediately a brahmana and above the brahmana. A Vaisnava is above the brahmana. Just like when we initiate, give Hare Krsna mantra, he is supposed to be above the all material modes of nature. And when he has practiced, we offer him the sacred thread. This is the prescription of this age.


Otherwise, you cannot select who is brahmana, who is sudra, who is ksatriya. It is very difficult.

- Bg 3.18-30 LECTURE

Los Angeles 30 December 1968




Visnu worship is the ultimate aim of human life. Those who take the license of married life for sense enjoyment must also take the responsibility to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, and the first stepping-stone is the varnasrama-dharma system. Varnasrama-dharma is the systematic institution for advancing in worship of Visnu. However, if one directly engages in the process of devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it may not be necessary to undergo the disciplinary system of varnasrama-dharma. The other sons of Brahma, the Kumaras, directly engaged in devotional service, and thus they had no need to execute the principles of varnasrama-dharma.

- SB 3.13.11 PURPORT



It is no longer possible to revive the perfect system, varnasrama. Although we are trying to revive, it is not possible. It is very difficult. People are so fallen. Mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah [sB 1.1.10]. They are so disturbed, manda-bhagyah, unfortunate, and upadrutah, always disturbed...There will be no rainfall, and there, food scarcity and taxation by government, income tax. Income tax is to plunder...This is Kali-yuga. So in this position of harassment, how the peaceful varnasrama can be revived? It is very difficult. It is almost impossible.

- SB 3.25.14 LECTURE

Bombay 14 November 1974



Varnasramacaravata purusena parah puman, visnur aradhyate. Visnur aradhyate, that is required, how to become Krsna conscious or Visnu conscious and to worship Him. So that begins with this varnasrama. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He knew that this is Kali-yuga; it is very, very difficult to engage people strictly in the varnasrama-dharma. Actually it is difficult. Who is going... If you open a varnasrama college, there will be no student. Because they will think, "What is this nonsense, varnasrama? Let us learn technology. We shall get good salary. We shall earn money." Yes. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu immediately said, eho bahya, age kaha ara. In this age it is not possible, varnasrama-dharma.

- SB 6.1.24 LECTURE

Chicago 8 July 1975




Lord Ramacandra became King during Treta-yuga, but because of His good government, the age was like Satya-yuga. Everyone was religious and completely happy.



Among the four yugas-Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali-the Kali-yuga is the worst, but if the process of varnasrama-dharma is introduced, even in this age of Kali, the situation of Satya-yuga can be invoked. The Hare Krsna movement, or Krsna consciousness movement, is meant for this purpose.

- SB 9.10.51



So Krsna consciousness movement includes this system of division of society. It is perfect society. Therefore we are trying to introduce the varnasrama system, although it is very difficult nowadays.

- Interview with Trans-India Magazine

New York 17 July 1976



Human society...has artificially created a type of civilization which makes one forgetful of his relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Modern society even enables one to forget the Supreme Personality of Godhead's grace and mercy. Consequently modern civilized man is always unhappy and in need of things. People do not know that the ultimate goal of life is to approach Lord Visnu and satisfy Him. They have taken this materialistic way of life as everything and have become captivated by materialistic activities. Indeed, their leaders are always encouraging them to follow this path, and the general populace, being ignorant of the laws of God, are following their blind leaders down the path of unhappiness.


In order to rectify this world situation, all people should be trained in Krsna consciousness and act in accordance with the varnasrama system. The state should also see that the people are engaged in satisfying the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the primary duty of the state. The Krsna consciousness movement was started to convince the general populace to adopt the best process by which to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead and thus solve all problems.

- SB 4.14.20 PURPORT



Because there is no institution to teach people how to become brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras or brahmacaris, grhasthas, vanaprasthas and sannyasis, these demons want a classless society. This is resulting in chaotic conditions. In the name of secular government, unqualified people are taking the supreme governmental posts. No one is being trained to act according to the principles of varnasrama-dharma, and thus people are becoming increasingly degraded and are heading in the direction of animal life. The real aim of life is liberation, but unfortunately the opportunity for liberation is being denied to people in general, and therefore their human lives are being spoiled. The Krsna consciousness movement, however, is being propagated all over the world to reestablish the varnasrama-dharma system and thus save human society from gliding down to hellish life.

- SB 5.19.19 PURPORT



The demigods are situated in the mode of goodness, but sometimes even one who is situated in such an exalted position as King Indra, the king of all the demigods, falls down because of material opulence. We are now actually seeing this in America. The entire American nation has tried to advance in material opulence without striving to produce ideal human beings. The result is that Americans are now regretting the wholesale criminality of American society and are wondering how America has become so lawless and unmanageable. As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam, na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum: [sB 7.5.31] persons who are unenlight ened do not know the aim of life, which is to return home, back to Godhead. Therefore, both individually and collectively, they try to enjoy so-called material comforts, and they become addicted to wine and women. The men produced in such a society are less than fourth class. They are the unwanted population known as varna-saìkara, and as stated in Bhagavad-gita, an increase of varna-saìkara population creates a hellish society. This is the society in which Americans now find themselves.


