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Chapter 6 - Turning point in the story

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A few cooments on CH6...

Hello everyone, sorry for the delay of CH6 but i'm in the midst of planning a map project with something else, and i'm doing Computer Graphics for SC2. Anyways, before you read CH6, you should read my comments on this chapter first.


Chapter 6 was much more easier than 5, why? Because, i only had to bring Rama into the story line. I even added a new Character for later use. This chapter is a turning point in the new Ramayana because the chapters after 6 begin to deal with Rama's quest to find evil and destroy it. The first 6 chapters are used to introduce the main characters in the story. Of course there are more character, but they will slowly be added in. I hope you enjoy Chapter 6 - Rama!!!


Chapter Six



Rama the name brings images of a heroic man who took on evil and prevailed. In the new Ramayana the idea is the same, but the differences range from different time setting, to an altered plot. Whatever the time, setting, plot, the Rama will continue to be one of the best heroes and roll-models in world history and for the future.




After lunch break was done at Kosala Inc., people headed back to work. The main plaza that was at the bottom of the Kosala Centers was full of people rushing to go to there offices, meetings, and other destinations. Today was a special day, a special day for the Dasaratha Family. A very special person was coming to work at Kosala Inc., Rama. Now there was a small reception to welcome Rama, if was not a public event, only Dasaratha’s Family, and few other High Kosala officials were aloud to attend. The reception was located on the 240 floor, also known as the “sky floor.” About 49 people attended, there was a large banner saying “Welcome to Kosala Inc.!

”Everyone was anxiously waiting for Rama.

It was three PM when there was a knock at the main entrance to the sky floor, Dasaratha opened the door, and Rama was here. Dasaratha welcomed him in and everyone in the room shouted,

“Welcome to Kosala Inc. Rama!!” People cheered and clapped as Rama walked into the small sky room, he started to talk to people. Lakshmana was the first to talk to Rama, several other people came close to hear him talk,

“So Rama, were do you come from?” Laksmana asked.

Rama, gathered his breath and said in one big long sentence,

“Well I came from Starr Darcy Inc. Headquarters in the city of El Dorado, I live 140 miles from my place of work in a neighborhood called East Meadows east of El Dorado.” Rama relaxed and took a breath.

“Wow, uhh…so why did you come here to Kosala Inc.?”

“Well, realizing how stress-full my job was in El Dorado I decided that getting a less fast-paced job and lifestyle was the best choice. And also I wanted to live in India, people told me a lot of good things about the GCI country, so I came over here to try out the Indian dream as well.”

“And how are you liking it so far Rama?”

“I just got here today, this is my first day in India, I haven’t even purchased a place to live in yet, so I don’t cant really tell.”

“You’ll enjoy your stay in India, if you need anything just ask us, me, Dasaratha, or anyone at Kosala Inc.”

“Thanks” Rama replied.

Rama, Dasaratha’s family, and the other Kosala officials talked to each other for a little while, at six PM, Dasaratha got every ones attention and said,

“Everyone, your invited to head over to one of the tables to have something to eat, the chefs from the Ayodhya Parrot are here, and cooked up some amazing food for us.”

As soon as Dasaratha was finished talking, waiters started coming out of the kitchen door, with trays of food in there hands. The food was set on several long serving tables in the middle of the room, people in the room flocked over to the tables and lined up for something to eat. Rama, on seeing this approached Dasaratha and said,

“I’m going to head to a washroom for a moment.”

“Go right a head, I’ll save you a spot beside my wife and I.”

Rama smiled and headed towards the washrooms. The washrooms were just located beside the kitchen, to a door left of the kitchen doors. Rama stopped and looked behind himself to see if anyone was behind him or could see him. Seeing that no one was around or looking in his direction, he quickly side stepped and went through the kitchen doors. There was nobody in the kitchen, Rama went through the kitchen and searched for the drinks, he worked quickly knowing the waiters and chefs would come through the door any second to get the drinks. He found them, he looked around himself again, and then reached inside his left pocket and took out a small bottle of unknown liquid. Rama opened it up and put some of the liquid in each cup of drink, and in the punch bowl as well. He then heard voices outside the kitchen door, he quickly ran to the washroom entrance in the kitchen and went through, just then a few waiters and chefs walked through the kitchen doors, one of the waiters caught a glimpse of the closing washroom door, he walked over to the door and opened it, and looked, there was no one there, the waiter closed the door.

Rama came walking out of the washroom door cautiously, and headed toward the food tables, Bharata was there,

“So much good food Rama, have some.”

“Right, hmm, were to start!”

