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The Souls Back!

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Hare krishna


Talking about realisations on another thread, I was thinking about the Soul, and I thought in all religions it is thought of as eternal, so how can this be our 1st birth, eternal means no past/present/future meaning ever-existing, re-incarnation has to be a fact, Hope that makes sense, it pretty much just convinced me LOL.


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Hare Krishna


yes, prabhu, you are right. but one thing is missing: we, as spirit souls, do have a past, a present, and a future. the thing unique is that the past has no beginning and the future has no end, but it is certain. and the present is now. we have a past, it just has no beginning. and a future, which has no end.


also, in other religions it is taught of an eternal soul, but: in christianity, it is believed that the soul in a human body is different and more important than the soul in, say, a dog, cat, or a horse--from a conversation with a friend, which is why they don't think slaughtering other animals is wrong.


Also, reincarnation is sometimes wrongly used as: the self dies and then is born again. i thought that was the definition also. but, the true definition is:


Main Entry: re·in·car·na·tion

Pronunciation: "rE-(")in-(")kär-'nA-sh&n

Function: noun

1 a : the action of reincarnating : the state of being reincarnated b : rebirth in new bodies or forms of life; especially : a rebirth of a soul in a new human body

2 : a fresh embodiment

--- http://m-w.com


transmigration is a better word according to my opinion.


well, sorry for your time.



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