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over-familiar with krishna

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yes... it is called prakrta sahajia..


if we are at a consciousness level (with simple moral problems with regulative principles for example) where the right behaviour is to treat god with reverence, but we try to jump at a "higher stage" making a farce to be a gopi, a gopa, to despise bhagavatam, gita, sadhana, vaishnava association, guru seva because we want only hear and speak of loving intimate pastimes... we are over-familiar and offensive.


The result is that we start to think that the lilas between radha and krsna are common, human, erotic exchanges.. and that they are human


atheism masked as a great and spontaneous love

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The are many examples all around you… once you have the knowledge.


I know you have the knowledge Govindaram, therefore you can judge my answer.


Gopis may have experienced this when Krsna dissapeared during the rasa dance. Consider the pride of Krsna's descendents when Samba joked with the sages about being pregnant.


Powerful people can act indulgent - especially on a material level. Having an "original" friend can make you haughty. I see it in my speech. (I see it in your speech… alot of the time)

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Hare Krishna




I see it in my speech. (I see it in your speech.. alot of the time)






I was talking more of joking with Krishna, i know about Sahajiya etc, that is NOT why i started this thread, i feel talking with Krishna in a familiar sort of way can build attachment..is it not?






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Uh, you didn't have anything to indicate joking… I think.


"… i feel talking with Krishna in a familiar sort of way can build attachment..is it not?"


Well… Yeah! The more Krsna is thought of… OR… TREATED like a person, the more HE reciprocates like one. Since He has everything we're looking for, He should be the object of our affection. Any effort on His behalf is a sound ground for *****anything*****

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"I was talking more of joking with Krishna, i know about Sahajiya etc, that is NOT why i started this thread, i feel talking with Krishna in a familiar sort of way can build attachment..is it not?"

••••the message was mine, i do not want to be uselessly hard, but the realization, the direct perception of the real presence of some sort of divinity is for very advanced practitioneers. The simple realization of brahman comes with the total stopping of the fear for death and for any pain or difficulty.


To really living, experiencing the impersonal aspect of god brings necessarily the real and steady realization that we are not the body but parts and parcels of the absolute... imagine.. no more fear, no more pain, no more suffering!!


and beyond this there's the realization of god as a great emperor of the universe (some times very fearful!)


and beyond other extremely difficult levels of understanding there's the one when we see, hear, live and embrass krsna bhagavan in goloka vrindavan in a lover's mood or friend's mood...


do you think it could be good for us to start behaving a little like that when one is (like me) extremely far from any real spiritual realization? what's the use to be familiar with a krsna that now for us is like a legend or it is simply a story recalled by the spiritual master that we understand maybe at 0.00000000001% of its real meaning?


at this level talking with krsna in a familiar sort of way can build attachment... to maya!! she will soon say to us : "krsna is a common boy or baby.. he behave like an immoral strange human... he's not god"


hare krishna prabhu, i hope you will not take my words as an offence

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Hare Krishna



I can see what you have written and you are right, there is a chance we might think that Krishna is normal person, so does attachment for Krishna not grow by chanting hare-krishna, i know its does, also we are all on different levels of realisation and also with what you said if we think we are really close to Krishna (artificially) then we can give-up sadhana, thankyou for you advice very much appreciated. /images/graemlins/smile.gif




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"… what's the use to be familiar with a krsna that now for us is like a legend or it is simply a story recalled by the spiritual master that we understand maybe at 0.00000000001% of its real meaning?"


Well, at least it's vaguely connected with reality. And that connection is so powerful it can save you from an animal birth.


So much of the world is 'way out in left field', far removed from the 'real world'. For anyone to even start such a process is auspicious.


If your refuge is properly fixed, you have direction. And you have alot of hope!

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the fellow of my example is hearing by spiritual master, so he, even if at 0.00000000001%, is in the way for home, he's not only hoping.


if he doesn not makes mistakes, like showing realizations that he does not have, like the sahajia deviation, the goal is relatively close to him

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If the relationship is real, then no, I don't think you can be overly familiar with Krsna. However, if we aren't on such a high stage, then to enter a temple, or engage in service in a sloppy, careless manner is bad. We can hide behind "But I'm Krsna's best friend" but unless you really are then I'd say better to be more formal than less formal.

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