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mantra is so powerful that if others hear it they’ll also be delivered so why not...

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Therefore it is warned: “Don’t talk this philosophy of Bhagavad-gita to the rascal who has no austerities, no devotion, and who is not prepared to hear.” But the servants of Krsna take all risk for Krsna's sake. Just like Ramanujacharya. His spiritual master said, “My dear son, the mantra which I am giving, you shall silently chant and you’ll be delivered. It is so powerful. Don’t chant this mantra loudly so that others can hear.”


So Ramanujacharya thought, “If this mantra is so powerful that if others hear it they’ll also be delivered, so why not chant it loudly?” He immediately went to the market and began to chant the mantra. So his spiritual master became very angry, “I told you not to chant so others may hear.” Ramanujacharya said, “My Lordship, I have made an offense unto you. That’s all right. For this, I am prepared to go to hell. But if this mantra is so powerful, I must speak it to everyone.”


So that is our proposal. Although we are warned not to speak to the rascals, still we are flattering, “My dear sir, please hear, please hear, please hear. Please give up your bad habit. Please do it.” To turn one man to Krsna consciousness we have to shed a hundred tons of blood. So therefore it is warned and yet we are not easy-going, to say don't preach. We have taken the risk to preach. And it is becoming successful. People will take it. That is the Vaisnava philosophy—that others may be delivered. Prahlada Maharaja said “My dear Lord, for my personal self, I have no problem. I can chant Your holy name anywhere. I am simply thinking of these fools. For temporary happiness they are working so hard like dogs and hogs. I am simply concerned for them..” A pure devotee, in spite of the warning by Krsna, approaches the nondevotees and flatters them: “Please take to Krsna consciousness.” That we should do. Krsna will be pleased. Our business is to become a little recognized by Krsna. So we shall go on preaching like this at all risk. (Class by Srila Prabhupada Sept. 9,1972)


The Supreme Lord, Narayana, is present among devotees who are engaged in hearing and chanting the holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Lord Narayana is the ultimate goal of sannyasis, those in the renounced order of life, and Narayana is worshiped through this sankirtana movement by those who are liberated from material contamination. Indeed, they recite the holy name again and again.


Dear Lord, Your personal associates, devotees, wander all over the world to purify even the holy places of pilgrimage. Is not such activity pleasing to those who are actually afraid of material existence? (The Pracetas SB 4.30.36-37)


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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The Benefits of Chanting


Srila Prabhupada in his commentary on the Bhagavad-gita: 'We have practical experiace that any person who is chanting the holy names of Krsna (Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna ,Hare Here, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama,Hare Hare) in course of time feels some transendental pleasure, and very quickly becomes purified of all material contamination," In the preliminary stages of chanting, the practitioner experiences a clearing of consciousness, peace of mind , and relief from unwanted drives and habits. As one develops more realization by chanting, he perceives the original, spiritual existence of the self. According to the Bhagavad-gita, , this enlieghtened state "is characterized by ones ability to see the self by the pure mind and to relish and rejoice in the self."And in the Caitanya-cartitamrta,a seventeen -volume commentary on the life and teaching of Sri Caitanya, founder of the modern-day Krsna conscuoiusness movement, the ultimate benefit of chanting is described."The result of chanting is that one awakens his love for Krsna and tastes transcendental bliss. Ultimately, one attains the association of Krsna and engages in His devotional service, as if immersing himself in a great ocean of love". So by chanting Hare Krsna, one reaps innumerable benefits, culminating in Krsna consciousness and love of God. We can rcaiize the fruits of chanting by adopting the process of mantra meditation and applying it systematically. For clear understanding of the progressive effects of chanting, some of the more important benefits are discussed sepewrately. Peace of Mind Initially meditation focuses on controlling the mind, for in our normal condition, we are slaves to any whimsical thoughts, desires, and appetites the mind may generate. We think of something and immediately we want to do it. But the Bhagavad-gita tells us that the meditator must learn to control the mind: "For one who has conquered the mind, then his mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will be the greatest enemy." The materialistic mind attempts to enjoy by employing the senses to experience matter and material relationships. It is full of unlimited ideas for sense gratification, and being perpetually restless, it constantly flickers from one sense object to another.


