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ISKCON and the "New World Order"

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A devotee asked me


Globalists or the new world order are seemingly interested to take over global institutions and use it for some hidden purpose. Is there any hint that ISKCON is a target or already changing its original purity into something like a tool for the globalists?


My reply


The phrase "new world order" originally was used to differentiate between secularist versus theocratic control over europe, i.e the rosicrucian/freemason enlightenment versus the theo centric rulers of europe tied to the vatican.


Their goal were to eliminate the thought control that kept learning and reason "heresy" to the vatican european power structure intent on keeping power through fear of excommunication or the associated concepts of fear based intimidation and or violence [physical, economic or social].


This group of freemason/rosicrucian aristocrats and intelligentsia had as their goal the change of the status quo from a biblical based vatican controlled world order to a "new world order" based on rational thought, science and natural philosophy.


The protestant reformation, the american revolution, the french revolution, napolean and other major status quo changing events had as their planners and instigators this freemason/rosicrucian aristocracy as the conspirators.


Well they succeeded in creating the new world order during the 19th century, what we have today is the metastasizing effect of that economic and political system that was set up during the 19th century as it evolved to it's present state.


The central bank system was created to control the worlds economies through control over the creation of currency by private banks posing as psuedo state owned banks. [federal reserve is a privately held corporation, it was called federal in order to conceal this fact to the general public, it is as federal or state owned as federal express]


So the new world order is really old hat today, it has evolved from a very esoteric based society of occult elite european aristocrats into a dynastic family based system of economic power with very little to no connection to it's occultist roots in rosicrucian hermeticism.






Today there is no singel cabal of power within that milieu as there was during the 19th century during the Victorian period when British power was synonomous with British freemasonry and american power was synonomous with american freemasonry, in catholic countries the freemason elites were not as fully capable of absolute control due to the long entrenched vatican power structure, but these two long time opponents gradually became partners for economic purposes.


In the 20th century and especially in the last 50 years we have seen the rise of a crime based underworld which has added an important dimension to current situations, this includes the rise of the Triads/China/Taiwan, the Yakuza/Japan inc, The American syndicate/Mafia, The Sicilians, The Corsicans, The Columbians, Russian Mob/Russia, and the many central asian crime groups as well as many other less known secretive groups.


So there is much competition and interaction between banking/industrialist dynastic families, royalty of all nations and secretive criminal organizations for wealth and power, they utilize the fascist globalist system to get the worlds various official governments to bend to their will by either putting in puppets as rulers and officials, or bribery, or violence.


Iskcon is out of the loop, they are only of interest if they influence the plans of the global predators in one way or another e.g. family members of elites become devotees or government officials become devotees and let Iskcon dictate policy.


An organization like Iskcon is kept tabs on, no doubt due to it's many Indian supporters in industry and government in India and around the world.


Iskcon is a faith based or scriptural based ideology and really it's influence is not really the institution of Iskcon itself but really in the allegiance that people in positions of power give to the ideology Iskcon represents or to individuals within or outside of Iskcon who stand for the same ideology, so in that sense because Iskcon represents an ideology of a kind of Hindutva, it cannot be influenced to change it's ideology and at the same time retain it's influence over those who give it deference due to it's Vedic pro Hindu Dharma stance.


So in reality Iskcon gains its influence through ideas, the ideas come from Prabhupadas books and the related Dharma tradition, if Iskcon leaders were to be influenced by an outsider to meddle in influential peoples lives in the interests of some global predator that would be hard to spot and prove as these things are done in private.




He replied


Thanks for this detailed interesting analysis!

How do we have to judge recent reports from Moscow? Around last November Russian devotees were afraid to loose their rented temple appartement and have to be without a temple for some time. Suddenly Ambarisha came up to pay for a huge indian style temple construction. Latest thing is the Major of Moscow donated a big area of land just 5 min from The Creml, most expensive area of Moscow. Hundreds of other non-profit groups protested for supporting the Hare Krishna movement without relating to other non-profit groups. Are there "international bankers" involved to finance and at the same time take the Russian Iskcon over? Putins relatives from the West coast? Are there too many people in Russia interested in KC so that the global controllers are getting worried to loose control and try to take it over by investing quite some amounts of financial support? And at the end spoil Russias "young" KC by Trojans like they did when you visit the empty temples in North US?

