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Abortion- watch your daughters,

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N.H. Judge Nixes Abortion Notification


The Associated Press

Concord, N.H., Dec.29—(AP) A federal judge Monday declared unconstitutional a state law that would have required parental notice before a minor could get an abortion. The ruling came two days before the law was to take effect.



U.S. District Judge Joseph DiClerico said the measure does not adequately address cases in which a girl might need an immediate abortion to protect her health. "We won," said Martin Honigberg, a lawyer for Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, which along with other opponents had sued to block the law.


Republican Gov. Craig Benson and other supporters of the measure said they would either appeal or rewrite it. "I believe it is the responsibility of parents, not the government, to raise their children," Benson said.


The law would have required abortion providers to notify at least one parent at least 48 hours before performing an abortion on a minor. Approval from the parent would not be necessary.


A girl could instead ask a judge for permission, which the judge would have to grant if the girl was mature enough or the abortion was deemed to be in her best interest.


Similar laws have been struck down in other states. Over the summer, the Florida Supreme Court struck down a version there, saying the law violated privacy rights guaranteed by the Florida Constitution.


A federal appeals court in Denver last year ruled that a similar Colorado law was unconstitutional because it provided no exceptions for health emergencies.






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We really are ruled by sudras, i wonder when a Vaishava will be elected..(next 10,000 years), i will be taking a peek from Goloka (heh) to see this site. The only prevention to stop abortion is KC, also animal killing is related to this, this is why when Srila Prabhupada preached/talked with Christians he asked them to stop animal killing.




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is that there is NOTHING whatsoever in the constitution that would take away a parent's right to know what their daughter is doing. This judicial activism makes a farce out of democracy and the branches of government. Without a strict literalist interpretation of the constitution we are left to the whims of lifetime appointed judges with no checks or balances. People may argue that the consitution was flawed in this way or that way - FINE, THEN VOTE TO CHANGE IT. You have the right to vote for the President, your congressman and your Senator. But a judge who claims there is a constitutional right to have an abortion without the parent knowing about it is nuts. THAT IS NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION THEREFORE ITS NOT UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

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We have terrorists on our benches. This why the democrats filibuster in the Senate against "suspected" conservatives judges.


Look what they are doing. Compulsory education into public schools for the masses and God is not allowed to be spoken of in those schools.


Brainwash the kids and keep the parents around to pay the bills through taxes and babysit them at night.


Al-Queda just needs patience, our judges are hard at work.

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