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Lord Krishna is a big Theif!

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sa jagarti tasyah parivara-cetas-

tate 'nuksanam ramya-lila-sametah

athapy asta-yamikya-musyah saparya

yatha-kalam acaryate tena varya


He who keeps a vigil for eight nights, remaining awake and at every moment meditating on the divine couple's transcendental pastimes, at the proper time will attain the object of his worship.



This is from Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti's


Sri Radhika-dhyanamrta


Do you think anyone has ever tried this?



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---> He who keeps a vigil for eight nights, remaining awake and at every moment meditating on the divine couple's transcendental pastimes, at the proper time will attain the object of his worship.


This is for Radha-Krishna worshippers who want a place in Their nikunja....


Remember.... The Gaudiya Tulasi Kirtan


mor mone ei abhilasha vilasa kunje diyo baash

radha-krishna seva diye koro nija dasi


Given the condition of my heart, I will not be able to do justice to the translation....

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I was thinking about all my options. I said to Krishna, how can I get you? I looked to all the people who had found their way to Him in the past. The gopis performed Katyaayani vrat. I do not have the heart to do that, because from my experience if you make some mistake in a vrat to the Goddess it will have the opposite effect. Krishna's wives were rescued by Him from Narakasura. That does not help me.


I came across this quote thinking this might be the answer, but in truth I can only worship Krishna and Krishna alone. I only want Him.


So I wretchedly wait for Him to respond to my letters and my poems and my prayers.


As Rukmini waited patiently for the answer to Her letter, so I wait impatiently for His reply.

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I'll tell you another secret.


I pray to all the wifes of Sri Krishna to help me get Krishna. I somehow know they are not jealous. Like if I ever get to be Krishna's wife and He loves me very much....then I come to know that some other girl also loves Krishna more then her life but Krishna does not know about her. This first thing I would do is to place Krishna's hand on my head and take a promise from Him to marry that girl and love her as much as He loves me. I know (I don't know how, but I know) all the wifes of Sri Krishna are like that. That is why I sometimes cry to them also.


Also I have another secret incarnation of Rukmini and Satyabhama to whom I feel very close. I cannot disclose it here, but I pray to them. I first pray that they be happy with their husband Sri Hari first and then they should kindly also plan to get me married to Krishna....

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If you have secrets to tell re Krishnapriya you can tell me, sister.


I don't have any secrets to give in return, at least I don't think so. But I can send some of my more confidential poems if I can find suitable ones to show.


Do you want my email address?



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I have read that Sridevi and Bhudevi as best friends and co-wives sometimes corner their husband. When Sri devi begins to talk to Him about His pleading devotees, he turns to the left, but Bhu devi is standing there with the same expression on Her face, and He cannot say no to them.




Even you don't have to tell your secret, don't worry /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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You know I like Varaha avatara also because Krishna went to low places to save Bhumi.


vasati dasana-sikhare dharani tava lagna

sasini kalanka-kaleva nimagna

keshava dhrta-sukara-rupa jaya jagadisa hare


O Keshava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of a boar! All glories to You! The earth, which had become merged in the Garbhodaka Ocean at the bottom of the universe, sits fixed upon the tip of Your tusk like a spot upon the moon.


---Jayadeva Dasavatara stuti

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tvak-shmashru-roma-nakha-kesha-pinaddham antar


jiivac-chavam bhajati kaanta-matir vimuudhaa

yaa te padaabja-makarandam ajighratii strii


A woman who fails to relish the fragrance of the honey of Your lotus feet becomes totally befooled, and thus she accepts as her husband or lover a living corpse covered with skin, whiskers, nails, head-hair and body-hair and filled with flesh, bones, blood, parasites, feces, mucus, bile and air.


Prabhupad's Purport:

Here Lord Krishna's chaste wife makes a quite unequivocal statement about material sense gratification based on the physical body. Shrila Vishvanaatha Cakravarti comments as follows on this verse: On the authority of the statement sa vai patih syaad akuto-bhayah svayam — "He indeed should become one's husband who can remove all fear" —Shri Krishna is the real husband for all women at all times. Thus a woman who worships someone else as her husband simply worships a dead body.


