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When a person receives the seed of devotional service

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mali hana kare sei bija aropana

sravana-kirtana-jale karaye secana


mali hana-becoming a gardener; kare-does; sei-that; bija-seed of devotional service; aropana-sowing; sravana-of hearing; kirtana-of chanting; jale-with the water; karaye-does; secana-sprinkling.



When a person receives the seed of devotional service, he should take care of it by becoming a gardener and sowing the seed in his heart. If he waters the seed gradually by the process of sravana and kirtana [hearing and chanting], the seed will begin to sprout.

(Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructs Rupa Gosvami)

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How does a person recieve the seed of devotional service?


I have heard by listening to Harinama the seed is planted, is this true?

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"How does a person recieve the seed of devotional service?"


A moment in the personal association of a living pure devotee who is fully engaged in devotional service.

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Soil refers to our heart. Hard soil, no water =no sprout.


Soil receives the seed. We are to make ourselves receptive to the transcendental sound from the purified devotee.


Is that always what is meant? I don't know.


Great question though. Other's will help us understand it.


Hare Krsna

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You get the seed from someone else, not from within yourself.


Getting the seed means "receiving something you don't have". So it means getting something from outside of yourself. Usually you get the seed of devotion from a Vaishnava. Sometimes directly from the Lord. But then, even if you get it from a Vaishnava I guess the Lord is in the background arranging this, so it also can be considered a gift from the Lord.


A soul such as Sukadeva, who was a brahman-realized mayavadi, and the four kumara brothers (sanat, sanaka etc) who were also brahman-realized mayavadis, they can also get the inspriration to feel the mood of bhakti, but a soul must be receptive to the idea that Bhagavan-Paramatma is the worshipable Deity within the rays of Brahman, and then move forward towards Vasudeva realization, emerging from the hell-hole of impersonalism.



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Govindaram asked this:

I have heard by listening to Harinama the seed is planted, is this true?




Say for example the Pure Devotee is chanting the name of Krsna publically in a park. Someone walks by hearing the name. Obviously the devotee is chanting the pure name. Is that bhakti-lata-bija that he is ditributing? What effects could one expect?




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My understanding is that the Grace is even more wide spreading than that. There are stories of how a bird flew over a pond in Jagannatha Puri, and fell in the pond and drowned, and came out of the pond as a four arm devotee of Vishnu.


The sound of Hari kirtan vibrates and moves even the trees, even the grass, and they get the seed for devotional service. So great is the grace, the Mercy.



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The bhakti-lata-bija is the origin of devotional service. Unless one satisfies the spiritual master, he gets the bija, or root cause, of karma, jnana and yoga without the benefit of devotional service. But one who is faithful to his spiritual master gets the bhakti-lata-bija.



looks like the bija alright, but its up to us to look after it.

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