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Why does Maya always trys Her level best to break my determination to serve Krishna ?

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Sooooooooooo expert at breaking me at my weakest point

my achile's heel,

my weakness exposed every time !


She's an old pro at this kind of business

and for a very long time.


I can tell you all the details(but I'll spare you)

of the umpteeth times -

she makes me a fool everytime.


When is She gonna leave me alone,

for Krishna's sake;

But I guess She's doin' Her job-

a thankless task.


Puttin' people like me in a spin,

a dizzy -

that old witch

With Her wands,tridents and all.


Pretty terrifying to know that

I'm a zombie in Her hands.


O help me Krishna ,

You alone are the one She listens to

Get Her off me Now please,

I've learned my lessons.


I don't need to be in Maya anymore,

Dear Krishna ,I'll serve you now whole-heartedly(honest)

from this very moment onwards-

no joke!

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Sri Viraha Astakam


Sri Srimad A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja


First published in 1959






Cutting through the web of illusion,

The overflowing ocean of mercy Sri Nityananda Rama

Ordained that the flood of love of God bestowed by Him

Be distributed throughout the world.

Unfortunately, those persons to whom the noble responsibility was given

To spread this divine God-consciousness

Were tragically stricken by the disease of caste-consciousness,

And in their hands

which were always busy performing formal ritualistic ceremonies

the exalted title ‘Goswami’

became merely another family surname,

And the channel of divine current became blocked.


Therefore you personally came, O beloved master Srila Prabhupada,

To demolish the dam of maya

And re-release the eager floodtide of prema-bhakti.

By your potency

The divine tidal wave of Mahaprabhu’s all-encompassing grace

Once again inundated the entire world,

Falling upon even such wretched and fallen souls as myself,

Taking the order of Sri Caitanyadeva as your very life’s breath,

You sent your dedicated servitors door to door

To deliver the whole of humankind.

Under your infallible direction the message of Godhead was preached

From the shorefronts of the ocean

To the peaks of the Himalayas.



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That's right for the simple souls who are straight

Kc is a cinch

As It Is

Mahaprabhu is a straight shooter

Gives unmotivated,unconditional mercy to all souls

regardless of how fallen one may be

He is Patita-Pavana-the saviour of the most fallen

But listen here he ain't the saviour of the most crooked.

No way Jose.


Crookedness of the heart,duplicity,double talk

2 faced forked tongue types will not,WILL NOT !!!

get Mahaprabhu's Mercy,comprende amigo?


So the solution is to be simple as a child

in approaching the Lords pure mercy

from His pure devotees

who speak pure Krishna Katha

that enter your heart simply

no fuss,no make- up no pretense

no sham ,scam or razz-a -ma -tazz.


Don't need to juggle words

or prove your self to nobody

Just accept Guru and Krishna's words in Toto

Bas !

And say," I Do."

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"Actually, in modern human society, everyone is greedy and lusty, and therefore the only means for deliverance is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's sankirtana movement, which can promote all the Jagais and Madhais to the topmost position of sattva-guna, or brahminical culture."


(purport Caitanya Caritamrta. Adi lila 8.20)



Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, is fully independent. Therefore, although it is the most confidentially stored benediction, He can distribute love of Godhead to anyone and everyone without consideration.




This is the benefit of Lord Caitanya's movement. If one somehow or other comes in contact with the Hare Krsna movement, without consideration of his being a sudra, vaisya, Jagai, Madhai or even lower, he becomes advanced in spiritual consciousness and immediately develops love of Godhead. We now have actual experience that throughout the entire world this movement is making many such persons lovers of God simply by the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. Actually, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has appeared as the spiritual master of the entire world. He does not discriminate between offenders and the innocent. Krsna-prema-pradaya te: He liberally gives love of Godhead to anyone and everyone. This can be actually experienced, as stated in the next verse.


(Caitanya Caritamrta Adi lila 8.21)


Whether he is offensive or inoffensive, anyone who even now chants sri-krsna-caitanya prabhu-nityananda is immediately overwhelmed with ecstasy, and tears fill his eyes


(Caitanya Caritamrta Adi lila 8.22)



Narottama dasa Thakura has sung, sri-krsna-caitanya prabhu daya kara more. He prays for Lord Caitanya's mercy because He is the mercy incarnation, having appeared especially to claim the fallen souls. The more fallen one is, the greater one's claim to the favor of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. One must only be very sincere and serious. Despite being contaminated by all the bad qualities of this Kali-yuga, if one surrenders unto the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Lord will surely and certainly deliver him. The best example is Jagai and Madhai. In this Age of Kali practically everyone is like Jagai and Madhai, but the sankirtana movement inaugurated by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is still flowing like a great river, inundating the entire world, and thus the International Society for Krishna Consciousness is successfully claiming all fallen souls to free them from contamination.


( Purport Caitanya Caritamrta Adi lila 16.1)




Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.39

Mayapura, October 19, 1974


Vrajendra-nandana, the Maharaja Nanda, his son, Krsna, and Balarama, so Balarama has become Nitai, and Krsna has become Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu." But... Why they have become Nitai, and Caitanya Maha...? Now, papi-tapi jata chilo: "Just to deliver all the sinful persons." So "Did He? Did They do actually so?Yes.Then where is the evidence?" Tara saksi jagai and madhai: "Here is evidence. They delivered Jagai and Madhai."