Read this interesting diplomatic announcement by

Russia's chief rabbi, Adolf Shayevich, were he suggested the Russian office of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness build its temple on the Chukotka or Yamal Peninsula instead of in Moscow, Interfax reported Friday. Doesnt he very clevery tries to support the temple construction by posting his worries in public? Remember, Rabbis are the most intelligent diplomats! The rabbi called the movement mercantile and not normal and at odds with the Russian tradition. He said he was concerned the society was making Russians forget their roots and the country's religion.


My reply


The latest news is not good, seems the officials are buckling under pressure from other religious groups.






In Russia like many other places ISKCON is tolerated due to it's Indian congregation, Indians with important positions support ISKCON thereby making ISKCON not just some cult as the mass of ordinary people and other religious groups try and portray ISKCON as, So when Indians with a high position support ISKCON these governments do not want to offend these Indians, it's not that they would tolerate ISKCON otherwise.


We see the government officials at the highest levels in India supporting ISKCON, the ambassadors of other countries are not blind to this, so they make this known to their leaders, so ISKCON is afforded much more leeway then they would recieve if the Indian government officials and wealthy diasporis as well did not support them and frequent their temples.


It's all about respecting the Indian leadership and their religious connections.


Also there are important people within various countries who may have some connection to ISKCON as well, or even family members of important people, so it's not really that countries are trying to infiltrate or take over ISKCON that gives them leeway, it is the people in ISKCON and who support ISKCON that have connections to government leadership at some level or another.

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quite a few senior devotees I talked to expressed an opinion that after SP departure from this world ISKCON was "sabotaged from within" by NWO implants (people placed there when SP was still with us, and his Movement was at the peak of it's power). Perhaps NWO asuras grew afraid of the strength of Krishna Consciousness Movement (they always oppose pure religion) and arranged it's demise. Some say a few of these implants are still in place.

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Well, I'd take that with a grain of salt. But I don't doubt it either.


They are trying to control everything and everyone. And I suspect - rather I know - they have trolls on various chat boards creating dessention.


Never mind they want to arrest some many other (groups) for the same thing.


Hey if you can convince people that HMOs are not insurance, there are alot of possibilities in rhetoric…" Just hear the official version".

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I don't buy into that theory, ISKCON is not a concern as an entity that is seen as a threat to any globalist predator, they certainly would have no reason to mess with ISKCON in a negative way, rather if anything they would support ISKCON and try to use it's influence to implement whatever influence they want over those ISKCON might influence, they would want to make ISKCON more stable and influential not less, then ISKCON would be of value otherwise it's not really a threat to any globalist predator, only when influential people take their marching papers from ISKCON and those orders threaten some financial or political scheme in motion or a family members involvement threatens someone would they care about what ISKCON is doing, they certainly wouldn't want to harm ISKCON rather they would attempt to infiltrate and build up it's influence, like say have some rich person become chummy with a leader and use influence that way, not for ISKCON related projects but for the contacts ISKCON has in the political or private sector.


For instance the CIA uses Christian missions as fronts around the world, they wouldn't have any use for ISKCON unless ISKCON had influence, ISKCON is no threat in and of itself, and any threat their influence poses would continue whether or not ISKCON continues, it is the devotees who influence important people, that is what they would be interested in and who could pose a threat, not ISKCON itself.


So harming ISKCON has no value to anyone except maybe other competitive religions, a corporate or criminal conspirator would see an advantage in a strong prosperous ISKCON, they could becomes close friends with some devotee they would want to influence, the devotee having influence over some other important person due to a pastoral relationship could affect some financial or political agenda.

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it is very, very likely that CIA used ISKCON as well (specifically in the old Soviet satellite countries - I had a direct statement that effect from a high level counter-intelligence officer in Poland). maybe they still do.


at one time ISKCON had a tremendous social momentum. I do not doubt that many asuras were getting anxious about it. they have their dirty fingers in everything, down to the local (county) level here in US, why not in ISKCON? food for thought...

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But brains?


Maybe I'll be that little dog that pulls back the curtain on the great WIZARD(S) of OZ.


I say ISKCON and KC are the only people that have the KNOWLEDGE to expose these big pretenders and offer shelter to the world's problems. That should be obvious to people "in the know" …ESPECIALLY the other side.


Are you suggesting the government dogs are too stupid to know they can't confront these ideas? They deal with threats all over the world, but can't recognize their biggest obstacle?


Well, I give them more credit than that.

