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Christians Build Church Next to Tamil Nadu Temple

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Christians Build Church Next to Tamil Nadu Temple



CHENNAI, INDIA, February 24, 2004: Christians are building a

"japakootam," prayer hall, just a few feet from the outside wall of the

Kailasanathar Temple in Covalam, near Mahabalipuram, according to this

News Today report. The temple contends the construction is illegal.

This report says, "Interestingly, the construction of the japakootam

began only after some Hindu volunteers began to involve the locals

(mostly fishermen) in the functions of the temple. Just ten day ago,

the volunteers had a function in which even the District Collector

participated. The japakootam was not there then. In the land belonging

to the temple, there are an estimated 36 houses/hutments. Out of these,

four are said to be illegally occupied by Muslim families. The locals

say these families cook and eat beef on the temple land itself. Apart

from hurting the sentiments of the Hindus, the obnoxious odor emanating

from the cooked items effectively drives the devotees out of the

temple, one local said. Further, two of the houses are 'owned' by

neo-converts to Christianity. The one-room japakootam is constructed by

a neo-convert, who goes by the name Mohan. The locals fear the hand of

a local church denomination behind the construction. The provocative

construction and the illegal occupancy have come in the way of holding

Utsavams that were planned by the religious minded locals and the very

strong fishermen community. The Utsava Murthis (parade Deities) cannot

be taken in procession around the parikrama (circumambulation path)

because of the illegal occupants. When News Today broached the issue

with the temple's Executive Officer, Kothandaraman, he said the

construction has been stopped. He also said that the complaints of the

locals against the illegal occupancy would be looked into. The locals

allege that the evangelical groups who are trying rampantly to convert

the fisherfolk are not taking kindly to the efforts of the Hindu

volunteers to involve the locals in the affairs of the temple. 'This is

the reason for their provocative action. They foment trouble and then

try and build a case of persecution against them. This is a typical

ploy,' an angry local says."

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  • 8 months later...

We have formed a small group in Chennai.


group has plans to do the following

a) Clean ancient temples and arrange for abishekam and special pooja atleast once in a month.

b) Arrange for financial help to the Kurukal/Battars(Priest) of temples. Its a sad thing that these Priest receive a very paltry sum Rs.300 to Rs.500 per month as salary.

c) Arrange for protection of cows.

d) Help Vedic patalshalas and propogate the great works done by the Seers.

e) Spread Vedic religion and stop conversions.

f) Make people aware that Vegetaranism is better way to follow.


These are some of the activities that we are starting with and hope we will be able to do lot more.


Please contact tsrajanganesh@ for more info

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