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In the transcendental platform, actually separation is more relishable than meeting

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Letter to Janaki, 16 Sept 1967


"I'm so pleased for your writing such nice sentiment. I've especially noted that you could express yourself so beautifully. I know both you and your sister have inherited a good heart from your good mother. Your eagerness to get me back in the states will surely be a success because I'm also eager to return. Tears for Krsna is as good as associating with Him personally. In the spiritual world separation is more valuable than meeting. So your feelings and tears of Krsna consciousness will make you more enriched in spiritual advancement."


Letter to Syama, 30 Aug 1968


"The nice sentiments expressed in your letter under reply is very much pleasing to me. When I initiated you, I accepted you on that very moment as my daughter. So you are eternally my daughter and I am your father. There is no doubt about it. And our relationship is based on Krsna consciousness, so the more successful you preach and help Krsna conscious movement, the more our relationship in transcendental platform is firm and fixed up. OUr business is to chant and glorify the Holy name of Krsna and wherever we may remain, Krsna is with us, Krsna is within your heart, Krsna is within my heart. So, spiritually there is no question of separation, even physically we may be in far distant place..."


Letter to Advaita, 6 Oct 1968


"I am so glad to learn the New York devotees are all feeling my separation and you are also; this is very blissful. In the transcendental platform, actually separation is more relishable than meeting. But either separation or meeting, the state is always absolute. Actually in the spiritual platform, there is no separation, but it is a different stages of rasas."


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Srimad-Bhagavatam 3:10:10 Purport





"Above the modes of nature is eternal time, which is called kala because it changes the shape of everything in the material world. Even if we are able to do something temporarily beneficial, time will see that the good project is frustrated in course of time. The only thing possible to be done is to get rid of eternal time, kala, which is compared to kala-sarpa, or the cobra snake, whose bite is always lethal. No one can be saved from the bite of a cobra. The best remedy for getting out of the clutches of the cobralike kala or its integrity, the modes of nature, is bhakti-yoga, as it is recommended in the Bhagavad-gita (14.26)."


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Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.15.24

Los Angeles, December 3, 1973




So we therefore must submit to Krsna.

Sarva-dharman parityajya... [bg. 18.66].

Because we cannot become free.

We cannot go out of the laws of God.

That is not possible.


Therefore we must surrender that


"Krsna, God, I have acted freely so many births.

I did not become happy.

Neither I am happy at the present moment.

So now I surrender unto You.

You say that ‘I give you protection.'

So kindly give me protection."

This is Krsna consciousness movement.

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Srila Prabhupada Vani


selected quotes and verses for instruction



"When a sentimental devotee takes the part of becoming representative

of Krishna, there is simply havoc."


"The word 'progress' is used when there is imperfection at the



"I am glad to learn that Govinda dasi, in spite of her sick health,

is going out on Sankirtana Party, and this will cure her of all



"It is not required for us to become artists. Our main point is

service to Krishna, not to please an audience. We shall not divert

our attention too much to adjustment of musical sounds. People should

not misunderstand that we are a band of musical artists. They must

know that we are devotees of Krishna. Our devotional practice and

purity shall be so strong that wherever we chant there will be

immediately an impression in the audience for devotion to Krishna."


"Instead of importing devotees, it is better to attract devotees from

your own area. And the basic principle for doing this is Sankirtana






Thus, the human race has descended to the qualitative status of the dogs, who are habituated to barking as soon as they come upon another set of dogs who happen to hail from another quarter. We cannot conceive of a greater degradation of the human being than when he is apt to raise a hue and cry as soon as he sees another human being who does not happen to belong to his quarter or his religious denomination. He raises this hue and cry as if he had been faced with a tiger or a wolf. Without transcendental knowledge, the human race has actually become no more than the tigers and the wolves.

(from Message of Godhead)






"Initiation does not mean that it is a ceremony and it is finished, no. It is progressive. It is progressive just like education is progressive. So in the first beginning, ceto darpana marjanam, just to cleanse oneself from the understanding of material identification, Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. So at least for one year chanting regularly, observing the rules and regulation, one comes to the platform of spiritual platform. And then, another initiation, this is called diksa. That is also diksa, that is first process. This diska, second process is not very essential. The essential is to chant. In this age there is no need of this second initiation, but those who are going to be recognized as properly initiated, so this second installment was introduced by Sanatana Gosvami."