Fortunately, however, the Hare Krsna movement has come to America, and many fortunate young men are giving serious attention to this movement, which is creating ideal men of first-class character, men who completely refrain from meat-eating, illicit sex, intoxication and gambling. If the American people are serious about curbing the degraded criminal life of their nation, they must take to the Krsna consciousness movement and try to create the kind of human society advised in Bhagavad-gita (catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah [bg. 4.13]). They must divide their society into first-class men, second-class men, third-class men and fourth-class men. Since they are now creating only men who are less than fourth class, how can they avoid the dangers of a criminal society? Long, long ago, Lord Indra regretted his disrespect to his spiritual master, Brhaspati. Similarly, it is advised that the American people regret their mistaken advancement in civilization. They should take advice from the spiritual master, the representative of Krsna. If they do so, they will be happy, and theirs will be an ideal nation to lead the entire world.

- SB 6.7.12 PURPORT



So this Vedic scheme, varnasrama, is a very important scheme. If possible it should be introduced and taken up very seriously. That is one of the items of Krsna consciousness movement, to reestablish the institution of varna and asrama. Not by birth, but by qualification.


...Being separated from family and property, they will take shelter in the hilly ranges or in the forest to get relief. This will be the position. Harassment, so much harassment, by nature, by government. So therefore for complete happy society, this Krsna consciousness movement is essential. All intelligent persons, they should join this movement and reform the present social, political, religious. All field of activities, they should reform. Then people will be happy. Not only happy in this life, but also next life.

- Evening Darsana

Washington, D.C. 8 July 1976



Although the Krsna consciousness movement is a movement of brahmanas and Vaisnavas, it is trying to reestablish the divine varnasrama institution, for without this division of society there cannot be peace and prosperity anywhere.

- SB 7.11.18-20 PURPORT



One of the objectives of the Krsna consciousness movement is to establish this daiva-varnasrama, but not to encourage so-called varnasrama without scientifically organized endeavor by human society.

- SB 7.14.10 PURPORT



Before coming to the standard of varnasrama-dharma there is no question of human civilization. Therefore, the Krsna consciousness movement is trying to establish this right system of human civilization, which is known as Krsna consciousness, or daiva-varnasrama-divine culture.

- Science of Self Realization

3: Discovering the Roots



Do not misunderstand that we are trying to spread Hinduism. Hinduism is a fictitious term...We don't find this word in the Vedic literature...This is the convention of latest age. Actually, we, the followers or Vedic principles, our system is varnasrama-dharma, four varnas and four asramas. This is, this can be applicable. But varnasrama-dharma is applicable in any, in anywhere. Catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah [bg. 4.13]. The creation of God... Just like sun. Sun is creation of God. Sun is visible everywhere. Not that something American sun and something Indian sun. No. The sun is the same. Similarly, catur-varnyam, the four principles of division, brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, and sudra, they are everywhere. It is not the monopoly of India.

- The Nectar of Devotion LECTURE

Vrndavana 27 October 1972



So just today is the appearance day of hladini-sakti. So if you want to please Krsna... Because our business is to please Krsna. Hari-tosanam. Our this movement is hari-tosanam. Samsiddhir hari-tosanam [sB 1.2.13]. Atah pumbhir dvija-srestha varnasrama-vibhagasah. Varnasrama-vibhagasah.

- Bg 18.5 LECTURE

London 5 September 1973 (Radhastami)




Prabhupada: So one side, there is no rain; one side, there is no rice, especially in India; and one side, heavy tax. So they'll be all confused. They have already become confused. So in the confusion state it will be very difficult to make them Krsna conscious. Therefore preliminary help should be given.


Visnujana: Preliminary.


Prabhupada: Yes. That they should not be in chaos and confusion. Otherwise, how the brain will work?


Visnujana: Yes. No one can give rapt attention without peace of mind.


Prabhupada: Yes, yes. Our main aim is how to give them Krsna conscious ness. But if they are already disturbed in every respect, then how they'll take it? Therefore we are taking these subjects, to help him to come to the Krsna consciousness. And this is the method-varnasrama.


Visnujana: ...This is the most auspicious work for now, is this remedial measure to stop the chaos in the world?


Prabhupada: Yes.


Visnujana: That's most auspicious.


Prabhupada: Most auspicious. Because if the people are in chaos, how they'll be able to accept the great philosophy? It requires cool brain.


Visnujana: ...When we first go to open a temple in a city we get an apartment or a storefront. But then, when more and more people come, then we should get land and cows and everything and...


Prabhupada: Yes, yes.


Visnujana: ...and turn it into a society.


Hrdayananda: Ah, that's wonderful.

- Morning Walk "Varnasrama College"

Vrndavana 14 March 1974



My next program is to reinstate the Vedic divisions in society as recommended in the Bhagavad-gita:


catur varnyam maya srstam/ guna karma vibhagasah

tasya kartaram api mam/ viddhy akartaram avyayam

[bg. 4.13]


Without this division there cannot be any systematic peaceful running of human activities. There must be a very intelligent class to guide the whole population with brahminical qualifications. There must be a class of people to give protection to the people at the time of danger and ordinarily to maintain peace and order, the ksatriyas. There must be a section to produce food and grains sumptuously for feeding both animals and humans without discrimination. Especially cows must be protected by this class. The meat eater class may not be encouraged but if they are stubbornly attached they can eat hogs and dogs or goats or lambs under certain conditions only, but not by maintaining slaughterhouses.


