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Rayaru & krishna does not love me

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Prabhu, you have made so many posts and encyclopedias, why are you feeling this way now? Srila Prabhupad had so many problems when coming to America. He got ill on the ship, and in New York, he had to deal with the crazy young people, but eventually he made a worldwide mission. What about the Pandavas losing everything they had? What of the Muslim and the British empires ravaging mother Bharata, and making many offenses to the Holy Dham?


Whatever negative impressions are in your life, they will pass. Being a Vaishnava is the most difficult thing in this life, the goal is great, but the road is difficult. Do not give up.

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everyone hates me. everyone insults me. all girls insult me. all guys make fun of me.


this krishna is watching all. krishna is stonehearted. no use in believing him.


i have asked saibaba for help. if he to rejects to help, i will committ suicide.


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You must go to Sri Dhama Mayapur in West Bengal and beseech the mercy of Sri Nityananda Prabhu for you to be clear of this despair. You are in India right? Gaura Purnima is tommorow!


Prabhu I don't know what your problems are, and I am no professional, nor am I a devotee of any kind, but you have to believe that problems like girls insulting you and guys making fun of you will pass. I had this problem in the school also. Then in the college I had few friends. These same people bothering you now will soon become old, unable to enjoy, then their life will have no meaning, but they will be too old and decrepid to make any meaning. The love and mercy of Sri Guru sustains me, sustains us all. Please don't do anything brash that would put you again through 84 laks of species.

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the girl i loved had insulted me and deserted me.

my friends insult me.

my parents dont understand me.

now even the gods have deserted me because i received info today the girl has got married.

now my belief in god has got shattered. i thought rayaru and krishna will understand me & will keep me happy.

but they deserted me.


BUT MOST TRAGIC ONE IS RAYARU HAD GIVEN DARSHAN TO MY ENEMIES.but i worshiiped him daily and he had not given me darshan nor helped me.


So i decided to end up my life.


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One time, I fell in love with one young Vaisnavi who had so many natural opulences, she would make all the apsaras of the heavenly planets jealous. My heart would palpate anytime I saw her. But our sampradayas were different, and, at the urging of her elders, she would have nothing to do with me because of this. I have met others throughout the years, but my thoughts eventually dwell back to this vaisnavi. I have not heard of her in years, and no doubt she is married already (I can't see how not), and I thought she was the one for a long time.


I'm telling you though, even if you don't meet anyone for years, the pain will indeed fade with time. People I tell this story to tell me "don't worry Krsna will find you someone else when you're ready" or "Krsna is saving someone nice for you when you're ready for grhasta ashrama". Just be patient. How old are you? You couldn't be older than 22. One day you may very well meet some young woman and you'll say "wow we are perfect in every way, I'm glad I didn't marry that other girl before."


now my belief in god has got shattered. i thought rayaru and krishna will understand me & will keep me happy.


Krsna and Raghavendra Swami are not there to make us happy. It is the other way around. Sometimes KRSNA makes events like these happen to aspiring devotees to teach them how stupid the material world is, so we will be attracted to Sri Krsna all the more. You say that your enemies were given a darshan. Where do you come up with this theory? Just because it appears they were given a good material result? Watch them again in a few years, maybe they will be in deep ruin. This is the nature of the material world.


You've tried to make very nice sevas here on this message board with your posts. Just give it some time. Do not hurt yourself over something crazy like this. I really think if you go on parikrama of some holy place you will feel much better.

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See, Basically girls are fickle minded.

Its better not to trust them.

Girls of India have become materialistic.


One Software professional girl, newly married, came to America for business, ( her husband was in Bombay), and she got impressed with a Car sales man, and had an affair with him, and the sales man brainwashed her into divircing her husband in India, and she married the sales man. I dont know if they are togather now or seperated.


But let me tell u something very clearly. Most of the Indian girls are worst materialist than males.


they want money, comfort, enjoy life for which they will go to any extent.


So if the root cause of your problem is, a girl ditched you, just consider how many guys she would have already ditched and how many more she is gonna ditch?



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I feel impelled to respond to your 'cry for help'.


First of all, Krishna has never said, in Bhagavad Gita or anywhere else, that he will fulfill our material desires. He does say that happiness and distress are like the changing seasons; they arise of thier own accord and that we must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed.


Krishna doesn't interfere with the free will of the living entities otherwise there would be no more wars, greed and cruelty in the world. No-one is forced to love us or to be kind to us but Krishna promises that if we surrender our minds in thinking of him (as opposed to thinking about fallible soldiers like potential lovers and fair-weather friends), truly worship him in our hearts and become his devotees then we will come to Him.

Becoming a friend to Krishna means believing that He is our true friend, ready to give us spiritual solace and comfort even when 'the whole world' seems to turn against us.

You are not alone, in that everyone with a material body is subjected to the 3-fold miseries (caused by the mind, other living beings and material nature). The blessing for devotees is the knowledge that not only is all suffering temporary, but there is a spiritual solution, increasing our desire for his company and his shelter and gradually giving up the illusion that anyone or anything give us true lasting peace and happiness other than the Lord and his service.

