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Philosophical speculation vs, mental speculation

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...As for the difference between mental speculation and philosophical speculation, we take it that everything is known by the psychological action of the mind, so that philosophical speculation is the same as mental speculation if it is merely the random or haphazard activity of the brain to understand everything and making theories, "if's" and "maybe's." But if philosophical speculation is directed by Sastra and Guru, and if the goal of such philosophical attempts is to achieve Visnu, then that philosophical speculation is not mental speculation. It is just like this: Krishna says in Bhagavad-gita that "I am the taste of water." Philosophical speculation in the accepted sense then means to try to understand, under the direction of Sastra and Guru, just how Krishna is the taste of water. The points of Bhagavad-gita, though they are simple and complete, can be understood from unlimited angles of vision. So our philosophy is not dry, like mental speculation. The proper function of the brain or psychological activity is to understand everything through Krishna's perspective or point-of-view, and so there is no limit to that understanding because Krishna is unlimited, and even though it can be said that the devotee who knows Krishna, he knows everything (15th Chapter), still, the philosophical process never stops and the devotee continues to increase his knowledge even though he knows everything. Try to understand this point, it is a very good question....


letter to Chaturbhus 72-01-21

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But it has to be advantageous, beneficial.



Trying to understand Krsna is always both advantageous and benefical.



And you have to be qualified to deal with the subject.



And what are our qualifications? The best I can hope for is to become more interested and a little humble and receptive.


Please reread the excerpt from the letter.


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It is just like this: Krishna says in Bhagavad-gita that "I am the taste of water." Philosophical speculation in the accepted sense then means to try to understand, under the direction of Sastra and Guru, just how Krishna is the taste of water. The points of Bhagavad-gita, though they are simple and complete, can be understood from unlimited angles of vision. So our philosophy is not dry, like mental speculation.



So someone may hear in class that Krsna is the taste in water. But what does that mean? Should I be expected to just accept the words without trying to understand HOW Krsna is the taste in water?


If I just memorize it and quote it without even understanding it is that being in the parampara?


Quoted it just like in the Gita. Didn't change a word so I must be properly in line with the previous acaryas, right?


No. The previous acarya's had realization of the meaning. If you don't realize then you must question further.


I am not suggesting that we all go sit with our minds and make up what ever we like. I mean in accordance with Guru and Shastra.


To not allow people to question futher to get realizations is to strip the parampara of its essence. We will then be left with the external form only.


Shaved heads, dhotis and kurtas but no realization does not a parampara make.

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At first I didn't feel like responding. But here I go…


"Trying to understand Krsna is always both advantageous and benefical."


I disagree. Some people's "understanding" of God is some kind of sadistic being because of the problem of evil in the world. A natural reation to speculation… without enough information.


"And what are our qualifications? The best I can hope for is to become more interested and a little humble and receptive."


Hope. Does that supercede action? You have free will. You have the power in your hands. But you have to DO SOMETHING! Qualify yourself!


What to do to get there? It depends on you. What YOU DO with your knowledge.


Why are all these "experienced" devotees speculating on what to do? And what is being done? Still trying to figure it out? Do you speculate your way to humility and reception?


What is reception? SERVICE


(One of our first disputes was between the "love vs. service" aspect of spiritual life).


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But there are other viewpoints… and circumstance.


Many people can talk to you endlessly that you are not the body or any other aspect of spiritual science… including you and I. But are we effective communicators? Do we even know… what we're talking about?


Prabhupada on the other hand could say it once… and you'd understand. There is no substitute for the qualified guru!


Be careful who you accept as authority. Just being receptive to messages has it's effect!


That's why I previously expressed sympathy for the board moderators who really have to sift through the garbage.

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Why does KRSNA say He is the taste of water?


I was just satisfied, Srila Prabhupada says the taste of pure water is that taste of KRSNA, LIKE i.e Ganga jal, the water of the Ganges has a distict taste, you can feel the purity in it..


The level must be there though, water from the Yamuna, must be different, the tastes must be unlimited, because PRABHUPADA said KRSNA is unlimited,


Skys the limit!

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But there are other viewpoints… and circumstance.



Yes, that's the point unlimited angles of vision. We are eternal students. Q and A on Krsna consciousness is an eternal occupation



Many people can talk to you endlessly that you are not the body or any other aspect of spiritual science… including you and I. But are we effective communicators? Do we even know… what we're talking about?



That is my point. If we find ourselves lacking then we must continue the process of inquiry, and that can be done from unlimited angles.



Prabhupada on the other hand could say it once… and you'd understand. There is no substitute for the qualified guru!



That I already said quoting Prabhupada's writing of it. And yes you could understand it at once but who has? So often we repeat Prabhupada's words but still we carry a misunderstanding to his meaning. Therefore one should continue to question, not challenge in an arrogant way, but express your doubts for rectification and clearing.


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I didn't even read the last paragraph or two.


But I can't advise you better than you can. You're right. You know what is best for you. (And that can differ for me).


So everyone trying to agree "totally" on the same standards is wrong… because there are four divisions of society along with their respective inerests and standards. It's how they want to relate to Krsna - or not - and everything around them.


(Most people refuse to read the signs. Not so good at it myself.)


But I think you're headed for trouble… following speculations of literal scriptures or not. I could be wrong.

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