Lecture May 21, 1968:






Quoted from letters written by His Divine Grace in 1969:


"I think you should try to always have sankirtana going on. All other

things are subsidiary. This chanting is our life and soul, so we must

arrange our program now so that there will be as much chanting on the

streets and at college engagements as possible."


If everyone's problems are sent by me, then who will solve my



"So far as I am concerned, in relationship with my disciples who are

so kindly cooperating with me in the matter of my rendering service

to my spiritual master, for them I am always ready to come back from

Goloka Vrndavana, if they are not delivered along with me."


"By Krishna's grace I find all sides bright. My only request to all

of you is to keep it bright. Don't let it go dim."


"You have asked about the management of our society, and the position

is that management should be done in such a way that people may not

break away. That is the first business of management."





Becoming Mahatma is easy and joyful




“This devotional service is not only easy, but it can be performed in a happy mood. One does not need to undergo any severe penance and austerity. He can live this life in devotional service, guided by an expert spiritual master, and in any position, either as a householder or a sannyasi, or a brahmacari; in any position and anywhere in the world, he can perform this devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and thus become actually mahatma, a great soul.”

From the purport of Bhagavad-gita 9.14


"From now on, unless I order you to do something change or in

addition, go on with the usual standard way. You manufacture ideas

and then I have to waste my time. I have given you everything

already, there is no need for you to add anything or change anything.


"The greatest danger to our movement will come when we


manufacture and create our own process for worshipping the Deities.


So don't ask any more questions, whatever is going on, follow it just

to the exact standard as I have given you, that's all."


(Letter to Dhruvananda dated 1-4-73)




"Regarding prasadam, leftovers should always be taken if they have

not spoiled or if they have not been touched by diseased persons.


We should never waste Krishna prasadam."




"You should take it to heart as a guiding principle that somehow or

other we always please Krishna by doing what is practical and

necessary according to time and place. Not that we should be

whimsical. But one test is that all the devotees should be satisfied.




They have given their lives to Krishna, so we should see they are

always happy."




"So if we take instruction from them, all senior godbrothers may be

treated as guru, there is no harm."




"You write to say that with prasadam and the Mahamantra we shall

conquer over the world. That was the beginning of my program in your

country. I thought like that. It was my plan from the very beginning,

before even coming here."







Nectar from Srila Prabhupada's 1971 Letters

"We have a very heavy task before us. Together we have to push on

this Krishna consciousness movement for a revolutionary change all

over the world. It is not our manufactured movement but it was ordered

by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and we are simply carriers of His



"The best thing for you is to set the example by your personal

behavior and try to reform the others, not by criticizing but by

friendly behavior. If sometimes there are any disagreements we should

try to forget such incidences and be always in friendship with each



"Philosophy is the highest, but even higher than philosophy is

practice of philosophy."


"Actually, because you have given your life to Krishna, you are

already perfect. But it is just like the ocean, if you are swimming

in it you may swim forever and not reach the shore. Similarly, there

is no limit to the perfection of Krishna consciousness."


Quoted from letters written by His Divine Grace in 1969:


"We are selling BTG through the personal approach, through the

sankirtana party, without any consideration of return."


"Unless one is a resident of Krishna Loka, one cannot be a spiritual



"Regarding your desire to improve your singing voice, by singing you

will become an expert singer. Anything you practice regularly you

become expert in."



"I want that all the hippies shall come to me and I shall solve their

problems. They are our best customers. If your government would give

us some help, I can save all of them."


"I am now getting all respect and honor, so now you must preserve that

standard and not dishonor me."


"You are more dear to me than my own sons and daughters."


"Our process is to show Krishna consciousness as it is, not as others

want to see it."




Nectar from Srila Prabhupada's 1971 Letters


Srila Prabhupada’s letter written to Jahnava on 8-1-73:

”You have written so many nice things in praise of me but I think that my

Guru Maharaja is great, I am not great, he is great. So sometimes by

association of the great, one appears great."


"It is my firm conviction that this Krishna consciousness movement

of Lord Caitanya's will be successful in all parts of the world if

our students kindly continue in their enthusiastic endeavors to

distribute this message freely to all persons."


