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problems clearing the mind

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when i try to concentrate, it only lasts for a few minutes and then, all sorts of thoughts run through my mind. its like a hose if you bend it in one spot for a while the water will stop flowing, but as soon as you let go, the water floods out. i have tried to just take my time, but still these random unimportant things come to mind.


how can i stop my mind from wondering?

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Krishna Says that Among the yoga He is Abhyasa yoga. Abhyasa yoga is to concentrate the mind. One can do it early morning since early morning between 4. to 5.30 is the time when all the Demi Gods worship Lord Narayana and Sun starts His duty for that part of the earth.

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To concentrate the mind one needs an object for contemplation. Krsna is that Supreme object. Krsna also means His words, His devotees, His service etc.


There is no need to try and acquire the ability to concentrate before beginning Krsna consciousness. Just try to hear the name as you chant your japa. And do the same for every aspect of your sadhana.


Better to be mindful than mindless. And the mind should be filled with Krsna.

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"due to the qualities of this age (kali-yuga) we have lost our good qualities and are very unqualified...the Lord showing secial mercy has given us the easiest and simplest method for attaining self realization-the chanting of His Holyname."


though we live in troubled times, we have the greatest opportunity to advance...what sages spent hundreds of years meditating for, we can attain simply by chanting the Holyname.

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While doing your daily duties without desiring the fruits of your actions, be mindful of your spiritual self and the Lord.

There can never be peace if one is not situated in the self all the time. Peace!



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