Then human society will be very peaceful and everyone engaged in employment without producing any idle brains which only are devils workshops. If England and America as well as France and Germany can understand this philosophy there will be great theistic revolution which will counteract the atheistic philosophy of Marxism. The present communistic philosophy must be countered by revival of the principles of catur varnyam.

- Letter to: Syamasundara

Bombay 1 April 1974




Devotee: Srila Prabhupada, we received news yesterday that one man in northern New South Wales is willing to sell us a farm, a great big farm out there in the southern tropics. Would this be a good place for engaging boys like the Indian, the Indian boy that came yesterday?


Prabhupada: Yes. Our next program is to organize farming. Let anyone come. We shall give him free food and employment: "Come on." Not that "I want to work as a clerk in the city." You produce your own food. I give you ingredients. I give you land. And work for five, six hours, and take your food and chant Hare Krsna.


Devotee: Anybody who comes to the farm has to agree to follow the four regulative principles? These people?


Prabhupada: Yes. Otherwise you are not coming. Our main business is to make him Krsna conscious.

- Morning Walk

Perth 15 May 1975




Prabhupada:...We do not decry, but we point out, "In this way our valuable time of life is being wasted." They say it is primitive life, but it is peaceful life. We want peaceful life and save time for Krsna consciousness. That is not primitive. That is intelligent life.


Satsvarupa: In order to evidence this, should we consider that we have to act as ksatriyas or shall we just preach and try to get others...


Prabhupada: No... Ksatriyas, I have already explained who is brahmana and ksatriya according to guna-karma-vibhagasah, as you work, as you are fit for. If you are fit to become brahmana, become brahmana. If you are fit to become ksatriya, become ksatriya. If you are fit to become sudra, do it...


Brahmananda: So eventually we should divide up our society in this way? Our members...


Prabhupada: Yes, just to show people how to... The first-class men, brahmana, second-class, ksatriya, third-class, vaisya, fourth-class...


So make, organize. I can give you the idea, but I'll not live very long. If you can carry out, you can change the whole... Especially if you can change America, then whole world will change. Then the whole world... And it is the duty because they are kept in darkness and ignorance, then the human life is being spoiled. These rascals, because they do not know how to live... Andha yathandhair... They are blind, and they are leading... Others are blind, and they are leading and they, all of them, going to ditch. So it is the duty. There is... Caitanya has explained, para-upakara. Save them. If it is not possible to save everyone, as many as possible.

- Room Conversation with Devotees

New Orleans 1 August 1975




Farm project is very nice. Krsna gives. Krsi-go-raksya-vanijyam vaisya- karma svabhava-jam. [bg. 18.44] "Farming, cow protection and business are the natural work for the vaisyas..."] This is economic problem solved. And brahmana, brain problem solved, and ksatriya, protection problem solved, and sudra, labor problem solved. Four things combined together, live peacefully, happily. Chant Hare Krsna. Introduce this farm project.

- Evening Darsana

Mayapura 15 February 1977




Now, our next program will be to organize farming land to set an example to the whole world how people can be peaceful, happy, and free from all anxieties simply by chanting Hare Krishna Maha-mantra and living an honorable life in Krishna Consciousness. In India especially people are religiously inclined. They like to live in village and also like to love Lord Rama, Lord Krishna. This idealism is running through their blood and veins. We have to organize their natural tendency and elevate them again back to Home, Back-to-Godhead. Please think over these points very seriously and as soon as I return we shall take up the program. My beloved sannyasi disciple Swami Pusta Krishna has promised to give me a car, and as soon as I get it I shall move from village to village along with some selected assistants and organize this farming village development program.

- Letter to: Kartikeya K. Mahadevia

Johannesburg 19 October 1975



One of the item of this mission, Krsna consciousness, is to establish real varnasrama by qualification.

- Brahmana Initiation Lecture

New Vrindaban 25 May 1969



The presidents must be very careful on recommending gayatri initiation. After all, we are criticizing false cast brahmanas, if we ourselves are bogus brahmanas then our position is very bad. Now that we are more and more trying to implement the varnasrama divisions of society, we should not think that everyone has to become a brahmana. For example you are developing a farm there; so those who work the farm do not necessarily have to be a brahmana if they are not inclined to the brahminical standards. In this way, be careful about awarding the second initiation.

- Letter to: Sudama

Rome 26 May 1974



Satsvarupa: In our ISKCON, one becomes a brahmana after a year. It's not very hard. Everyone becomes a brahmana.


Prabhupada: That is due to chanting. That lift very easily.


Hari-sauri: Where will we introduce the varnasrama system, then?


Prabhupada: In our society, amongst our members.


Hari-sauri: But then if everybody's being raised to the brahminical platform...


Prabhupada: Not everybody. Why you are misunderstanding? Varnasrama, not everybody brahmana.


Hari-sauri: No, but in our society practically everyone is being raised to that platform. So then one might ask what is...


