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cloned animals for food

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Yes you read that correctly. These monsters will stop at nothing to avoid becoming vegetarian.


Deeper into hell they steer the Earth.



Cloned Food Gets Closer To Market


USA Today

Oct. 31--The arrival of meat or milk from cloned animals in America's grocery stores takes a giant step forward today with the release of a Food and Drug Administration report that says cloned animals pose no greater risk to human health than normally bred animals.


It is the first time that a regulatory body has said that such animals are safe to eat and greatly increases the likelihood that the FDA will lift its voluntary ban on the sale of meat, milk and food products made from cloned animals. In 2002, the FDA asked companies engaged in the cloning of agricultural animals to voluntarily refrain from selling them for human consumption.

The executive summary of the report is to be presented Tuesday to the FDA's veterinary medicine advisory committee, which will evaluate it and eventually consider whether the agency's voluntary restrictions should be lifted. The FDA has not said when the full 300-page report will be released to the committee.


Industry experts say the sale of products made from cloned animals is only the first piece of a much larger picture -- the sale of "transgenic" animals. Companies around the globe are already working to genetically modify animals to produce drugs and all manner of chemicals. And they anticipate a day when animals might be engineered to produce extra-tender meat, milk low in lactic acid or eggs that protect against heart disease. "This sets a basis for the next level, which is transgenics," says Lisa Dry of the Biotechnology Industry Organization. "You've got to cross this threshold before you can go there."


But Greg Jaffe, biotechnology coordinator with the Center for Science in the Public Interest, says the food-safety evidence is in short supply. The FDA risk assessment makes numerous assumptions that the public might not make, he says. The first is that a healthy animal is likely to produce safe food products, so if a cloned animal is healthy, foods made from it will be healthy. "The analysis says that if a clone gets as far as the slaughterhouse, it has to be healthy. And if it's healthy, then it's probably not harmful, but they don't have the data to back it up," Jaffe says.


The FDA risk assessment also looks at the moral and ethical issues raised by animal cloning. Clones are subject to many pathological problems, including hypertension, kidney abnormalities, liver problems, limb and body wall defects, and abnormally large babies. However, the risk assessment finds that the health problems aren't that much different from those seen from artificial reproduction technologies commonly used on farms.


Even if the FDA lifts its ban, whether a market will exist is another matter. The most important issue for the nation's grocers is that consumers are convinced and assured that the food supply is safe, says Stephanie Childs of the Grocery Manufacturers of America. It's important to remember that few clones will be sold as food, says Janet Riley of the American Meat Institute. "It's an exact twin. We're copying an animal that has optimal characteristics, such as flavor or tenderness, and using it for breeding stock so that its offspring will have those characteristics."


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The people whom you call demons are not demons. The only problem that they have is they were brought up in ignorance and refuse to give up their desires because they are so attached to them. It is truly a sad state to be in.


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This is a real creepy. This is a reality that our generation has denied God as the creator. And add all this to the use of animal organs in human transplants and we see how science is developing techniques in which human beings are playing at God.


But...the Psalmist showed more wisdom than most of the 'great minds' of our generation when he wrote:


"O Lord you have searched me and known me. ... for you have formed me in my inward parts; You have covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvellous are your works, and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was made in secret." Psalm 139:1,13-15


Psalm 141:3-4: "Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. Incline not my heart to any evil thing, to practice wicked works with men that work iniquity: and let me not eat of their dainties".


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