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Lord Krishna TESTs You

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Morning Walk


August 11, 1976, Tehran (excert)



<font color="brown"> Atreya Asi: </font color> Is it true, Srila Prabhupada, that Krishna is testing us every day? We're having tests, opportunities...

<font color="red"> Prabhupada: </font color> No, just like if you want responsible post, then there is question of test. If you want to become a vagabond, remain vagabond. Where is question of test?

<font color="brown"> Atreya Asi: </font color> No, for devotees.

<font color="red"> Prabhupada: </font color> Ah, for devotees, there is test. For devotees there is test. We see from the devotee's life, Prahlada Maharaja, how much severe test he had to pass through. Bali Maharaja, Narada Muni.

<font color="brown"> Atreya Asi: </font color> And the most advanced the devotee is, the more severe the test is, the more chance.

<font color="red"> Prabhupada: </font color> No, after you pass the examination, there is no more test. But before coming to the post of recognized devotee, Krishna tests very severely. That one has to pass.

<font color="green"> Hari-sauri: </font color> I read once in the Bhagavatam in one of your purports, you said that maya is there to test the sincerity of the candidate.

<font color="red"> Prabhupada: </font color> Yes, we see from the life of Bali Maharaja, how he was put into difficulty. Even his spiritual master cursed him. [break] ...put into test and still he remains in his determination, then he's passed. That is very natural. And there is a word, "acid test"?

<font color="green"> Hari-sauri: </font color> Yes.

<font color="red"> Prabhupada: </font color> For ascertaining real gold, the acid test one has to pass to become real gold.

<font color="pink"> Nava-yauvana: </font color> [break] ...this test depends on one's faith in Krishna?

<font color="red"> Prabhupada: </font color> Faith in Krishna? What do you mean by faith?

<font color="green"> Hari-sauri: </font color> If you want to pass the test, he says, does that depend on one's faith?

<font color="red"> Prabhupada: </font color> What does that faith mean?

<font color="brown"> Atreya Asi: </font color> Conviction.

<font color="red"> Prabhupada: </font color> What is that conviction? Describe it.

<font color="brown"> Atreya Asi: </font color> That Krishna is the controller.

<font color="red"> Prabhupada: </font color> Krishna is controller. You may have faith or no faith, that doesn't matter.

<font color="green"> Hari-sauri: </font color> If one is convinced that Krishna will always protect him.

<font color="pink"> Nava-yauvana: </font color> When he's convinced to abide by the instructions of...

<font color="red"> Prabhupada: </font color> Faith means that you are meant for giving some service to Krishna. You should stick to that service, that path, in spite of all impediments. That is the passing of test. Generally, just like we are meant for preaching Krishna consciousness. So there may be severe test, but still we shall remain determined. That is wanted. There may be so many impediments, punishment, still you should do that. That is wanted. That is test. Not that as soon as there is some difficulty I give it up. There may be severe test, but still we shall not give it up. We must go on. That is determination.

<font color="pink"> Nava-yauvana: </font color> Passing the test means executing the order of the spiritual master.

<font color="red"> Prabhupada: </font color> Yes, that is spiritual life. One has to take order from the spiritual master and execute it, despite all impediments. That is determination.



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Hare Krishna,


At times I feel that if I'm experiencing any kind of discomfort or pain that I must be on the wrong track, and need to change what I"m doing....maybe even the 'practice' I follow....


This was helpful because the need to stay the course despite the impediments.


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