Shrila Vishvanaatha Cakravarti comments further: Rukmini thus considered that although the sweetness of Lord Krishna's lotus feet is well known, and although He possesses an eternal body full of knowledge and bliss, foolish women reject Him. An ordinary husband's body is covered on the outside by skin and hair; otherwise, being filled with blood, feces, flesh, bile and so on, it would be overwhelmed with flies and other vermin attracted by its bad smell and other offensive qualities.


Those who have no practical experience of the beauty and purity of Krishna or of Krishnaa consciousness may be confused by such uncompromising denunciations of material, bodily gratification. But those who are enlightened in Krishna consciousness will be enlivened and enthused by such absolutely truthful statements.

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Cupid, however, was himself captivated by the grave and exciting dealings of the goddesses of fortune, and he voluntarily gave up his bow and arrow in a spirit of frustration. Such was the beauty and attraction of the queens of Lord Krishna. Yet they could not disturb the transcendental senses of the Lord. This is because the Lord is all-perfect atmarama, or self-sufficient. He does not require anyone's extraneous help for His personal satisfaction. Therefore, the queens could not satisfy the Lord by their feminine attractiveness, but they satisfied Him by their sincere affection and service. Only by unalloyed transcendental loving service could they satisfy the Lord, and the Lord was pleased to treat them as wives in reciprocation. Thus being satisfied by their unalloyed service only, the Lord reciprocated the service just like a devout husband. Otherwise He had no business becoming the husband of so many wives. He is the husband of everyone, but to one who accepts Him as such, He reciprocates. This unalloyed affection for the Lord is never to be compared to mundane lust. It is purely transcendental. And the grave dealings, which the queens displayed in natural feminine ways, were also transcendental because the feelings were expressed out of transcendental ecstasy. It is already explained in the previous verse that the Lord appeared like a mundane husband, but factually His relation with His wives was transcendental, pure and unconditioned by the modes of material nature.

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yadyapy asau paarshva-gato raho-gatas

tathaapi tasyaanghri-yugam navam navam

pade pade kaa virameta tat-padaac

calaapi yac chriir na jahaati karhicit


Although Lord Sri Krishna was constantly by their sides, as well as exclusively alone, His feet appeared to them to be newer and newer. The goddess of fortune, although by nature always restless and moving, could not quit the Lord's feet. So what woman can be detached from those feet, having once taken shelter of them?



According to Brahma-samhitaa, the Lord is served very respectfully by hundreds and thousands of goddesses of fortune. They are always in a lonely place also with the Lord. But still the association of the Lord is so inspiringly newer and newer that they cannot quit the Lord for a moment, even though they are by nature very restless and are moving about. The spiritual relation with the Lord is so enlivening and resourceful that no one can leave the company of the Lord, once having taken shelter of Him.





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Gee Vanamali,


I went through a scan of your posts. You are a much more advanced Vaishnava than I thought previously. I humbly bow down before your greater depth of devotion. Kindly forgive any offences!!!


I gotta see Dr. Prema Panduranga. I am very certain now that I want to talk to her. And the "Dr." in front of her name gives me an assurance of an understanding nature.


-The same wretched

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Arre sakhi!


I was afraid you would scan my previous posts and learn what a nasty, argumentative person I am. Now you're telling me it's made you think I am an advanced Vaishnava. I am not, I assure you. If I were so advanced, this Krishna would not have me so bewildered, and every word and idea suggesting that He might not care for me would not put a doubt in my heart.


You, on the other hand, know the answers to all the important questions in my heart. You are certainly many many lifetimes my elder, devi. Please excuse anything in my past posts that might be offensive to you. Thank you for understanding.


Much Love


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He sakhi!


