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Cows, varnasrama and "prema" bhakti.

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"In the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika, verses 147 through 153, it is stated: “The pleasure potency of Sri Krsna formerly known as Vrndavanesvari is now personified in the form of Sri Gadadhara Pandita in the pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.” Sri Svarupa Damodara Gosvami has pointed out that in the shape of Laksmi, the pleasure potency of Krsna, she was formerly very dear to the Lord as Syamasundara-vallabha. The same Syamasundara-vallabha is now present as Gadadhara Pandita. Formerly, as Lalita-sakhi, she was always devoted to Srimati Radharani. "


Therefore worship Gaura Gadadhara this worship in mood Laksmi or Rukminidevi


"Gadadhara Pandita’s pure ecstatic love for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was also very deep. It was like that of Rukminideve, who was always especially submissive to Krisna."


But in the SUPREME sense worship Lord Caitanya as to Krishna, actually is rasa bhas.


"Svarupa Damodara Gosvami has described Lord Caitanya as Krsna Himself with the attitude of Radharani, or a combination of Radha and Krsna. The intention of Lord Caitanya is to taste Krsna sweetness in transcendental love. He does not care to think of Himself as Krsna, because He wants the position of Radharani. We should remember this."


Lord Caitanya Itself personally, the example, has shown perfection of a spiritual life and as we know He and "has not established" relations. Too most and in example Madhavendra Puri. Nevertheless as one of moods and the prime target to which aspire devotee, Gosvamis have described moods of a meeting. It is remarkable, that Rupa Gosvami describes mood of separation as much enough -


"141 This poem is concerned with the most confidential and profound of Krishna’s lilas"

Sri Hamsadutta


But it as a rule is not mentioned, in this sphere have developed a stamp - " Rupa Gosvami describes direct devotion". Moreover, many it is clean in the advertising purposes anyhow discuss this theme as it is those " true Gaudiya ".


The mood Lord Caitanya is considered sometimes as bajana, anticipating meeting Krishna lila. As just in case, recollect verses that if who that was in mood Lord Caitanya he any more would not be in alive. But Srila Prabhupada writes that Lord Caitanya learned ALL the personal example. As Lord Caitanya plays a role perfect uttama adhikari, for example when all animals sang after Him to Hare Krishna a mantra - an example of the true uttama.


" Those who are neophytes or even a little progressed in devotional service should not try to imitate the maha-bhagavata. Rather, they should only follow in their footsteps. The word anukara means “ imitating, ” and anusara means “ trying to follow in the footsteps. ” We should not try to imitate the activities of a mahä-bhägavata or Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Our best efforts should be exerted in trying to follow them according to our ability. The maha-bhagavata's heart is completely freed from material contamination, and he can become very dear even to fierce animals like tigers and elephants. Indeed, the maha-bhagavata treats them as his very intimate friends. On this platform there is no question of envy. When the Lord was passing through the forest, He was in ecstasy, thinking the forest to be Vrndavana. He was simply searching for Krsna. "


Srila Prabhupada sang also all world sang after him. He has gone round globe of times 15-20 for 10 years and has opened 108 temples, showing all that it is quite possible, having written thus 60 more books about a spiritual life from a level prema - pure love - madhurya rasa. Disciples Srila Prabhupada have gone round globe everyone, time already on 30, here business that not in quantity, here business that that having gone round the ground of ONLY 15 times that, Srila Prabhupada has distributed KC everywhere. From zero. He was so noble, that has not taken any disciples from the brothers in the God.:))


Anybody is more, except for ISKCON is not concerned neither about cows, nor about children, about varnasram, (and what for) and all great bhaktas are occupied "prema". Cows let cut, because at us the love to the God has developed! Pure devotees - uttama! - He in fact about all worries, He all carries the true blessing, the true humility and the true love. Varnasram it wants to establish SBST, her and the beginnings having entered both sanyas and brahman initiation. Therefore about that that " Lord Caitanya has rejected all these curtseys varnasram " so what for then Ramanada Ray in general has mentioned varnasram? In the other case this dialogue would consist of one question - and one answer. And what for then SBST entered this institute varnasram? At that time were only in fact "babaji" which only "prema" developed, having rejected the everything else? When SBST began to give lecture on Radha kunda on Upanisadas, that " all this at once has been declared gyana ". In opinion of "scientists" babaji such lectures as on Upanisadas. Sanyasa for which that so much copies break, sanyasa it in fact varnasram institute or who that will argue? At babaji is not present sanyas, at babaji is siddha pranali - a spiritual body, perfection of a spiritual life? Siddha pranali it is necessary, what for sanyas?