So Cai... Jagai-Madhai in those days were taken as very, very sinful, although they were born of brahmana family. But by bad association, they became thieves, rogues, gunda and drunkards, meat-eaters, woman-hunters. These are all good qualification now, very good qualification. If one is woman-hunter and drunkard and meat-eater, oh, his social position is very nice, up-to-date. Up-to-date. This is modern civilization. But formerly, especially a gentleman -- gentleman means born of high caste: brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya -- if they would be woman-hunter, drunkards, meat-eaters, immediately they'll be rejected from the position. Immediately. That was Hindu society. No gentleman could... Still now, in some provinces, the high caste men, brahmana, ksatriyas, they'll never take, touch these things. This is sinful. So Jagai-Madhai, they were zamindars, very rich men, and brahmana. But because they were addicted to these habits, they were taken as the most sinful. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu delivered them: papi-tapi jata chilo, hari-name uddharilo.


So the same principle is being followed at the present moment. And by the grace of Krsna and Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the result is also same, because Jagai-Madhai was delivered by Them. By the same Hare Krsna maha-mantra, thousands of Jagai-Madhai are coming to be purified. The process is the same. This is called parampara system. If we follow the parampara system strictly, then the effect will be the same. As it was five thousand years ago, five hundred years ago, the same effect will be now also.

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O unlimited Lord,

kindly bless me

so that I may associate with great devotees

who engage in Your transcendental loving service constantly,

as the waves of a river constantly flow.

Such transcendental devotees are completely situated in an uncontaminated state of life.


By the process of devotional service

I shall surely be able to cross the nescient ocean

of material existence,

which is filled with the waves of blazing, firelike dangers.

It will be very easy for me, for I am becoming mad to hear about Your transcendental qualities and pastimes, which are eternally existent.


(Dhruva Maharaja SB 4.9.11)

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So the same principle is being followed at the present moment. And by the grace of Krsna and Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the result is also same, because Jagai-Madhai was delivered by Them. By the same Hare Krsna maha-mantra, thousands of Jagai-Madhai are coming to be purified. The process is the same. This is called parampara system. If we follow the parampara system strictly, then the effect will be the same. As it was five thousand years ago, five hundred years ago, the same effect will be now also.



The effect of taking up the bhakti -yoga process is

chanting,praying and

reading Bhagavat.


associating with the person Bhagavat,

taking instructions from the person Bhgavat and

making those instructions your life and soul.



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Dear Lord, this human form of body

is meant for attaining the highest perfectional objective, but, impelled by Your external energy,

the living entity misidentifies himself

with his body and with the material energy,

and therefore,

influenced by maya,

wants to become happy by material enjoyment.

He is misled and always attracted by temporary,

illusory happiness.


But Your transcendental activities are so powerful

that if one engages in the hearing and chanting

of such topics,

he can be delivered from illusion.


(The Vidyadharas SB 4.7.44)

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You are in Maya because Lord wants you in Maya.

Lord enjoys you in Maya. That you are suffering while the Lord is enjoying is being your own illusion Avidya.

This is the problems, avidya not Maya.

Maya is Mother. Lakshmi is Maya. Sita is Maya.

Rukmini is Maya. Compassion is Maya.


You cannot understand? and yet you are trying to banish?

First understand. That is antidote for illusion.

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Maya is Mother. Lakshmi is Maya. Sita is Maya.

Rukmini is Maya. Compassion is Maya.




Well that sounds like Mayavadi to me.


Durga control modes of nature so she is called Maya-devi, Lakshmi/Rukmini/Sita are Never under Maya, in fact Durga is an expansion of Laksmi.

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"One can execute the process of bhakti-yoga successfully with full-hearted enthusiasm, perseverance, and determination, by following the prescribed duties in the association of devotees and by engaging completely in activities of goodness." (Upadesamrta 3)



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As for determination, one should follow the example of the sparrow who lost her eggs in the waves of the ocean. A sparrow laid her eggs on the shore of the ocean, but the big ocean carried away the eggs on its waves. The sparrow became very upset and asked the ocean to return her eggs. The ocean did not even consider her appeal. So the sparrow decided to dry up the ocean. She began to pick out the water in her small beak, and everyone laughed at her for her impossible determination. The news of her activity spread, and at last Garuda, the gigantic bird carrier of Lord Visnu, heard it. He became compassionate toward his small sister bird, and so he came to see the sparrow. Garuda was very pleased by the determination of the small sparrow, and he promised to help. Thus Garuda at once asked the ocean to return her eggs lest he himself take up the work of the sparrow. The ocean was frightened at this, and returned the eggs. Thus the sparrow became happy by the grace of Garuda.


> Bg 6.24

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Like water droplets from a lotus petal

The cares and difficulties of the material world

Slide from the mind that is absorbed in You.


Oh Krishna, O Venkateshwara, You are real

Everything else may be real or not real

But it has nothing to do with me.


Let others debate, I will chase You

To the end of my life, till I catch You

And bind You with the ropes of my love, Sauri!

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