“Try some of this, its called chefs surprise, I don’t know what’s in it, but its good.”

Bharata left the food serving tables with three plates of food for himself, he was a big eater. Rama started to serve himself, but he got distracted by a table ornament. The ornament was made out of fake parrots standing on poles, Rama talked to himself for a moment

“Hmm, these are nice, I wonder what there made out of?” Rama touched one, but the parrot he touched broke off the its pole,

“Uhh oh, better put it back.” Rama attempted to put the fake parrot back on its pole, but the table ornament of parrots started to fall over. Rama tried to fix it again, bat he made it worse. Rama looked up and saw Dasaratha walking toward the food serving table, Rama was holding the wrecked table ornament, Dasaratha came closer,

“Hello Rama.”

Rama hid the ornament behind his back from Dasaratha’s view,

“Oh, hi Dasaratha, what are you doing here??”

“I’m here to try out some of this great food, and you?”

“I, I was looking to see what was being served.” Rama said nervously.

Dasaratha smiled, and looked away from Rama and started serving himself to some of the food. Rama thought quickly on were to put the broken table ornament, he lifted up one of the serving table’s cloth and threw it under, Rama walked away from the serving tables with his hands behind his back acting like nothing happened.

Rama didn’t know any one at the gathering, so he chose a table from the room and sat down. There was another person at the table, Rama didn't notice.

“Hello Rama.” A girl in her early 20’s called Raji was at the table, she was Rama’s age, and was very beautiful.

“Hi, what’s your name?”

“Raji, Raji Purminder.”

“Interesting name, so do you work here? I didn't see you in the room earlier.”

“No I don't work here, I was just invited to your welcome reception. I was late arriving here.”

“Oh, well my name is Rama, I’m from the SDI headquarters in El Dorado city, I came here to work for a little while, nice to meet you.”

A waiter came to Raji’s and Rama’s table, he was serving drinks.

“Drinks anyone?”

“Sure, Rama and me will have a drink.” Raji requested.

“Actually I’ll pass on the drink, I already had one earlier waiter.” Said Rama.

The waiter served a drink to Raji, it was purplish in color. Raji, sipped it slowly and said to Rama.

Raji started talking to Rama, but he was looking at Raji’s body and not paying attention to her while she was talking. Raji was wearing a bright color sari-like piece of cloth on her body, and had gold and silver jewelry on her head and hands. Her hair was knotted into one enormous braid, which hanged down to her rear.

“So what do you think Rama?"

“Oh, yes.” Rama said.

Rama looked away from Raji for a few moments in embarrassment. Raji knew what Rama was looking at, but she didn't mind. Raji then said,

“Were are you staying at tonight Rama?”

Rama looked back at Raji,

“I don't really know, I was thinking of asking Dasaratha whether I could stay with his family tonight.”

“Oh, I hope you enjoy your stay with the Dasaratha family, there really nice.”

Rama just smiled and then said,

“I’m heading back to the food tables to get something to eat, want to join me?”

“No, I’m not hungry.”

Rama left the table and went over to food serving tables. He started to serve himself. Lakshmana was also at the table, he to was a big eater like Bharata.

“So Rama, know anyone here?”

“Not really, I met this women named Raji.”

Laksmana looked puzzled,

“Raji? I don't recall inviting that person to your welcome reception.”

“She said that she was late arriving here.”

“Are you sure you have the right name?”

“I’m sure, she even said it herself.”

“hmm, I don't know who you are talking about, I’ll have to meet this Raji later tonight.”

Rama served himself some food, then headed back to the table he was sitting at,

“So Raji, I was thinking of asking you if you wanted to come with me when I go to the Dasaratha's house tonight to stay over.”

There was no answer,

“Raji?” Rama looked to were Raji was sitting before, she wasn’t there anymore. Rama looked around the room from were he was sitting, but he couldn't find Raji in sight. He sat back down and wondered what just happened.

Later on in the night Rama walked around in the room talking to other people. It was about eleven PM when the people started to leave, Rama was very tired, he decided to ask Dasaratha whether he could stay with them tonight. Rama walked over to were Dasaratha was sitting, but before Rama could ask, Dasaratha started to talk,

“Rama, do you want to stay with us tonight? I have a couple of extra bedroom, and no one to fill them, how about it?”

“Oh, sure, I was just about to ask.”

As soon as everyone was gone, Rama, Dasaratha and several others of his family members left the Sky-room and the Kosala Centers. They headed over to Dasaratha mansion. Rama was very tired from the long day. But he knew that the days would be longer starting tomorrow, and allot of work was set before him in the days and months in the future…


Chapter 7 comming soon!

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