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One should always try to control his/her senses regardless of particular situation. Best self control can be achieved through devotional service to Krishna. Chant Here Krishna Mantra to purify your consciousness so you can determine what to do in any situation.


We all have various material tendencies. The Vedic cure for all such tendencies is to accept the Vedic Way and gradually get purified. Hare Krishna!

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Transexuals often say their are trapped in the wrong body. They seem to have developed a female subtle body that resides in a male form. Or it can be the other way around.


All souls can go from one gender to another just as we can go from one specie to another. Flip flopping back and forth. Somehow transexuals seem to have flipped when they should have flopped. I don't really understand the workings of karma to explain why.


Finding themselves in this awkward position and not understanding it they are now taking advantage of modern medical techniques to change to outer body in an attempt to find some harmony.


This is the wrong way of course. They should be trying to find themselves as life force which animates both the subtle body and the gross phyiscal. That is where harmony exists.


Really its just another identity problem like we all have. My present identity problem is that I think I am a male human.

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I heard that there are genetic reasons for it and a person cannot help but be that way. I also heard that if they do not do it, they get so depressed and lonely that they will commit suicide or ruin their lives completely.


Thats why most people come out sometime in their lives. For the few who manage, it takes great courage for them to manage and control it.

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But even if genes are a cause what comes before the genes? Why are the genes formed in one way over another? Why is one person born in a body with a certain genetic code while another soul enters a body with a completely different genetis structure?


My belief is once these connections are properly understood that understanding while take away the fear and ridicule that these people face without having to have all the rest of humanity start pretending its a normal and natural thing.

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You said, "Really its just another identity problem like we all have. My present identity problem is that I think I am a male human."


Then you say ,"...all the rest of humanity start pretending its a normal and natural thing"


Please tell me which is true, They both contradict each other, I am not trying to call you a hypocrite.


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You have to read things in the context of how they are meant. Just as in ordinary conversation throughout the day.


Suppose at birth your parents called you John. Later you learn you are spiritsoul and John really just refers to the adopted desigination you took on at birth. It's not really YOUR name.


Next day you find yourself being questioned by a police officer for some reason and he demands your name. Do you then start speaking aham brahmasmi( I am spirt) to him or do you just say John.


See what I mean?


Actually this whole universe is abnormal when we consider that the normal position of the soul is to be in conscious realtion with Krsna in Vaikuntha.


But still when it gets hot in summer we say it is normal. When it rains in winter it is normal.


We must consider the context.

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Its not me who disagrees, it is my heart. It is said that for a thinker, the world is a success, for a feeler the world is nothing but grief , misery and woe.


One should be a thinker, not a feeler, so agree with you completely...

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Well I hope there is a place where thinking and feeling harmonize. We are all in a difficult stage. We think wrongly and feel wrongly and always in differing and conflicting ways.


For now it seems more productive to increase and be lead primarily by our intellect, but if it doesn't lead us to a place where we are ruled by pure love we will have to question if we had been intelligently led or not.


But ordinary human feelings needn't be turned off even during this phase. just that they should submit and be keep in check by the intelligence.


Mr. Spock was out of balance a bit.

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I am not sure if you are in this position or not. But if you are you should not feel discouraged from chanting.


We are all carrying heavy baggage from our past, that is from time immemoriable. We all got drawn into this confusing material atmosphere following the pipe dream of being the Enjoyer. So you are not alone in that. There are universes filled with us.

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I once read a web page, which I can no longer find (rats!) that said genetically modified foods eaten by a pregnant woman can cause homosexuality in the unborn child, once they become a teenager. That it does not really manifest until its time for their homrones to kick in, and then it all starts. But as I said, I no longer have that web site. I was wondering if anyone heard anytihng along these lines? Because if this is true, then some homosexuals, transvestivites, etc., can at least come to a degree of peace knowing what may have happened to them. Its not necessarily limited to this as the cause, but if its going on, it should be uncovered and recognized as one potential cause.


Also, not to blame the parents either. People often dont know what they are eating. Its not always on the lable either.




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With all due respect, dear priitaa dd, Transsexuals are not Homosexuals and there is a big difference.



I suspected someone might point this out. (sigh) Yes, I know this. And its why I touched on it when I said:


"Because if this is true, then some homosexuals, transvestivites, etc., can at least come to a degree of peace.."


I did not want to go into detail and was hoping my overall but general statment would suggest that. Apparently not. So, in this case, it doesn't so matter that transexuals and homosexuals are different. Only that geneticially modified foods can mess up everyone's hormones! We really need to get these GM foods off the market.

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While I do not accept genetics as the basis of one experiencing life in any sexualy mode I do accept they have some role to play. I can't see clearly enough to separate it all out. Thinking developes genes and then those genes influence thinking.


But I have heard that alot of estrogens are being added to our food supply in varying ways and I think this may be contributing to the feminization of the Western male.


Just another reason to eat organic.

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This is a letter Prabhupada wrote to someone in a similar position. The person was in a male form at the time and has since taken a female role as 'Jennifer'




My dear Jennifer,

Please accept my greetings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 6, 1975 and have noted the contents. First of all, you decide whether you are female or male, then be one or the other. Then, you may enter our temple any time you like. But sometimes man and sometimes woman, that is not proper. Such awkward thing cannot be allowed. It will be disturbing to others. Anyway, continue to chant Hare Krishna as much as possible.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


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Whether it is male or female it does not really matter. What matters is your relation to God, the rest of it is all temporary. Thank you for that.


