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"Abhaya-caranaravinda re. Bhajahui re mana sri-nanda-nandana-abhaya-caranaravinda re. So if you take shelter of Krsna's lotus feet, then abhayaikara, no more fear. No more fear.


"Abhaya-caranaravinda re. Abhaya-carana. Krsna's lotus feet is to become free from fearfulness.


"Everyone is being controlled by God, but a devotee is so exalted that Krsna says that "I wish to be controlled by you." This is Krsna's position. Therefore the Vaisnava kavi advises, ...abhaya-caranaravinda re.


Therefore Krsna's lotus feet are described, abhaya-caranaravinda re. ...abhaya-caranaravinda re. If we take shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna, which is called abhaya-carana, no more bhayam. When, so long we think that "I am something of this material existence," there will be bhayam. And when we realize that "This material existence is superficial. I have nothing to do with it," "I have no connection with it," then there is no bhaya, no fearfulness.


"I am not Hindu, not Muslim, not Christian, nor American, nor Indian, but I am eternal servant of Krsna." Then there is no more fear. That is fear... abhaya-caranara...


Therefore the Vaisnava poet advises that "You take to the shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna." Abhaya-caranaravinda re: "Just be engaged in the devotional service of the abhaya-carana, Krsna’s..."


"If we take shelter of the lotus feet of abhaya-caranaravinda re, Krsna, then this bhayam element, fearfulness element, will be completely nil.


"This material world is padam padam vipadam, only danger. Every step there is danger. That's a fact. So if we take shelter of that abhaya-caranaravinda, then we have no fear. This is a fact.


"Krsna's another name is Abhaya. ...abhaya-caranaravinda re, abhaya. His name is Abhaya. So if you come in touch with Krsna by devotional service, and there is no more fear.


"I am requesting that you worship Lord Krsna who is abhaya-carana." Abhaya-carana means He's the fearless shelter. If we take shelter of Krsna, then we become free from all anxieties.


"abhaya-caranaravinda re: "His lotus feet is fearless shelter." One who takes shelter...


"My dear mind, please you try to worship the son of Nanda, who is abhaya-carana, whose lotus feet is secure. There is no fear." Abhaya. Abhaya means there is no fear, and carana, carana means lotus feet. So he is advising his mind, "My dear mind, please you engage yourself in worshiping the fearless lotus feet of the son of Nanda." Nanda-nandana means a son of Nanda Maharaja, Krsna. And His lotus feet is abhaya, fearless. So Govinda dasa is requesting his mind, "Please be engaged in the transcendental loving service of the lotus feet of Krsna." So far other things are concerned...


"So similarly, here also, Govinda dasa Thakura, he is asking his mind: "My dear mind, you just engage yourself to the lotus feet of abhaya-caranaravinda."’ Abhaya-caranaravinda. That is the name of the lotus feet of Krsna. Abhaya means fearless. If you take shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna then you immediately become fearless.


"Now, abhaya-caranaravinda re. If you take shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna, Nanda-nandana, then you'll have no more anxiety, fear.


"...for him there is no more danger. Abhaya-caranaravinda re. "


Prabhupada: Hm. The name was kept Abhaya. Abhaya means "There is no fear of death of this child." In my maternal uncle's house, because I was born on the Nandotsava, they kept my name Nandadulal.





"Abhaya, abhaya means it doesn't vanquish. There is no expenditure, it is increasing.

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I think the above guest should refrain from using the phrase "shut up" as it is most disrespectful. Come back when you are out of diapers.

See - - that wasn't very nice was it?

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