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I say ISKCON and KC are the only people that have the KNOWLEDGE to expose these big pretenders and offer shelter to the world's problems. That should be obvious to people "in the know" …ESPECIALLY the other side.



They have been exposed by countless historians and writers, here are a few books you may want to check out.


partners in power


the money and the power


gold warriors


gold japan cia


japans royalty


triads and whatnot


china's real royal family


china, triads, cia


philippines,gold and the cia.


wall street cabal finances nazis


the same wall street cabal financed the soviet union


the order


the order is the wall street cabal and soviets/nazis


the order and the history of america's education system


nazis won the war


all kinds of info



Are you suggesting the government dogs are too stupid to know they can't confront these ideas? They deal with threats all over the world, but can't recognize their biggest obstacle?



They dont' see it that way, devotees are just another religious group.


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"They have been exposed by countless historians and writers, …"


True. But they haven't been able to offer better solutions, have they? I mean who ultimately has to resolve the issues? The people that cause the problems? How do you get by that? I mean just trying to get the powers that be to listen to you is a joke. Even common-sense reform like HMO stuff is impossible through their system they control. Some democracy.


I actually had some kinda spy say that to me on the street. He had on plain clothes (dressed a little preppy casual), drove a PG&E truck… first asked me if I wanted to go to a meeting (some kinda' militant group)… and then said 'we' own the government; courts… everything. He was bragging about it like some mafioso. (He was suggesting they had me tied up). (There have been many more "instances" and I live in a kind of paranoia. If I wasn't just about fearless (not stupid), it would drive me insane. I am tasting the future… if they are not stopped).


So Prabhupada didn't use their system. And it's smart to disregard them. Prabhupada has not stopped preaching! Prabhupada cuts thru all the layers.


Thanks for the links.


"They dont' see it that way, devotees are just another religious group"


The government has been watching this for a long time. And they have tried and are trying to stop it. One of their best weapons is to SOMEHOW disgrace me.


I've seen what's going on behind the scenes on the street. It is later than it seems.


I really don't care what they think. I have respect for their power and influence. But they haven't got a chance… change is coming.


They can exploit people's ignorance from their ivory towers. That's all they can do. Won't happen when people know a little something.


(Windows is meant to do for ISKCON what they can't do for themselves… fulfill their mission of a spiritual revolution. But I really feel like someone crying for the moon.)


I know how important Windows is. But no one believes me.

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paranoia, nothing more. You are deluded. Nobody's out to get you or iskcon. Live and let live. Let other ppl practice their religions in peace, dont bother them with your religion and then perhaps, they won't hurt iskcon anymore. The fault lies with us.

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Thanks, I needed that. Everything's alright now.


I'll just ignore all the innumerable examples and "lie down" and count my blessings and fall asleep.


Have you heard the word Iraq lately? "Hush, hush now; just go to sleep."


Seriously, I know you don't what you're talking about 'cause I'm out to get people… and it may be YOU!


…Yeap, going back to policy of not reading or replying to so-called guest(s)… and other pretenders.

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I've been trying to warn you guys for a long time. It is a game of doubt and dissention. The sincerity is hard to find.


I consider how the political and marketing rhetoric is perfected. It's based on alot of "science" as well as opportunity I'm sure. I mean the big PhD's and assorted scientists are testing to see what works on people. They're happy doing that. But I don't think they show any responsibility for the knowledge they reveal. They just hand it to rich miserly types on a silver platter. In other words, that power is abused.


I think they've studied language the most. I think they abuse language the most.


Surely Priitta disappeared for these reasons. I noticed she left right after I warned her. You guys probably all know that it was me that chased her off. But I'm thinking different. (She and Gaurachandra may have more sense than us).


These guys have a hard time with us because we know more than they do. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


Hey, why aren't you wearing an avatar by the way?

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You suggesting if you shrink it you loose detail?


I'd like to help if I can.


I'll suggest taking the text out and leave the graphics. Then it will shrink down nicely. Even the inside triangles will shrink down nicely without the text. (But you may want the text).


Or just find something more suitable.


What is that symbol?

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OK, enough digression for one day, stick to the topic, ladies, gentlemen and others. As to ppl who wonder why I post as guest, it is because I want to post them fast. You see, I am such an eager devotee that I want to post messages fast and learn. Thats the only reason-sincerity and eagerness. And it isn't because I want to be just another anonymous guest, annoying other ppl. I am not like that at all, so stop saying nasty things about me. I am a very sincere guy that wants to learn and associate with like-minded ppl.

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