"Our movement is being carried by spiritual strength from chanting of

the Hare Krishna Mahamantra from the lips of pure devotees. Our

disciples are pure and therefore the effect is that this movement is

gaining in scope all over the world."


"The future hope of solid standing of our mission is on the proper

management of our governing body."


"So our movement should be vigorously pushed on. But those who push

must be pure; then it will be effective."


"So far your question is concerned, you should understand that a

devotee is never under any karmic reaction. Whatever is happening is

the mercy of Krishna. That should be the viewpoint of the devotee.

Once surrendered to Krishna, karmic reaction is immediately gone, but

if he acts again independently, then he is again in the clutches of



"The fig tree is not worshipable by us. Try to worship tulasi instead.

That will include all tree worship."


"Yes, even the Buddhists will come forward gradually and inquire into

this Krishna consciousness. Everyone is sophisticated by their so-

called religion but chanting Hare Krishna mantra will attract

everyone all over the world."





The Glories of Sankirtana. How everyone benefits from the chanting of the Holy Name:


"Lord Caitanya's Sankirtana movement gives spiritual life to all living entities by dint of its transcendental radiation, and also it prevents the demonic class of men from overwhelming the pious class of men, and thus in every way it bestows all benediction, just like the moon illuminates everything." (Letter to Srinivasa 12-28-71)


How to expand the Krishna consciousness movement: "Just maintain our strong position of purity of routine work and preach and distribute literature, that's all. Go on increasing books, and go on increasing my pleasure." (Letter to Giriraja 12-28-71)


On using the mass media for preaching: "As much as possible try to increase our preaching programs by using all the mass media which are available. We are modern day vaisnavas and we must preach vigorously using all the means available." (Letter to Rupanuga 12-30-71)


On adversity: "But even if He puts us into extreme difficulty, we must always be prepared to consider everything as His special mercy, that He is testing my sincerity, or that this trouble is nothing to what I deserve." (Letter to Patty Dorgan 11-17-71)


When chanting is effective: "But who is chanting, he must be a sincere devotee. Then his chanting will be effective. A gramaphone machine will not do. He must be realized, then his chanting will be effective. He must behave like a pure vaisnava. Then if he chants, his chanting will be effective."


(Conversation 8-3-76) Get people to chant: "Yes, on sankirtana we want everyone we meet to go away with a magazine and having heard and chanted Hare Krishna Mantra. That will be the sign of success." (Lette to Sivananda 11-12-70)


On opportunities for expansion: "The opportunities for expanding the Sankirtana Movement are unlimited. We should tax our brains as to what is the best way to present Krishna consciousness to particular people at a particular time and place. I have always thought that in LA there should be at least ten Sankirtana Parties going out simultaneously and as you have indicated, such places as Long Beach and other areas can each have their own Krishna conscious center." (Letter to Karandhar (11-13-70)


A devotee is expert: "Your program for training everyone in the proper form of Deity worship and other temple activities is very, very good. We want that all our men shall be able to do everything in Krishna consciousness.


A devotee is expert in all things. (Letter to Karandhar 11-13-70)


On GBC vigilance: "In a family if there is one good boy, he can glorify the whole family and similarly if there is bad boy he can turn the whole family into ashes. Similarly in this institution, if there is a bad disciple he can burn the whole institution into ashes. The GBC's duty is therefore to see that every member is following the rules and regulations and chanting sixteen rounds regularly on the beads. I hope the GBC in cooperation with the sannyasis in their touring


program will be able to keep vigilance systematically in order to keep the society as pure as possible." (Letter to Bali Mardan 8-25-70)


On our centers: "Our different centers are meant for organizing a group of pure devotees so that neophyte visitors may take examples from them and thus become attached to Krishna consciousness." (Letter to BaliMardan 8-16-70)


On surrender to Krishna: "This is our principle, that the spiritual science becomes revealed to the devotee from within the heart according to the degree of his surrender to Krishna." (Letter to Ekayani 7-25-70)


On self-realization: Tripurari: Just by distributing your books we can become self-realized.


Srila Prabhupada: You are already self-realized. Otherwise, how you can push on the books? You love Krishna. Therefore you are taking so much labor for pushing on. And that is self-realization. If anyone tries to establish that Krishna is the Supreme Lord, that is self-realization.


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