From "prakrita rasa" SBST -


8).. A bonafide spiritual master never tells his disciple, “ You are absorbed in the mellows of divine rasa. ”


9) The genuine spiritual master never claims, “ I am absorbed in the

mellows of divine rasa. ”...


16) The awakening of transcendental emotional ecstasies (bhava-bhakti)

is never said to occur before the practice of regulated devotional

service (sadhana-bhakti). The performance of regulated devotion with

faith limited only to such beginning regulations can

never give rise to spontaneous devotional service (raganuga-bhakti).


( the second offer imho is sufficiently actual for ISKCON, and the first for all Gaudiya Matha which preaches certain "love" not following any gradual process described in Srimad Bhagavatam. Bhagavatam it is discussed in pair offers, would see it Srila Sukadeva Gosvami! And further it is discussed at once - "love"! /images/graemlins/smile.gif)


22) No one can ever experience the sprouting of pure ecstatic emotions

without first following the regulated injunctions of the scriptures. One

who does not give up materialistic faith can never attain the stage of

spiritual attachment in devotional service.


26) Without knowledge of transcendental truth (siddhnta), no one's

heart can ever be spiritually attuned with Lord Krisna


28) One who is lazy in properly understanding the Vaisnava philosophical

conclusions can never become free from anarthas, the unwanted bad habits

and philosophical misconceptions that impede devotional service.


53).. The genuine spiritual master

never finds fault with the devotional path shown by the great devotees

(maha janas).


(in our case in Srila Prabhupada)


64) After rasa

has factually awakened, one never indulges in the mentality of regarding

any other soul as a disciple.


65) The highest devotee, who is like a king among the rasikas expert in

relishing devotional mellows, never thinks that he has disciples...




They should not preach ISKCON (on what actually is not confused the part GM "literatures"), to they should go safely in a material world, that, shy, but on the sly began to occur. And to everyone who is in ISKCON, I want to tell, that if to you to us will sow this "madhurya" idea most likely it not for the blessing will be be. It simply the form of trade also what it to understand it is enough to open such sastra as Srila Jiva Gosvami or SBST. It is even better to open Srila Prabhupada, primary acarya, that is essence all Gosvamis. Actually Srila Prabhupada also teaches raganuga bhakti. And the part of others "raganuga" sources is profaned enough, not including that there is full of mistakes. If to you all the same and you want only exaltation in comprehension of the elect then all this quite approaches you.


"Radha dasyam" it concerns to Krishna lila and practically is not present at all in Gaura lila at such kind. Most close followers Lord Caitanya are His expansion to His mood of His aspiration to KRISHNA, it and is the Radha dasyam. Love Radharani in this case is so boundless, that everyone operate as Her direct expansion, everyone think of Krishna because Radharani it is absorbed by Krishna. Everyone who follow in the steps Lord Caitanya , and in our case it sastra Srila Prabhupada, they follow this basic mood Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Srila Prabhupada did not emphasize on Krishna lila, moreover He is direct in several places sastra quite clearly speaks, that the person should not apply for direct relations, though all this is clear that not mechanical activity. Sastra Srila Prabhupadas fidelity is written as in such a manner that various sort sahajiya and as all anyhow profaned on a level of a sound (In the theory it can be and is not profaned, that does not make such sermon pure ), will not touch these books. These books including are written that would be quite possible to avoid such defilements. And on the contrary, having dialogue with pure devotee, anyone can progress actually gradually. As any another sastra can be understood COMPLETELY only through Srila Prabhupada's books. In any case it is necessary to receive all from a pure source that is very important!