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thanks to all who have responded & trying to help me.


its not the only incident. from past 7 years, ie., from age 18 i was getting insulted by girls (even for no reason) & also made fun by other guys.


now i cant tolerate this. if krishna cant interfere, then atleasr rudra can come & help me. but he too is sleeping.


its esy to tell everything is materialistic & our body doesnt belong to us. but i am not in a state to handle all this.


i want god to do something to please me (after all these years, i rendered service to him).


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First calm down, take a deep breath and think!.


Just because things have not been going well for you does not mean you end your life.


What you need is self-esteem. Be proud of yourself and stop taking BS from anyone who you don't want to take BS from.




IT is a fact!- and what you need to do is either ignore them or STAND UP FOR YOURSELF.


IF you ignore them and it does not solve the problem, then STAND UP FOR YOURSELF.


And stop and think- The reason RAYARU gave your enemies darshan and not you is because HE IS THERE WITH YOU 24 hours a day 7 days a week.


SO Suck it up, Ending your life will not solve the problem. Do not run from reality, confront it, challenge it.- That is the essence of bhagavad Gita.


Confront situations- also think!- if Rayaru is served by you then why would he be mad? = Krishna who is the all powerful and all seeing Supreme Being sees everything and understands everything, then HOw can He not understand you?- The fact is HE can and HE IS. You have to do your part, you have to be strong in any situation and FIGHT(metaphorically) and WIN for Krishna.


SO SUCK IT UP, whatever situation you are in , the only way you survive is by thinking! and confronting!!!.




The true surrender to God happens when you are helpless and when that happens just surrender to the will of God, until then learn to confront situations and stop being so weak.



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My dear Uddhava, neither Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Lord Sankarsana, the goddess of fortune nor indeed My own self are as dear to Me as you are.




The Lord has described in the previous verses the unalloyed love of His pure devotees for Him, and now the Lord describes His love for His devotees. Atma-yoni means Lord Brahma, who is born directly from the Lord's body. Lord Siva always gives great pleasure to Lord Krsna by his constant meditation upon Him, and Sankarsana, or Balarama, is the Lord's brother in krsna-lila. The goddess of fortune is the Lord's wife, and the word atma here indicates the Lord's own self as the Deity. None of these personalities — even the Lord's own self — are as dear to Him as His pure devotee Uddhava, an akiñcana devotee of the Lord. Srila Madhvacarya cites from Vedic literature the example that a gentleman sometimes neglects his own interest and that of his children to give charity to a poor beggar. Similarly, the Lord gives preference to a helpless devotee who depends completely on His mercy. The only way to obtain the Lord's mercy is through His causeless love, and the Lord is most lovingly inclined toward those devotees who are most dependent on Him, just as ordinary mothers and fathers worry more about their helpless children than about those who are self-sufficient. Thus even if one lacks any material qualification, one should simply depend upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead, without any other interest, and surely one will achieve the highest perfection of life.




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Dear Gokul,


Lord Krishna and raghavendra swamy are testing you. Please follow the teachings for Bhagavatgita. As krishna says Sorrow and happiness comes and goes...Dont worry about the insults. If u want Krishna then forget about all your material cravings, fame or prestige etc.


I think your insults are nothing, cause I am born in a madhva brahmin family, but none of my family members realize that God is the true aim of human life. I have been made fun of many a times just because I don’t go out for parties with guys or eat in any restaurants or go out for movies..etc. But I still love all my family members dearly cause I know that they do not have the adyatma gnana and some day or the other, they will know it. I dont mind going out rarely but cutepie Krishna is soooo soooo sooo good that he has never given me friends who are of such type i.e crazy people.


Don’t worry, take it easy, Boss!!!!!!!


Krishna, Madhvacharya and Raghavendra swamy are the most dearest in my life. I never knew anything abt God 3 to 4 yrs ago, I used to frequently visit Raghavendra Swamy Matha for my material desires. But Raghavendra swamy was sooo kind that he made me realize that being born as a human, we should try to know God and god is the aim of life.


Try diverting ur mind towards God.


Enjoy and have fun


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" everyone hates me. everyone insults me. all girls insult me. all guys make fun of me.


this krishna is watching all. krishna is stonehearted. no use in believing him.


i have asked saibaba for help. if he to rejects to help, i will committ suicide."



Which Saibaba, is it Sridi Saibaba or the so called God, Puttapathi Saibaba.


lemmme tell you one thing, if your desire is fulfilled by praying to Saibaba, then dont be fooooled, its Only Krishna who is sitting inside them who has fulfilled your desires and not the Saibabas :-)


"There is only one God and I call him Vishnu"



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First of all i thank you all noble souls here responding me. for me you people are messengers of krishna. thank you.


i too have changed my decision to do anything rash.


<--- I think your insults are nothing, cause I am born in a madhva brahmin family, but none of my family members realize that God is the true aim of human life. I have been made fun of many a times just because I don&#8217;t go out for parties with guys or eat in any restaurants or go out for movies..etc. But I still love all my family members dearly cause I know that they do not have the adyatma gnana and some day or the other, they will know it. I dont mind going out rarely but cutepie Krishna is soooo soooo sooo good that he has never given me friends who are of such type i.e crazy people. --->


please guide me. i accept you as my guru. please guide me. what i have to do to please rayaru , madhvathirtharu & krishna ? pls tell me how can i know whether rayaru is satisfied with me & will grant me salvation. please consider this dumb soul as your disciple and kindly clarify my doubts.


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