Prabhupada: That is... Everybody is being raised, but they're falling down.


Hari-sauri: So then we should make it more difficult to get...


Prabhupada: Yes.


Hari-sauri: ...brahminical initiation. After four or five years.


Prabhupada: Not necessary. You remain as a ksatriya. You'll be ha...


Hari-sauri: No need for even any brahmana initiation, then...


Prabhupada: No, no.


Hari-sauri: ...unless one is...


Prabhupada: No, brahmana must be there. Why do you say, generalize?


Hari-sauri: Unless one is particularly...


Prabhupada: Yes.


Hari-sauri: ...inclined.

- Room Conversation

Varnasrama System Must Be Introduced

Mayapura 14 February 1977




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Prabhupada: Chanting will go on. That is not stopped. But at the same time the varnasrama-dharma must be established to make the way easy.


Hari-sauri: Well, at least my own understanding was that the chanting was introduced in the age of Kali because varnasrama is not possible.


Prabhupada: Because it will cleanse the mind. Chanting will not stop.


Hari-sauri: So therefore the chanting was introduced to replace all of the systems of varnasrama and like that.


Prabhupada: Yes, it can replace, but who is going to replace it? The... People are not so advanced. If you imitate Haridasa Thakura to chant, it is not possible.


Satsvarupa: We tell them go on with your job but chant also.


Prabhupada: Yes. Thakaha apanara kaje, Bhaktivinoda Thakura. Apanara kaja ki. Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommended, sthane sthitah. And if they do not remain in the sthana, then the sahajiya's chanting will come. Just like the sahajiyas also have got the beads and..., but they have got three dozen women. This kind of chanting will go on. Just like our (name withheld). He was not fit for sannyasa but he was given sannyasa. And five women he was attached, and he disclosed. Therefore varnasrama-dharma is required. Simply show-bottle will not do. So the varnasrama-dharma should be introduced all over the world, and...


Satsvarupa: Introduced starting with ISKCON community?


Prabhupada: Yes. Yes. Brahmana, ksatriyas. There must be regular education.


Hari-sauri: But in our community, if the..., being as we're training up as Vaisnavas...


Prabhupada: Yes.


Hari-sauri: ...then how will we be able to make divisions in our society?


Prabhupada: Vaisnava is not so easy. The varnasrama-dharma should be established to become a Vaisnava. It is not so easy to become Vaisnava.


Hari-sauri: No, it's not a cheap thing.


Prabhupada: Yes. Therefore this should be made. Vaisnava, to become Vaisnava, is not so easy. If Vaisnava, to become Vaisnava is so easy, why so many fall down, fall down? It is not easy.

- Room Conversation

Varnasrama System Must Be Introduced

Mayapura 14 February 1977





Actually, a Vaisnava is above this varnasrama-dharma. But we don't claim that we have become perfect Vaisnava. We are not so impudent.

- Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.41 LECTURE

Mayapura 21 October 1974




In big scale you cannot make all of them as brahmanas or sannyasis. No. That is not possible. This is a small scale. How many percentage of people of the world we are controlling? Very insignificant. But if you want to make the whole human society perfect, then this Krsna consciousness movement should be introduced according to Krsna's instruction, if you want to do it in a large scale for the benefit of the whole human society.


Now we are picking up some of them, best. That is another thing. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu said para-upakara. Why a certain section should be picked up? The whole mass of people will get the benefit of it. Then it is required, systematic. Sve sve karmany abhiratah samsiddhim labhate narah. Para-upakara means mass benefit, not there is certain section. Then we have to introduce this varnasrama-dharma. It must be done perfectly, and it is possible and people will be happy.

- Room Conversation

Varnasrama System Must Be Introduced

Mayapura 14 February 1977




Prabhupada: No luxuries. Live very simple life and you save time for chanting Hare Krsna.


Hamsaduta: Yes, Prabhupada.


Prabhupada: That is my desire. Don't waste time for bodily comforts. You have got this body. You have to eat something. You have to cover yourself. So produce your own food and produce your own cloth. Don't waste time for luxury, and chant Hare Krsna. This is success of life. In this way organize as far as possible, either in Ceylon or in Czechoslovakia, wherever... Save time. Chant Hare Krsna. Don't be allured by the machine civilization.


Hamsaduta: Yes, Prabhupada.


Prabhupada: This is soul-killing civilization, this kind way of life, especially European countries. Anywhere you can inhabit it. It is not very difficult. A cottage; you can produce your own food anywhere. Am I right?


Hamsaduta: Yes, Prabhupada. We will do it.


Prabhupada: And money, spend for Krsna-for Krsna's palace, for Krsna's temple, for Krsna's worship, gorgeous, as gorgeously as... Not for false... This is the human civilization. And to organize this, varnasrama will help you to divide the society-brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya-as there is division in the body. That will help. Don't waste human form of body for sense gratification. I wanted to introduce this.


Now I have given you ideas. You can do it. You are all intelligent. For Caitanya Mahaprabhu's para- upakara. .. So you do good to others. Not exploit others. Any human being who has been bestowed by this body has the capacity to chant Hare Krsna. Give them chance and make situation favorable. Is that clear?