In Gaura lila all gopis operate as sanyasis, brahmanas and panditas. The majority of satellites Lord Caitanya such as Svarupa Damodar, Haridasa Thakura, Srivasa Pandita, Gadadhara Pandita and Ramananda Ray also never visited Vrindavana.


"Nonetheless, we find many nondevotees, Mayavadi sannyasis, prakrta-sahajiyas, fruitive workers, mental speculators and many others with material motives going to Vrndavana to live. "


"Although anyone living in Vrndavana somehow or other is benefited, the real Vrndavana is appreciated only by a pure devotee. "


"Presently, the members of the Hare Krsna movement throughout the world live in materially opulent cities, such as London, New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Moscow, Zurich and Stockholm. However, we are satisfied with following in the footsteps of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura and other acaryas. Because we live in the temples of Radha-Krsna and continuously hold hari-nama-saìkirtana-the chanting of Hare Krisna - we consequently live in Vrndavana and nowhere else."


As to ablution in Radha-kunda Srila Prabhupada writes that in Nectar of manuals -


"It is stated that a devotee will at once develop pure love of Krsna in the wake of the gopis if he once takes a bath in Radha-kunda. Srila Rupa Gosvami recommends that even if one cannot live permanently on the banks of Radha-kunda, he should at least take a bath in the lake as many times as possible. This is a most important item in the execution of devotional service. "


To swimming and lap it is FORBIDDEN! But to accept ablution it it is recommended.


Prabhupada as did not welcome a mantra of type - " Radhe, Radhe " -


"Jayadvaita: Just like sometimes we'll hear our men. They'll be chanting... Like yesterday I heard that someone was chanting, “ Nitai-Gaura, Nitai-Gaura, Nitai-Nitai-Gaura. ” Like that, I'll hear different mantras. Someone is chanting: “ Radhe, Radhe, Radhe, Radhe, ” like that, at kirtana.


Prabhupada: Well, that is not done by the acaryas. But there is no harm chanting "Radhe." But sometimes it is degraded to make something new, invention. Therefore better to stick to “ Hare Krsna”



When we sing " Hare! " It also is " Radhe! " we sing - "Hare Hare! ", only all this occurs authoritatively.


Srila Prabhupada teaches madhurya rasa in mood Lord Caitanya, He as is basic disciple SBST and as the basic acarya for all kali yuga and all devotees, trying to find protection of internal energy. Here business not that there is "our" guru and where that is "your" guru, here put in true (pure devoted service). For that what to understand true or pure devoted service for this purpose it is necessary to study sastra in the first - all over again and in the second - it is consecutive and in the third - following in the steps pure devotees.


There is no necessity for various sorts brochures" with quintessence ".


Books for that also wrote, that them would study as it is necessary. It as in the West issue for example "War and peace" such as love istory in comics what there can be the "war and peace", any? As if in books there are contexts and implied senses as in books ritviks they are better for burning out respectfully, it not Prabhupada, all this is profaned and to read such "books" or citations senselessly. Or in books of many of the organization, there in fact so much unknown contexts, it is simple a certain mix - suspension. That all such books and intended only on those who in general understands nothing. Only the one who at all did not read anything, that really has spiritual sense and taste (rase) can be involved such brochures.


Though as there is such obvious fact, that those who studied Srila Prabhupada's books and so their spiritual life and were interested, they as can find a certain hand-made article for a spiritual life and quite happily itself feel. Though actually as a rule they more often in anxiety, it is especial disciples Prabhupada at whom is though what that feeling of conscience. The fact remains as also that anybody from Prabhupada's disciples received "uttama" management and does not show any seen or readable attributes of realization. And on the contrary, in ISKCON there are enough the persons working at a real level of self-comprehension. As a rule in such real spiritual life and spiritual practice, the person operates enough submissively why that, as against a various sort sahajiya-invited and kanistha adhikari not knowing anything except for deities or guru - successfully resisting to all other gurus or the most supreme guru but in what it is particularly expressed anybody does not know, in it it is necessary to trust simply all heart. If your guru uttama in what it is expressed? At uttama guru - uttama disciples, even should be a little. Pure devotee does not discriminate in races about what as Srila Prabhupada speaks. What for they discriminate? They have commented on all SB? In with NBS, everyone who has not realized greatness of the God, their understanding "madhurya rasa" is at a level of material relations.





