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4 regulative principles

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How strictly are the four regulative principles followed, truthfully? I am ok with the no gambling, no meat eating, illicit sex and most of the intoxication. I am having a hard time staying away from Caffeine. By late afternoon I am SO tired and I go to college and in class I am literally falling asleep and the only thing that wakes me up is Coffee. I have given it up in the morning and now drink a cup of tea instead, but I am having a hard time with staying awake at school.

Any suggestions?

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it's nice that you've sincerely taken to the 4 regulative principles...as with any "lifestyle" change it may take some time to ween off of things we have taken for granted for so long, so don't be discouraged. sincerely chant and make a promise to yourself to slow adjust and change the direction of your life in a positive spiritual manner.

maybe you need more rest if staying awake during the day is a problem.


bhakta mark

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Did you take some vow not to use caffeine? If not then you might want to drop the pressure it appears you are laying on yourself.


Anyway, caffeine can be hard on a person. It's addictive and its withdrawl symptoms include headaches. It will pick you up for a bit but then let you done in a few hours.


There is a thread started on brain foods in the health section. Herbs and vitamins can supply a good substitute.


Also if you are not philosophically opposed to pharmaceuticals you should look into a preperation called Olmifon or more widely known as Adafrinil. This is an older version of Modafranil but MUCH cheaper.


If interested here is an article to get you started on your investigation. http://www.antiaging-systems.com/home1.htm


I just tested the link and it goes to their homw page so just look up the product under their Articles section.


Good luck

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  • 1 year later...

Are you getting enough sleep at night? Insufficient or poor quality sleep at night time is the most frequent cause of daytime sleepiness.


Have you tried EXERCISE? I drink coffee or tea now myself, but I didn't when I was in college. To stay alert I scheduled five minutes of vigorous exercise in each hour of study. Even went out of my dorm and jumped rope -- like clockwork. One time I had half the lecture hall at a break joining me in some stretch exercises in the hallway very good for a painful neck and back injured in an automobile accident. The exercise was fun, too. One of the profs -- in Germany -- seeing us down on the floor on all fours, a leg and an arm stretched out, jokingly asked (in German, of course) : What are you doing, making Eselsbruecker? We all got a good laugh. Now if you understand that, you'd probably be fun to get to know, so e-mail me at drruth@usadatanet.net.

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