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God of love and the God of separation

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"Vasudevam sarvam iti" means that spiritual emotions gradually become mature and are perfect. All is supervised by Krisna or internal energy. Krisna is present at a sound. We as are interested with each detail connected to Krisna.


When gopis have met Krisna on Kuruksetra it is the strongest moment. This sight between Krisna and gopis it is especial. Krisna it is most attractive during this moment.


First there was this life Vrindavana which will seemed to go eternally. Then Krisna has gone in Mathura and heart gopis was simply broken off, when the chariot began to disappear from a kind. But they have not gone in Mathura because they follow this internal mood of fidelity. All pure devotees follow such especial mood of fidelity. For example as Yasoda connected Krisna a cord. But mood gopis that they do not rush after Krishna. They would not want that Krisna leaved - " the downpour let will begin and never will end, never. Let rain pours eternally, that Krisna would remain here ". But Krisna has left also the ambassador all it has been executed non-material feelings.


And further time has stopped.


One second of 12 years, the second second of 12 more years, is not present a gleam.


But gopis did not go anywhere.


Gopis - " Mathura such big city, Krisna now is well-known, and we simple girls Vrindavana, villages how we can seem there? Queens Dvaraka and Mathura are so beautiful, what we, simple herdesses in comparison with them? "


This mood, does gopis especially attractive for Krisna. Krisna thinks in Dvaraka of them, they think in Vrindavana of Krisna.


But gopis think - " Krisna it is so beautiful, all girls Mathura already belong to it. But ... we, we, we.. "


They simply cry, because they cannot go in any comparison with queens Dvaraka. We can understand their feelings? Eventually Krisna is not present c them, therefore it is possible to speak everything, but Krisna here is not present, Krisna in Mathura. Whether they do not know they will meet Krisna in general once again! They to hope, hope, but Krisna does not come. They to hope, but they as accept the everything else! For this reason there Is this statement - " I have nothing to pay back them. " For THIS love gopis.


(Obviously that sermon Srila Prabhupada makes a start from such moods and such mood will gradually bring us to some understanding of this meeting on Kuruksetra.)


As as gopis are pure and are not envious, therefore they are pleased to all news about Krisna. They are happy as that Krisna has found such great success including having married on 16000 queens. They envy certainly queens and each of gopis can dream only what to leave in marriage for Krisna. Therefore Krisna does not descend from a lotus of their heart never, under all circumstances. They are happy that His happy, instead of that they are happy. Whether it married on queens, whether he battles is to girls as it is pleasant to see beloved by the hero. And Krisna likes especial type of fidelity, as a matter of fact it not especial type of fidelity, it is pure fidelity or the perfect fidelity.


Gopis are so modest, that do not apply at all on what after Krisna has left. Gopis the most trusted satellites of the God, but in this case they would be glad though only to look once again at Krisna. Such fidelity, such love, captivates Krisna. They accept that He has left, they accept that it has chosen others. They accept even that possible it in general can not return. It also is the perfect spiritual humility and spiritual love. But Krisna it is happy in Dvaraka and all gopis want to listen to these news.


And then on Kuruksetra they again meet. After these games Vrndavana has passed how many that of time. Feelings gopis became stronger. Yes, such situation does their feelings in relation to the God even more strongly and more strongly. Krishna looks more chivalrous and is covered with a few dust and glory of all of His fights and feats. It is dressed as prince in gold ornaments and it behaves as always easy. It on a way to the native village, such, very native. It recollects everything, including gopis. It knows everything, including them completely disinterested fidelity. On Kuruksetra much who meets Krisna, his relatives and friends, and during this moment when all of them meet, there comes this pause.


But this pause actually concerns only He and gopis.


Because first of all He sees only them.


All last lilas Vrindavana and it is especial years of His absence are carried by between them.


And gopis look at him and they see as far as Krisna is attractive. It is attractive it not that word, it simply does not leave their eyes.


And Krishna sees as far as their love to they is great.


And hardly later gopis understand that Krishna has returned to them.


It not warm friendly or related attitudes, it something another. It as not attitudes Dvaraka though refer to such attitudes can in a word. Though such attitudes can formally concerns to one category, but these are absolutely different attitudes....


Krishna the God and consequently it the expert of pleasure. That the God submits all the qualities, is His eternal position. That that Krisna can make for example happy anyone, it is quite possible for him, it a source of all and all qualities. It knows heart of everyone, therefore these games of an inner world do not stop for one instant. All are happy in His society. But Krisna also the maximum expert on pleasures or spiritual happiness. Therefore it knows as to increase this pleasure repeatedly, how to make this happiness special. And this special happiness will consist in such pure fidelity gopis to Him. This special happiness gopis and this special happiness of Krisna. And the reason of such mentality gopis, is KRSNA, please, agree with it. /images/graemlins/smile.gif The essence of fidelity gopis which does their so charming Also is those.! That Krishna the center of all and independence of Krishna simply strengthens such attitudes.


But on the external plan in this meeting on Kuruksetra friendly and related attitudes are more shown, and all gopi bhava is latent in the greater degree. It is not shown by all and to everyone, because such behaviour, it as a part of this mood.


It is a little more, and later again begin game, the jealousy and not clear image combined humility and rebelliousness again will begin. Rukmini devi reflects humility Srimati Radharani, and Satyabhama for example, reflects pride Srimati Radharani more. Or, in the other case, one wing reflects more humility, another pride, but all this in an ideal is combined. This spiritual alternation of pride and humility for example, essence of all occuring events Vrindavana lila. But on Kuruksetra such relation reach the peak because these attitudes and love, are shown there in all essence.


Later gopis again will start that to be at war among themselves for Krisna to abuse Krisna, to glorify Krisna, to send it of a note, and Krisna will discuss with Subala those or other tactical actions. But force of all of their attachment to Krishna will be shown as and in separation good luck. Madana-Mohan, the one who brings happiness both in attachment and in separation. The God of love and the God of separation.

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