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Progress to Hell

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We may make relative progress. But in a more absolute sense we may be actually loosing ourselves.


Let's say you're lost in the forest and you're trying to get out. So you're on a particular path or you're clearing your path. You fell like you're making progress. Right now I'm at this point. Now I've moved forward ten steps. Now here's a particularly thick part of the forest, so I've cut my way through… now I've come to this part of the forest. So you feel like you're cutting through and making progress. But for all you know, you're going deeper into the forest and getting lost. So you're so-called progress is all relative. In the passion of trying to get out of the forest one may moved ten feet, 15 feet, 1 mile. so technically he's gone from this point to that further point that he's trying to get to, but because he doesn't even know if this path eventually leads out of the forest or not, his so-called progress may be progress into hell.

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for thousands of births, you were used to living and enjoying in it. In fact, you thought, this was the only way to live and enjoy. The outer serene and pious living was unknown to you (till now). Now, in this birth (due to your good, meritorious deeds done in some distant past birth), you have realised that the purpose of this human birth is more than living like an animal and is meant for God Realisation. NOw this forest is appearing to you a scary place. This is a good sign. It will take quite some time and chanting before your mind becomes steady in the devotional path. Once that stability comes, all the doubts would vanish like morning dew.

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