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UFO's over Iran

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I saw a film someone there had made of this event. It is very clear it is a round craft. I am hoping for a complete invasion as an intervention to set the Earth back on some sane track.


ps They are grey not green






UFO fever grips Iran. 29/04/2004. ABC News Online


[This is the print version of story http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/s1097950.htm]



Last Update: Thursday, April 29, 2004. 6:35pm (AEST)

UFO fever grips Iran

Is Iran about to be invaded by little green men or are the Americans racing through the night sky in spaceships to spy on the Islamic Republic?


Flying saucer fever has gripped Iran after dozens of sightings in the past few days.


Fanciful cartoons of alien spacecraft have adorned the front pages of local newspapers.


State television has shown a sparkling white disc it says was filmed over Tehran on Tuesday night.


More colourful Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) have been spotted beaming out green, red, blue and purple rays over the northern cities of Tabriz and Ardebil and in the Caspian Sea province of Golestan.


Newspapers and agencies reported people rushing out into the streets in eight towns on Tuesday night to watch a bright extraterrestrial light dipping in and out of the clouds.




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Any abductions?


I think they are American UFO's but how did they get past the Radar, in these different countries? What if a plane flew into Iran? It would be blown to pieces.


I think this is propaganda. So Nasa can fund there Raskal space programme, so the general mass wonder about little green men, how dumb?



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Hare Krsna


I heard they are demi-gods spacecraft, but why would they come here?


Could they be spacecraft from an advanced civilisation like ours, who have advanced that little bit more?


We are always trying to go to the Moon etc; maybe other planets can achieve space travel, as a 'sense gratification'.


Either way, they are shy about who they are. Anyway what are they actaully doing for us, except fooling us into talking about 'them' instead of KRSNA..

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"... the enemy sees an American recon plane, they start shooting. They see a flying saucer from another galaxy... they hesitate." -- Jack Schaffer, X-Files, Season 3, Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'


you would be surprised at the level of deception asuras can employ in their devious schemes... that is as true now as it was in Vedic times.



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run rampent. Some say they have always been here. One abductee said she asked them that and all they replied was "We recycle souls" Everything is under conscious control.


Some say it was they who first seeded the Earth. There is also the idea that they are presently engaged in aranging a hybrid race(part alien part human)for life on a newer planet that they are working on. That would make them servants of the prajapatis.


There are others that say they are from different planets some trying to conquer the Earth others protecting us.


Others say it is all just military propaganda to make us look the other way as they develop high tech weapons and aircraft. The idea of the Mullahs of Iran in cohots with our Pentagon is hard to accept. plus their sightings all through history.


I've seen many myself so I know something is up.


Look up^

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They could be from another planet, but cannot communicate with us, through speech, but through some other means?


What about this world has gates of some kind, the whorls of a flower, the Earth is shaped, something like that, so they are coming here pretty easy, don't ask me how, Srimad Bhagavatam has all the answers !

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apparently they communicate through thought transference. Why would they want to talk to us anyway? We are something like farm animals to them from a technological viewpoint.


"C'mon, come here little human...we just want to check you out for bad genes"


"We are your neighbors, your teachers,your policemen... we are already here among you."

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But not your web site. I tried it and there was nothing there. Just put it up bro.


Funny, some refer to these guys as the Watchers. They are watching those who are watching us. Layer upon layer, many think they are the ultimate layer but we know that post is occupied by Supersoul, the Supreme Witness.

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