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Mayavadi ahoy

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There is nothing scary about somebody else's spiritual beliefs. Personally, I find Mayavadi (Brahmavadi, whatever) philosophy to be dry and very unattractive. From the moment I came into contact with it, that was my feeling. That's not going to change.


You might have heard stories about devotees getting interested in Mayavadi matters and then smoking ganja, etc. Well, this was the sediment in their heart. Coming into contact with Mayavadi only brought that to the surface.


Look at Kamsa, he appeared to be a just ruler who had utmost regard for Devaki and her husband Vasudev. The moment the prophecy was made that her eighth child would kill him, he assumed external demoniac qualities. Can you say that the prophecy forced him to become a demon? It is my impression that these qualities were always there within him.


So do what you want. Personally, I find Mayavadi boring, even if I were to browse at some of their philosophical posts, I'm sure it would put me to sleep.

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Sorry cannot remember where, that even if a pure devotee of the Lord associates with mayavadi's he to could fall-down, from the path, so it is very dangerous, Hindus beliefs cannot even be pigeon holed, its like everybody is a Muni, so I be careful what I read, plus I am very impateint, so if I don't see any verse No. I just skip through, or if I see a devotees name whom I trust I will read,


One true point which devotees make is first Read Prabhupada's books, then you can see what if something which somebody is saying is noncence or not, I have read only a little of His Divine Graces books, but have gained Nectar, which refuces to leave me:)



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