By those words, Sri Bhakthivedanta Prabhupada says that it does not matter. Why should we worry about things which are temporary, also changing or molding the body into something will only create more pain and isolation.


We try to be Purusha or God the enjoyer, we do not want to be anything else. That is the problem. What we should do is forget about what position or what place or time we are in and start thinking about how to be the best God's servant we can be.

Thank you for that wonderful post.


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Sorry for saying that but by the way you have said it , it made it look like transexuals are homosexuals. I agree though, that they have similarities in their behavior and it may relate to GM foods.


Most common reason accepted today is that neglect, abuse and 'lack of love', which is hard to believe because some people are transsexuals even when incidents of neglect , abuse and 'lack of love' are absent.


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Sorry for saying that but by the way you have said it , it made it look like transexuals are homosexuals. I agree though, that they have similarities in their behavior and it may relate to GM foods.



Oh, I hope I did not come across too heavy in my reply. My apologies. I should have gone the extra mile with my first post and clarified what I was trying to point out right then and there, that GM foods effect everyone's hormones, especially the baby in the womb.


I agree too, that a lack of love, as well as abuse, has caused such problems.


Thiest, yes, I have read that letter. Wasn't Jenifers name as a man, once initiated, Jai Sri? Not sure, but if so, I met him, and he has since passed away. I felt for him, as even this many years later, he was having gender issues. Yet I have to give him credit, as he was trying hard to come to terms with being a man. And before anyone misunderstands, I am not saying everyone should do this, only that he did it. :-)


I am seldom one to say "times have changed since Prabhupada was here," because all too often I hear that used as an excuse to change the philosophy! But I think medically things have changed. So with this concern about GM foods, and yes, adding estrogens to foods (and guess what? even plastics and most pollutants are made of synthetic estrogen), well, the atmosphere and food just aint what it use to be. The progression of kali yuga may be on its way.

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While I do not accept genetics as the basis of one experiencing life in any sexualy mode I do accept they have some role to play. I can't see clearly enough to separate it all out. Thinking developes genes and then those genes influence thinking.



LOL Don't worry Thiest, its not contagious. You're no longer in the womb (GM foods can't get ya), and while what you refer to above has some small effect, it is extremely small as well as uncommon. So me thinks you are safe. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


I have always suspected guys are more concerned over this than women, and I'm not sure why. Women can often be friends with homosexuals, whereas men freak, or close. One time I wondered if maybe its cuz women tend to be friends with male homosexuals and not as much with female ones. Yes, the thought of hanging out with a lesbian made me feel yucky. Not homophobic, just uncomfortable. Maybe guys can be friends with lesbians, I dont know.


Hmmmm Actually, I know a woman who, after years of marriage and raising a child, left her husband and become a lesbian. Now, her, I have no problem being around. But I find her partner annoying! Maybe its her pro - gay thing, not sure. (Promoting it is a deviation of Prabhupada's teachings, and THAT annoys me, regarding any topic.) So there it is, one personality doesn't bother me even tho she's gay, while the other makes me feel yucky. I think that basically, anyone who is honest and treats me right, I treat them right. As long as they are clear on what it means to behonest and treat me (& others) right.

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I was worried there. Better a diet of distilled water. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


I'm still not totally convinced. There may be a conspiracy to turn the populace into homosexuals as a step in total population control. OK stop laughing, its possible.


Yes the homophibia thing is a farce to make those uncomfortable with being around homosexuals seem diseased.


I've had lesbian friends who I felt comfortable around. It was nice actually because the sexual tension was so much lessened.


But really butch bull dykes are another story. I knew one once who started off the conversation by asking me how much I could bench. (bench press as in weight lifting for those that haven"t heard the term.) Just too weird coming from a girl. And I swear the fact that she was ahead of me by over 40 pounds had nothing to do with it.

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LOL Well, there may be a conspiracy to make a 'third gender' as a normal & acceptable part of society, which in turn may cause others, mostly the young, to wonder about themselves. Maybe in that way there is a conspiracy. Tho in the process of trying to relieve the stress of the 10% of our population, the other 90%, often youngersters, can become confused. I'm not making this up. I have spoken to some (nondevotee) teenagers who told me they dont know if they like girls/boys (opposite), or their own gender. We never had that problem when I was growing up, so I feel its a result of pro gay movements. Not to misunderstand, I feel for devotees stuck in such bodies, and realize its hard to get thru life alone. Just that like anyone else with any type of problem, ya do what ya gotta do, taking the humble position of fallen, maintain the idea to give up all bodily concepts, work toward transcendence, especially toward love of God/Krishna.


Everyone (devotees) knows this third geneder concept is not Vedic, even those who are under its influence. With this topic or anything, I really need to stick to Prabhupada's teachings without trying to change them to make myself feel better. Actually, it doesn't make me feel better, it makes me feel worse! I rather admit my various fallen traits then modify his pure teachings. Not out of humility, simply I realize its the only way out of this material world. Who wants to come back here again? Yuck!


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