- Room Conversation

Vrndavana 8 October 1977


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Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura...wanted to reestablish daiva-varnasrama. In daiva-varnasrama there cannot be acknowledgment of social status according to birthright because in Bhagavad-gita it is said that the determining considerations are guna and karma, one's qualities and work. It is this daiva-varnasrama that should be established all over the world to continue a perfect society for Krsna consciousness. This may be astonishing to foolish critics, but it is one of the functions of a Krsna conscious society.

- SB 5.1.24 PURPORT



...Om Visnupada Paramahamsa Parivrajakacarya Astottara-sata Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Maharaja Prabhupada. He was creating more brahmacaris and sannyasis for preaching work, but I am creating more grhasthas (applause), because in Europe and America the boys and girls intermingle so quickly and intimately that it is very difficult to keep one brahmacari. So there is no need of artificial brahmacaris. It is sanctioned. My Guru Maharaja wanted to establish daiva-varnasrama. So married life is called grhastha-asrama. It is as good as sannyasa-asrama.


...As far as we are concerned, we are trying to establish daiva-varnasrama, as it is instructed by the Gosvamis, by Hari-bhakti-vilasa, by our spiritual master. May not be very perfect, but we are trying our best to introduce this daiva-varnasrama.

- Bg 7.3 LECTURE

Bombay 29 March 1971



Krsna says, catur-varnyam maya srstam [bg. 4.13]. My Guru Maharaja also wanted to establish daiva-varnasrama. Yes.

- SB 5.5.29 LECTURE

Vrndavana 16 November 1976



Daiva-varnasrama. My Guru Maharaja wanted this that there be regular varnasrama, qualified.

- Morning Walk

Los Angeles 8 December 1973




Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura: Varnasrama and Vaidhi-Bhakti:



sadhana-kale ye paryanta

hrdaya kama ache

se paryanta varnasramadi

dharmera apeksa thake



At the time of practicing sadhana-bhakti, so long as there is material desire within the heart, one should remain within the confines of the varnasrama system.



The relationship between the aforementioned varnasrama-dharma and vaidhi-bhakti ought to be examined. The question is, is the varnasrama institution negated, or should it be abandoned when one takes to the process of bhakti, or should the rules and regulations of varnasrama be followed in order to properly cultivate vaidhi-bhakti?


As we have said, the main reason for the cultivation of varnasrama a is that maintaining the body in good health, improving the faculty of the mind, promoting social well-being, and learning the science of the Self are all conducive to the practice of pure devotional service.


Who can deny the necessity of the varnasrama institution as long as the living being is bound up in the human body? If it is abandoned, and the above-mentioned four principles are lacking, the jiva will go astray and no good whatsoever will accrue to him. One should, therefore, strictly adhere to the rules governing varnasrama for the sake of the mind, society, and one's advancement in Krsna consciousness.


But the observance of varnasrama-dharma is not the sole business of the jiva. Therefore, with the assistance of varnasrama-dharma, one must cultivate pure devotional service. The purpose of the varnasrama institution is to facilitate the practice of devotional service.

The question may arise that since the practice of varnasrama is a dilatory affair, what will one's duty be if a conflict arises with one's devotional practice? The answer is that if one does not maintain and nourish the healthy condition of the body, mind, society, and the pursuit of self-realization, how will it be possible to cultivate the higher endeavor, devotional service? If, abandoning the varnasrama a institution, one acts independently, then the demands of the body and mind will cause one to become intoxicated with material desire and no sign of devotion will manifest itself. (First vrsti, sixth dhara.)


There should be a thorough overhauling of the social system, and society should revert to the Vedic principles, that is, the four varnas and the four asramas.

- SB 4.29.54 PURPORT



In the Kali-yuga everyone is sudra. What he'll fight? Fighting is not the business of a sudra. It is meant for the ksatriya. And nobody is being trained as ksatriya or brahmana. Everyone is being trained as sudra or utmost vaisya, how to make money. That's all. One class of men is being trained how to serve and get some money, another class is being trained how to make money by exploitation. That is capitalist and communist. The communists are the sudras. They are protesting that "You are exploiting us and getting money. It must stop." That is Communism. Is it not? And the vaisyas, they are trying to exploit others. Some way or other bring money. So there are these capitalists and sudra and vaisya. There is no ksatriya, there is no brahmana. Therefore the whole social structure is lost. So we are trying to create some brahmanas. And people if follow our instruction then whole social structure is again revived. Hare Krsna. So we have got very serious mission.

- Room Conversation

London 15 August 1971



Generally, we understand, vaisya means the mercantile class of men. No. At the present moment the so-called vaisyas are sudras, less than sudras. Why? Now the vaisya's business is krsi-go-raksya-vanijyam vaisya-karma svabhava-jam [bg. 18.44]. The vaisyas must be engaged in producing foodgrains, but they are not interested. They are interested for opening factories for bolts and nuts and tires, Goodwheel tires, Goodyear tires. Now you eat tire and bolt nut. No, you cannot eat. You have to eat rice, and rice is ten rupees per kilo. That's all. Because no vaisya is producing food grains. This is the defect.