In doing so, the mind vacillates between hankering for some material gain and lamenting some loss or frustration. In the Bhagavad-gita Krsna explains, "One who is not in transcendental consciousness can have neither a controlled mind nor steady intelligence, without which there is no possibility of peace. And how can there be any happiness without peace?" By chanting the Hare Krsna mantra ,we can control mind,instead of letting it control us. Mantra is a Sanskit word. Man means "mind," and Tra means "to deliver." Thus, a mantra is a transcendental sound vibration with potency to liberate the mind from material conditioning. In his commentary on Srimad-Bhagavatam,Srila Prabhupada explains"Our entanglement in material affairs is begun from material sound."Each day we hear material sounds from radio and television,from friends and relatives, and based on what we hear, we act. But as Srila Prabhupuda points out," There is sound in the spiritual world also. If we approach that sound, then our spiritual life begins." When we control the mind by focusing it on the purely spiritual sound vibration of the Hare Krsna mantra , the mind becomes calm. As "music has charms to soothe a savage breast," so the spiritual sound of the mantra soothes the restless mind. The Hare Krsna mantra, being imbued with God's own supreme energies, has the power to subdue all kinds of mental disturbance. Just as a reservoir of water is transparent when unagitated, our mental perceptions become clear and pure when the mind is no longer agitated by the waves of material desires. The mind in its pure state, like a mirror cleansed of dust, will then reflect undistorted images of reality, allowing us to go beneath the surface and perceive the essential spiritual quality of all life's experiences. Knowledge of tbe Self The Vedas state that consciousness is a symptom of the soul. In its pure condition, the soul exists in the spiritual world; but when it falls down into contact with matter, the living being is covered by an illusion called false egoism. False ego bewilders the consciousness, causing us to identify with our material bodies. But we are not our material body. When we look at our hand or leg, we say,"This is my hand" or "This is my leg." The conscious self,the "I", is therefore the owner and observer of the body. Intellectually, this fact is easily understandable, and by the spiritual realization that results from chanting, this truth can be directly and continuously experienced. When the living being identifies with the material body and loses awareness of his real, spiritual self, he inevitably fears death, old age, and disease. He fears loss of beauty, intelligence, and strength and experiences countless other anxieties and false emotions relating to the temporary body. But by chanting, even in the early stages, we realize ourselves to be pure and changeless spirit souls,completely distinct from the material body. Because the mantra is a completely pure spiritual sound vibration, it has the power to restore our consciousness to its original, uncontaminated condition. At this point, we cease to be controlled by jealousy, bigotry, pride, envy, and hatred. As Lord Krsna tells us in Bhagavad-gita, the soul is "unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying, and primeval."As our false bodily identification dissolves and we perceive our true transcendental existence, we automatically transcend all the fears and anxieties of material existence. We no longer think "I am American. I am Russian, I am black. I am white." Attaining real self-awareness also gives us the ability to see the spiritual nature of all living beings. When our natural, spiritual feelings are awakened, we experience the ultimate unity of all life. This is what it means to become a liberated person; by spiritual realization we become free of all animosity and envy toward other living things. This higher vision is explained by Srila Prabbupada in the Thanscendental Teachings of Prahlada Maharaja. "When a man becomes fully Krsna conscious he does not see, 'Here is an animal, here is a cat, here is a dog, and here is a worm.' He sees everything as part and parcel of Krsna. This is nicely explained in the Bhagavad-gita. 'One who is actually learned in Krsna consciousness becomes a lover of the universe." Unless one is situated on the Krsna conscious platform, there is no question of universal brotherhood." Brings Real Happiness Everyone is thirsting for true and lasting happiness. But because material pleasure is limited and temporary, it is compared to a tiny drop of moisture in the desert. It gives us no permanent relief, because material sensations and relationships lack the potency to satisfy the spiritual desires of the soul. But the chanting of Hare Krsna provides complete satisfaction because it places us in direct contact with God and His spiritual pleasure Potency. God is full of all bliss, and when we enter His association, we can also experience the same transcendental happiness.


