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Curse of bad mental health

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Is it some type of a curse to develop a mental problem in one's life? whether it be as bad as parkinson's and schizophrenia or as mild as compulsive behaviors? Is it a curse given to by maya or is it developed from one's past karma?


If there is no difference between maya's curse and karma, then please tell me why a person does not lose the mental disorder even if he has surrendered himself to krishna .

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Some of the disorders involving neurological systems are genetically determined. Depending on the type of disorder and nature of protein expressed or responsible for the diorder, it manifests either in childhood, adolescent or in middle or old age. SOme disorders have complete penetrance (ie) 100% transmittance from parents to children while some have incomplete penetrance. How these disorders would have originated is due to the mutation in the genes responsible for the particular protein in the parents or in grand parents and that comes throgh generations. There are three kinds of inheritance, Autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive and x-linked inheritance. Each individual is half from father and half from mother. Dominant is caused with one defective half itself while recessive is caused when both defective halves meet and x-linked is determined on x-chromosome.

I am a strong devotee of SHree Krishna and also a scientist and hence giving you both explanations from my perspective. Mutations can be spontaneous or sporadic. These mutations would have originated either in you (if you are the only affected in family) or it would have originated in grand parents as mentioned earlier. SO if we view from karmic aspects, may be one of the grand parents must have got cursed out of which the soul that did lot of papa come and born in that family and suffer. In spite of the sufferings if one keeps chanting His name and have the faith, atleast you come out of the curse and reach Him or have a next wonderful birth depending on your karmic balances. This is the best explanation I can give as both scientist and also as follower of Gita.

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I understand the stuff about the chromosomal mutations that happen due to hereditary reasons. However, the supreme personality of the Godhead , Shree Krishna is all powerful and if that is true, why can't he correct a little mutation?. Is it not true that the mutations in our genes occur daily. Are they not corrected in many cases by genes like ligase stripping and attaching new molecules?. If that were the case, why can't krishna forgive my past karma and solve some health problem, that keeps me from making my progress into spiritual life.

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It is true that mutations are corrected. But only specific types of mutations that happen due to chemicals or ultraviolet rays are corrected. Inherited mutations are not corrected. The body of an organism that is formed from a defective cell continues its life until death in the same form and any changes that occur after the single cellular zygote starts dividing to form the organism. For example, cancer mutations that are sporadic most of the times are corrected and eliminated and this is body's self defense. In spite of that some develop into cancerous cells when it cannot be rectified.

Why Krishna cannot correct forgiving the sins.

We are not judge for our sins of the past. How do we know how much of sins a souls has committed in past. Its a wrong notion to beleive that God will forgive now and then and this false beleif actually makes people to commit more sins and accumulate. God never forgive the sins commited. He teach us strong lessons for the sins and help us for the good deeds. I always explain this using Mahabaratha where Lord Krishna explains this.

Bheesma, Karna and Drona by themselves are very good people. Yet, they were all keeping quiet and not protesting when Draupathi was insulted and Duchadhana was removing her saree. So all of them were universally punished and not forgiven for all their good deeds. But for all the good deeds they had, they all had individual benefits in other aspects. Karna got the Viswaroopa Darshan of Lord, Bheesma could determine his time of death. So what we do we reap whether its good or bad. The all powerful Almighty does not forgive for the bad deeds by wiping away the sufferings, but forgives us in the way of giving us the divine knowledge of realising Him so that we dont do such bad deeds anymore.

I hope you got it. There are rarest of the rare cases where He does miracles. For Him to perform miracle, again I feel it depends on how far we are devoted to Him unconditionally without questioning Him at any time. But this is extremely frustrating and a normal person will loose faith.

How much ever I am writing to you, I have my own sufferings and I have realised and come to a stage that even if Lord is not going to come and help me also until my last breath for my prayers to Him, I will not stop praising Him and all that I pray to Him nowadays is, dont make me forget you, even after my soul leaves this present body. If this body loose its consciousness due to diseased state, even in that state my soul should be chanting your name all the time. If the soul forgets, please make the soul realise that it should chant your name all the time. this is what I pray to Him and I am happy nowadays. Because for certain things we cannot find solutions through science invented by humans. The science of Lord has its own thories which cannot be understood or explained by science of Humans.

the only help what I can do to you is give genetic counselling free of cost as I am not a clinical doctor to give you free treatment altbough I love to help people.


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Karma that is mature (fully manifested) is something you are pretty much stuck with (like your body). Krishna may change it if He likes (or make the problem less severe), but you should not expect Him to do that. Surrender to Krishna also means acceptance of your current situation as what is given to you by Him.


Sometimes mental problems are caused by ghosts who try to "hitch a ride" in your body. Chant the Holy Name as much as possible and you will be protected from them. Especially when you feel like your problems are getting worse. Hare Krishna!

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