They don't see the defect. They're simply howling, bawling, "Oh, it has increased price". Why not, increased, price? There are millions of people in Bombay city. Who is producing food grain? But they are known as vaisya. What kind of vaisya? There is no brahminical culture; there is no brain. There is no ksatriya who can give you protection. There are so many defects.


So if you want to remodel your life, the society, the human society, nationally or internationally-everything is spoken here, international-then you have to take to the advice of Krsna. This is the purpose of Krsna consciousness movement: wholesale, thorough, overhauling of the human society. We have not manufactured anything, concocted things. It is very scientific. If you actually want to fulfill the mission of your life, then you have to take to this advice of Bhagavad-gita, very scientific and spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, without any defects.

- Bg 4.13 LECTURE

Bombay 2 April 1974



Practically attract. Practically attract. The Hare Krsna movement will practically attract the people. If the world affairs are adjusted according to our Krsna conscious plan, there will be no difficulty for all the nations, all the countries. They will be happy. So we have to educate people gradually. And by our example, living example, we'll have to attract.

- Morning Walk

Vrndavana 15 March 1974



Everything should be systematic otherwise there will be chaos. There will be chaos. Nobody will be happy... That is described in the Bhagavad-gita, naraka eva kalpate: the whole world will be hell. That has become now. The whole world has now become hell. So the Krsna consciousness movement is very important movement. It is overhauling the whole human, social, political, religious...

- SB 1.15.25-26 LECTURE

Los Angeles 4 December 1973



How there can be any peace? It is not possible. There is no brahmana, no ksatriya, maybe a few vaisyas only. They are also half-reformed. And European culture, that is canòala culture, yavana culture. There is no reformation, no brahmana, no ksatriya, no vaisyas, simply sudras and canòalas mostly canòalas. So Krsna consciousness movement is means for thoroughly overhauling the whole human society.

- Morning Walk

Ahmedabad 25 September 1975



So all over the world. It is not only in India-all over the world. There cannot be peace unless you reform the whole social structure, and that can be done only by this movement, Krsna consciousness. Only by this movement.

- SB 6.1.56-62

Surat 3 January 1971 (Adubhai Patel's House)



In the material life there must be division of activities. That is accepted in the Bhagavad gita [bg 4.13] as


catur varnyam maya srstam

guna karma vibhagasah

tasya kartaram api mam

viddhy akartaram avyayam

[bg. 4.13]


So in the beginning if we start a varnasrama college to teach internation ally students from all over the world to learn to be educated as brahmanas, as Ksatriyas, as vaisyas, as sudras, by quality and work, that will be the basic principle of Krishna Consciousness.

...If you kindly consider on this point and the varnasrama college is started, I am sure the chaotic condition of human society will be completely settled up.

- Letter to: Tarun Kanti Ghosh Babu

New Delhi 11 March 1974



The politician's business will be to exploit the poor citizens. And they will be embarrassed and harassed so much: by one side, no sufficient rain, and therefore scarcity of food, and the other side, taxation by the government. In this way, the people will be so much harassed that they'll give up their home and go to the forest. Very [pitiful]... Unless they take to Krsna consciousness, they'll not be saved. The varnasrama college has to be established immediately. Everywhere, wherever we have got our center, a varnasrama college should be established to train four divisions: one class, brahmana; one class, ksatriya; one class, vaisya; and one class, sudra. But everyone will be elevated to the spiritual platform by the spiritual activities which we have prescribed. There is no inconvenience, even for the sudras


...So everywhere, in each center, this system should be introduced, and there must be practical application of the varnasrama. At the same time, this program of devotional service. Then it will go on very nicely.


...But if you show that you are actually doing something ideal, then they will appreciate. Make a small unit of community and show ideal life, not idle life. Ideal life.

- Morning Walk

Vrndavana 12 March 1974



So this is position. Therefore, because we are Krsna conscious, we are servants of God, therefore it is our duty to save this human civilization. You see. Krsna wants it. And to save this human civilization, these two classes are required very urgently. So you American boys and girls, you are intelligent, you have got all facilities. At least in your country, create these two classes, brahmana and ksatriya. The world will be saved, and you will be saved, and Krsna will be pleased.

- SB 1.2.14 LECTURE

Los Angeles 17 August 1972



The other day I was suggesting the governor that "Open varnasrama college." As we are training a medical practitioner and an engineer or any particular type of line, similarly, there must be training school and college where a person or a boy may be educated as a brahmana or as a ksatriya.

- SB 1.7.7 LECTURE

Vrndavana 24 April 1975



But Krsna's grace, Caitanya Mahaprabhu's grace, they are being now trained up. Now you be trained up and revise the whole edition of the western civilization, especially in America. Then a new chapter will come in. This is the program. Therefore varnasrama school required.

- Morning Walk "Varnasrama College"

Vrndavana 14 March 1974



One politician, minister in Calcutta, he came to see me, I was talking. "Why there is chaotic condition?" And the simple reason is there is no this catur-varnya system is lost. Practically without any brahminical culture, ksatriya culture, people remain sudras, the fourth-class man. Or fifth-class men. So unless there are first-class men, second-class men, at least third-class men, only fourth-class, fifth-class, sixth-class men, how they can conduct. That is not possible. Therefore it is enjoined that catur-varnyam maya srstam [bg. 4.13]. This division of the society must be observed.


