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Is astrology part of Vedas?

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Hello Everyone,


Here I am again with so many queries on my mind. Please bear with me.


Does astrology really vital in choosing a mate? Aren't love, faith, prayers, humility and acceptance enough? Since Love is God, and what we feel is true love, do we really need to ask the confirmation of the stars above? Can't we just trust the spirit inside that speaks to us that this particular person is the God's gift to share and feel the extension of His love for us?


Why have these practices (especially astrology) become so popular in our modern “scientific” culture? Is it because we want personal guidance in our lives? We want to know the future, because knowledge of the future means control of the future. Control of the future, is supposed to give a person an advantage over others. This advantage entails power.


I did visit an astrologer once out of curiousity and I realized Psychics and those who cast astrology charts generally give out vague good news to their customers. If they gave out bad news, they would go out of business.


Does God allow divination/Astrology? I believe He doesn't because it is a demonic, unauthorized form of revelation. God has given to mankind a perfect, infallible guide for salvation, life and godly living. This guide is the Bible, or the Vedas or the Quran. “All scriptures is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works”, (2 Tim. 3:16,17). When people reject, ignore or attempt to allegorize the Bible, or the Vedas or the Quran, in order to incorporate it into an occult or new age paradigm, they are asserting their independence from God. They insult the majesty of God. They are saying by their actions , “The Bible/Vedas is unnecessary;” or, “The Bible/Vedas is not an adequate guide for living.” They are saying, “I'll do it my way. I don't need God telling me what to believe or how to act.”


That's why I was hurt when my God's Gift (fiance) visit the astrologer not once but 10 or more times to get reassurance if we are going to get married or not. I see it as an insult to my true Love for him rather than a good feelings since we passed all the tests.


God Bless!



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Seeing an astrologer is no something new to our modern culture. For the longest time in India, astrology charts have been the 1 guide to marrying 2 spouses. Do not forget the reason for marriages during those times. It was out of duty not out of love of the 2 spouses.


Is it necessary now? Yes and no, with the free intermingling of men and women it is 'easier' to find a 'good' mate. (note my quotes)


God does allow astrology because in our tradition all incarnations of the Lord has had His charts done by an astrologer.


Astrology doesn't give an advantage on someone. Astrology has its limitations from what I see as it cannot fully predict the unpredictable soul. This little jiva is completely independent of all astrological charts you can muster because that jiva has NOTHING to do with this material world.


I don't want to seem negative, but are you sure you know Love with a capital L? I would like to know your secret, I'm just a fool full of lust.

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Hello Prabuji,


Thanks for replying to my post. Yes, I understand your point regarding the situation in the past of Indian culture wherein couples get married out of pleasing their parents and not for the reason of love.


On the other hand, you also mentioned that: "Is it necessary now? Yes and no, with the free intermingling of men and women it is 'easier' to find a 'good' mate. (note my quotes)". Then you point that "Astrology doesn't give an advantage on someone."


Therefore, "with the free intermingling of men and women it is 'easier' to find a good mate", or good mates. So the astrology will sink in. Among these problabe and eligible men and women, with astrology will help you determine, who's who. And it's an advantage to you.


Since Astrology has the limitatiosn, why still check the chart? The Paramatma will help us to know who is that person God want us to be. That small voice inside you will tell you if that person is the One.


The first time, I saw my God's gift from afar, though he's facing back, I knew him, I can feel him and something is telling me "Yes, that's him".


Well, no one can't fully comprehend what TRUE LOVE is. But, I believe, that once we are in God's presence, we are also sharing or becoming the extension of this origin of True Love which is God/Father/Krishna.


You wrote: "I would like to know your secret, I'm just a fool full of lust." - ???


God Bless!


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