You know something? I think you must have prayed on my behalf, or at least had some good thoughts about me, because Sri Krishna did appear in my dreams last night (kind of).


In my dream I was reading from a book, and it said, "Krishna likes to be called Gopala, but if you call Him Govinda, He will not be able to reisist you, and he wil come to you in His cowherd form holding the flute."


That was a very interesting dream, unlike any I have had before. Hmmm... perhaps I should stop calling Him "my Venu Gopala" as I am accustomed, and call Him Govinda. Who knows? Maybe it will work /images/graemlins/wink.gif




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Dear Prabhuji,


If I were to clean my puja place with as much sincerity as I wash my car, I would not have felt this bad with the shower of praises.


I must be careful, because praise and compliment bolster the subtle ego into the seventh heaven.


In my humble opinion, there is a great advantage to those who possess a woman's body even as a sadhak. That is why your poems seem to be more potent, as Andal's and as Meera's. I, however, do not have that advantage. Ramakrishna Paramahansa, once lamented, for being born in a man's body. Kindly do not think that I am trying to flatter you by comparing you to Andal and Meera in front of the world. Form is very important to me and the association of this particular sentiment to a sadhak is more natural when that sadhak possesses the form of a woman.


I read one poem you had dedicated to Radharani. I was wondering that a person so attached to Krishna could be so uncomplicated. I must confess that I have been feeling extremely jealous of Radha all these years. For Her I would not get my Krishna. I felt as if a fortress of philosophy had been built to prevent others, especially a jiva, to get close to Krishna. Why was my access to Krishna mediated by a ten level secretariat? Why must I be subjected to a vicarious enjoyment of this most coveted of sentiments towards God? My Lord only knows, how many books I had to dig night after night sleepless only in the hope of finding even a peephole to Govinda. This was not my only anxiety. Was I trying to separate Radha from Krishna and thus becoming a source of pain to Him.... Ceasing to exist would be better than this. On top of that, a constant fear nagged me that since I had this most vile sentiment directed towards the dearest one of my Lord, He will make it a point to punish me by keeping away from me eternally even as my thirst for Him would increase day by day.


Sense has dawned upon me recently. Why would a Goddess of Her stature be insensitive to other women's love for Krishna. If She were to love Krishna, obviously She would know what it feels like to lose Him and wouldn't that be sufficient enough reason for Her to be compassionate towards other girls who love the Lord of Her heart. I have since then tried to apologize to Them for my sinful mentality.


I know, many people reading this, and my previous posts, may opine that my behaviour is akin to that of a sentimental sahajiya - taking things cheaply. I just want to say that I could not break free from the way I think and emote, however much programming I tried to the contrary. I have hence come to realize that my path is different. And even this realization is not solace enough. I just need to have a Guru who understands me and take me to my Lord.

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--->I must confess that I have been feeling extremely jealous of Radha all these years. For Her I would not get my Krishna. I felt as if a fortress of philosophy had been built to prevent others, especially a jiva, to get close to Krishna.


I have had the same problem. I felt unable to relate to her, thinking that she only wants people who will help her get Krishna. Now I think that this is only a facade... I think She would understand these feelings as perfectly natural, and would love to sit and talk about His glories with others whose hearts have learned to worship the tinkling of His anklets.


- As for people calling you sahajiya or me sahajiya, I don't really care. I used to be so afraid of this word thinking, oh Krishna, my love is not good enough for You, You think I am pretending! You think this is all fun and games.


Krishna is not gotten cheaply for sure! If I said I am on a par with the gopis this perhaps would be sentimentality. My heart burns, and Krishna turns His face from me. I ache and He does not care. So how am I sahajiya? I am a miserable beggar at Hari's feet.


If people think we are fakes then what should we do? Sorry, but if people don't like me, then all the better for me. I will run to Him and cry even more until He finally notices me.


I love you, sakhi. Don't worry. Everything will be alright. I am praying for you daily that you will get Him before me.


Jai Sri Krishna!


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