Educational institution, there should be, but the education.... Just like in a university, they have different departments: medical department, engineering department, or biological and so many, psychological, chemical, physical.... They have so many departments. But there is no department, brahminical, kshatriyacal, or vaisya, nothing.

- Bg 4.13 LECTURE

Bombay 2 April 1974





Prabhupada: Yes.


Prof. Pater Porsch: A kind of a university also.


Prabhupada: Oh, yes. Yes.


Prof. Pater Porsch: Like Indian and allied sciences, Vedic sciences.


Prabhupada: My idea is that all our centers should be self-supported. We do not like that idea that for your support you have to go 100 miles to get your bread. That is a very dangerous drawback. You produce your food locally and then support yourself.

- Room Conversation with Professor Durckheim

German Spiritual Writer

Germany 19 June 1974



I have also received the enclosed clipping from Ottawa and the information about the property. This property must be considered by the GBC if it can be properly utilized, it is nice, for Varna-asrama College and [dairy] farm. With 100 acres for cultivation you can make much production.

- Letter to: Jagadisa

Bombay 12 November 1974



Prabhupada: Our first problem is, because we have got this material body, eating. Everyone must eat. So Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita: annad bhavanti bhutani: "If there is sufficient food grains, then both man and animal, they become happy." Therefore our first religion is to produce food grain sufficiently to feed everyone.

- Room Conversation with three Trappist Monks,

Psychologists from the University of Georgia,

and Atlanta Lawyer, Michael Green

Atlanta 1 March 1975



Prabhupada: ...It is recommended in the Bhagavad-gita, catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah [bg. 4.13]. The gunas are there. Just like naturally one is taking education just to become a politician, one is taking education how to become a high character saintly person.


That natural inclination is already there, but that is not being properly harnessed. Therefore a regular educational institution should be there where proper training of brahmana, proper training of ksatriya, vaisya, must be given. These four divisions must remain there. And the, so far the brahminical culture, that must be there. Otherwise you cannot say that you become moralist. Where is the example of moralist? A section of person must be there, fully moralist. That ideal section is now lacking. Therefore, what I have written, that?


Brahmananda: "As there are different sections of educational institutions, there must be one institution how to train up perfect brahmanas with ideal characters as above mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita. If there is a section of people of ideal character, say 5 percent, the other 95 percent, by seeing their example, will follow. In other words, a section of the society must be of ideal character. That is essential."


Prabhupada: So therefore this varnasrama college is very essential.


...So in our India, in a place like Vrndavana, Naimisaranya, like that, many people will come, if varnasrama college is established.

- Conversation with Governor

Vrndavana 20 April 1975




Justin Murphy: ...You're saying that we don't have the first class of man.


Prabhupada: So you create...By education you create.

Justin Murphy: Fine. But how...


Prabhupada: They have to be trained. Just like you have been trained up as geographer; similarly, a certain man can be trained up as first-class man by education.


Justin Murphy: But trained by others or trained by themselves?


Prabhupada: No, there must be institution.


Justin Murphy: But surely training by oneself. But training by oneself, such as for example an Albert Einstein or a Bertrand Russell...


Prabhupada: No, no, no, no, no, no. By teacher. You have become geographer not by yourself.

- Room Conversation with Justin Murphy (Geographer)

Perth 14 May 1975



So immediately to solve all the problems like this is to start an institution to train four classes of men. Begin it.

- Room Conversation with of Research of the Dept. of Social Welfare

Melbourne 21 May 1975



So these two important things took place in the Kuruksetra. So we must have a very big temple there, and a varnasrama college. This is my desire. Krsna's direct instruction, Bhagavad-gita. It should be a historical... It is historical. People should come here as the most important historical place. And Gita is well known all over the world. And Gita begins with the word dharma-ksetre kuru-ksetre [bg. 1.1]. So Kuruksetra, in that sense very important.

- Arrival Conversation

Los Angeles 20 June 1975



Krsna says, "I have made this varnasrama for the benefit of the whole human society, although I don't belong to any varna, asrama." Krsna has nothing to do, but to maintain the human society very peaceful, advancing in spiritual knowledge, this varnasrama is required. Therefore sometimes I become very eager to start a varnasrama college. We have nothing to do with varnasrama, we Krsna..., But we want to see that the whole human society is peaceful. That is our mission. Sarve sukhino bhavantu.

- SB 6.1.12 LECTURE

Los Angeles 25 June 1975



Regarding the Jayapur land, yes it is situated in an important place, a good locality although a little deserted... I also want to open the Varna Ashrama College there as there is sufficient land.

- Letter to: Tejiyas

Philadelphia 13 July 1975



There is no question of Eastern, Western. Now people are intermingling. Now I think that we shall have institution, especially in America, to train these first class, second class, third class, and the balance fourth class.

- Conversation with Clergymen

Detroit 15 June 1976



So we are stressing on the point of education. You educate certain section as brahmana, certain section as ksatriya, certain section as vaisya. In that education we don't discriminate because he's coming of a sudra family. Take education. Be qualified.