In the Vedic literature there is an interesting account of how the pleasure of chanting far exceeds any material benefit. Once a poor brahmana priest worshiped the demi-god Lord Siva for a material benediction. Lord Siva, however, advised him to go to the sage Sanatana Gosvami to obtain his heart's desire. Upon learning that Sanatana Gosvami had a mystical stone capable of producing gold, the poor brahmana asked if he could have it. Sanatana consented and told the brahmana he could take the stone from its resting place in his garbage pile. The brahmana departed in great joy, for he could now get as much gold as he desired simply by touching the stone to iron. But afterward he thought, "If a touchstone is the best benediction, why did Sanatana Gosvami keep it with the garbage?" He returned to Sanatana Gosvami to satisfy his curiosity. The sage then informed him, 'Actually, this is not the best benediction. But are you prepared to take the best benediction from me?Yes," the poor brahmana replied. "I have come to you for the best benediction." Sanatana Gosvami then told him to throw the touchstone in the water nearby and then return. The poor brahmana did so, and when he came back, the saintly Sanatana initiated him into the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra, the sublime method for experiencing the highest spiritual pleasure. Liberation from Karma The law of karma means that for every material action performed, nature forces an equivalent reaction upon the performer, or, as the Bible states, "As ye sow, so shall ye reap." Material activities can be compared to seeds. Initially they are performed, or planted, and over the course of time they gradually fructify, releasing their resultant reactions. Enmeshed in this web of actions and reactions, we are forced to accept one material body after another to experience our karmic destiny. But freedom from karma is possible by sincere chanting of Krsna's transcendental names. Since God's names are filled with transcendental energy, when the living being associates with the divine sound vibration, he is freed from the endless cycle of karma. Just as seeds fried in a pan lose their potency to sprout, so karmic reactions are rendered impotent by the power of the holy names of God. Krsna is like the sun. The sun is so powerful that it can purify whatever comes into contact with it. If any object enters the sun globe, it is immediately transformed into fire. Similarly, when our consciousness is absorbed in the transcendental sound of Krsna, His internal energies act to purify us of all karmic reactions. In his commentary on Srimad-Bhagavatam, Srila Prabhupada stresses, "The holy name is so spiritually potent that simply by chanting the holy name one can be freed from the reactions to all sinful activity." Freedom from Reincarnation The Vedas teach that the living entity, the soul, is eternal, but due to past activities and material desires, it perpetually accepts different material bodies. As long as we have material desires, nature, acting under God's direction, will award us one material body after another. This is called transmigration of the soul, or reincarnation. Actually, this changing of bodies is not surprising, because even in this life we go through many bodies. First we have the body of an infant, then a child, later an adult, and finally the form of an old man or woman. Similarly, after the passing of our old body, we get a new one. Liberation from this cycle, known as samsara, or the endless wheel of birth and death, is possible by freeing our consciousness from material desires. By chanting Hare Krsna, we revive the natural spiritual desires of the soul. Just as the nature of the body is to be attracted to sense gratification, the nature of the soul is to be attracted to God. Chanting awakens our original God consciousness and our desire to serve and associate with Him. By this simple change in consciousness, we can transcend the cycle of reincarnation. Srila Prabhupada discusses this in his commentary on the Bhagavad-gita. "The cumulative effect of the thoughts and actions of one's life influences one's thoughts at death; therefore the actions of this life determine one's future state of being. If one is transcendentally absorbed in Krsna's service, then his next body will be trancendental [spiritual], not physical. Therefore the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra is the best process for successfully changing one's state of being to transcendental life?' The Ultimate Benefit-Love of God The final goal and the highest fruit of chanting is complete God realization and pure love of God. As our cosciousness becomes increasingly purified, our steady spiritual advancement is reflected in our character and behavior. As the sun approaches the horizon, it is preceded by increasing warmth and illumination. Similarly, as realization of Krsna's holy name is revived within the heart, this increasing spiritual awareness manifests in all aspects of our personality. Ultimately, the eternal, loving relationship between God and the living being is revived. Before entering the material world, each soul had a unique spiritual relationship with God. This loving relationship is thousands of times greater and more intense than any love experienced in the material world. This is described in the Caitanya-caritamrta: "Pure love for Krsna is eternally established in the heart of living entities. It is not something to be gained from another source. When the heart is purified by hearing and chanting, the living entity is awakened." In our eternal, constitutional position in the spiritual world, we are able to associate with God directly, serving Him in a spiritual form just suitable for our mood of love and devotion. In this relationship of spiritual love, the pure devotee is absorbed in transcendental ecstasy. This state of ecstasy is described in The Nectar of Devotion. "At that time one's heart becomes illuminated like the sun. The sun is far above the planetary systems, and there is no possibility of its being covered by any kind of cloud. Similarly, when a devotee is purified like the sun, from his heart there is a diffusion of ecstatic love more glorious than the sunshine."


Taken From Chant and Be Happy,By His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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