- Room Conversation

Varnasrama System Must Be Introduced

Mayapura 14 February 1977



So this Krsna consciousness movement is trying to reestablish daiva-varn asrama, where brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, everyone. Systematic. We are, therefore, proposing to start a college, varnasrama college. It is proposed... We are trying so many things, but this is also one of the programs, that the people of the world, they should be educated according to the quality and work: brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra.

- Bg 7.1 LECTURE

Bhubaneshwar 22 January 1977



Simply enforcing laws and ordinances cannot make the citizens obedient and lawful. That is impossible. Throughout the entire world there are so many states, legislative assemblies and parliaments, but still the citizens are rogues and thieves. Good citizenship, therefore, cannot be enforced; the citizens must be trained. As there are schools and colleges to train students to become chemical engineers, lawyers or specialists in many other departments of knowledge, there must be schools and colleges to train students to become brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras, brahma caris, grhasthas, vanaprasthas and sannyasis. This will provide the preliminary condition for good citizenship (varnasrama-gunan-vitah).

- SB 9.10.50 PURPORT



This is the secret of success. After being initiated and receiving the orders of the spiritual master, the disciple should unhesitatingly think about the instructions or orders of the spiritual master and should not allow himself to be disturbed by anything else. This is also the verdict of Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, who, while explaining a verse of Bhagavad-gita (vyavasayatmika buddhir ekeha kuru-nandana, Bg. 2.41), points out that the order of the spiritual master is the life substance of the disciple. The disciple should not consider whether he is going back home, back to Godhead; his first business should be to execute the order of his spiritual master. Thus a disciple should always meditate on the order of the spiritual master, and that is perfectional meditation. Not only should he meditate upon that order, but he should find out the means by which he can perfectly worship and execute it.

- SB 4.24.15 PURPORT



One should not deviate from or surpass the instructions of the spiritual master. One should not be simply intent on consulting books but should simultaneously execute the spiritual master's order (yathopadesam).

- SB 5.5.14 PURPORT



Srila Prabhupada was most enlivened to hear the report of New Govardhana Farm. His Divine Grace in the last month or so has been stressing the importance of these farm projects, and said, "This is the next aspect of Krsna consciousness which I wish to push forward. If I am able to travel again, then I shall visit the farms and make them perfect. On these farms we can demonstrate the full varnasrama system. If these farms become successful then the whole world will be enveloped by Krsna consciousness.


"From your letter I can understand how nice this farm is. I am very happy to see fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, grains, the devotees taking sumptuous prasadam and chanting Hare Krsna. This is the actual meaning of human life. It is a very good farm, from your letter I can understand. Whatever you build, get the building materials locally. If you can manufacture tiles locally, then your house problem is solved. Build up bamboo frame, and on it place tiles. In any event get everything locally. I wish to make a farm tour and then I shall surely visit your farm."


I suggested to Srila Prabhupada that he was the Farm Acarya, but Srila Prabhupada said, "Krsna is the Farm Acarya. Baladeva is holding a plow, and Krsna is holding the calf. Krsna advised Nanda Maharaja not to perform Indra puja but to worship the land, Govardhana because it was supplying all foodstuffs for the residents of Vrndavana and the cows as well." So Srila Prabhupada wants you to develop this farm very nicely as it will be the future program to present to the world as the ideal of Krsna consciousness. In the cities, we are interested for preaching but we cannot present the ideal varnasrama system, this is only possible at the farms, so they are very important.

- Letter from Tamal Krsna Goswami, Secretary to Srila Prabhupada

to Hari Sauri dasa, ISKCON Melbourne,

10 August 1977 (sent from Krsna Balarama Mandir, Vrndavana)



Abhirama dasa: "I was personally present on two occasions when Srila Prabhupada spoke about how important establishing varnasrama was to him. Both times were in the summer of 1977, in Prabhupada's room in Vrndavana, before he left to go to London. At the time, Tamala Krsna Goswami was Srila Prabhupada's personal secretary, and I his assistant. I was also Prabhupada's nurse.


"The first time, several devotees were with Srila Prabhupada. We knew that his health was getting weaker. He was talking to the devotees about his imminent departure. 'I have no lamentation,' Prabhupada said. He paused for a few seconds, and then he said, 'No, I have one lamentation.' A devotee asked, 'Because you have not finished translating the Srimad Bhagavatam?' Prabhupada replied, 'No, that I have not established varnasrama.'


"On the next occasion, some time later, I was with Srila Prabhupada in his room when he made the statement, 'Fifty percent of my work is not complete because I have not established varnasrama.'"

- Telephone Interview with Abhirama dasa,

Vrndavana, India 18 February 1996,

(Interviewer: Hare Krsna dasi)



"We are about to embark on a new phase of our movement: varnasrama."

- Prabhupada to Jagadisa dasa,

who was taking Srila Prabhupada

to the train to Allahabad (January 1977)



"I was just discussing two years [1994?] ago with Nanda Kumara dasa in Arizona. He was telling me that Prabhupada personally told him that in our lifetime, we would see the establishment of the varnasrama-dharma."

- Bhakti-tirtha Swami

(June 1996, Gita-nagari Farm)



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