On the other hand, displays of devotion without knowledge of God's greatness are no better than the affairs of illicit lovers.





In such false devotion one does not find pleasure exclusively in the Lord's pleasure.



We modestly are silent that all disciples of many gurus is disciples Srila Prabhupada's, sometimes besides also reinitiation, that is the serious insult.


Still one fact will be, that all some organisations very carefully supervise all adherents. The standard one - you should accept all as is and the most secret knowledge will be, that your guru the best, that's all. And a various sort of a reasoning, instead of give the God of doubt, it does not concern to " pure devoted service ". Such position very much approaches for sincere matajis, girls on own are simply inclined to trust the nature sincerely. But Prabhu frequently with burning write treatises or console itself " that and ISKCON bad " or "here is madhurya". Unfortunately their inferiority complex in connection with their leaving from ISKCON and was not resolved.


" The equal relation to siksa guru and diksa guru a secret of success in a spiritual life "


but if you do not receive a spiritual life at again found gurus, from here all your complexes, it is simple absence of the spiritual life replaced now on - " and my guru is better ". And for this reason Srila Prabhupada has written books because the various grade of a deceit suffices everywhere. Everyone who are separated, cannot be considered the bona fide parampara, it against instructions SBST and it against Srila Prabhupada's instructions.


But the fact will consist as that if to whom that this idea that he ( his guru, the country, the earth ) most above will get rid of it very difficultly has got already in a head. So, it is extreme on the nonsense and false pride all sects and live.


Certainly, if you want to trust simply in what it is books for you, friends. Take open Jiva Gosvami and look as looks the true sermon. In one of the organization in general any philosophy does not exist, the philosophy varies on weather. Yesterday the soul at them did not fall, today already falls (and what difference for love that? One problem that those who really are at a level svarupa - know such things.) - Srila Prabhupada spoke the disciples to not go anywhere!


The person has vision in be respective with OWN position, therefore those who have not reached an spiritual world, they do not know how the soul comes in a material world. This concept, that a source oppress Lord MahaVisnu it actually impersonal concept. The person can recollect all down to a level impersonal brahman. But impersonal brahman is not a source of soul. As they say in Brahma samhita - isvarah paramah krisnah, a source of all is the God, Krishna.


from Jaiva Dharma -


“ The eternal nature and duty of the individual soul is service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. If he forgets this duty, the individual souls comes under maya's control. Then the soul stays away from Lord Krsna. That staying away from Lord Krsna means that the soul enters the material world."


As has written SBT in Harinama Cintamani -


" The founder-acarya of the sampradaya is the principal siksa guru for the entire disciplic succession. Speculations that contradict his teachings are to be immediately rejected. "


" All your life can not suffice what to understand depth of my books. " Srila Prabhupada.


All successors and followers Srila Prabhupada are in ISKCON and there can not be no speech that who that still except for ISKCON represents Srila Prabhupada. And as Srila Prabhupada repeatedly spoke about it. ISKCON it not the name, ISKCON is Srily Prabhupada's books, Srily Prabhupada's mood and His true and true disciples as against all His other disciples who simply have not shown sufficient neither belief, nor a maturity, neither fidelity, nor spiritual understanding or that deceived. Srila Prabhupada did not authorize ANYBODY from His brothers in the God becomes siksa guru for ISKCON if there is what that doubts, I can give you citations about everyone who why that applies for this role. Actually wrong siksa also has brought so much problems in ISKCON, in introduction of system "Gaudiya Matha " - " zone acarya ". It not Prabhupada's idea, is idea of those who did not begin to follow instructions SBST and after has divided the organization of own spiritual teacher, have decided to make too most and with ISKCON.


"So we shall not think that this is my zone, that is his zone, just like the Indian and Pakistan nation are thinking, and then there is war, no. Lord Caitanya has given us the task to spread His message all over the world, and any process which may be useful for facilitating this business, that we shall gladly adopt, never mind his zone or my zone, that is material designation. But we shall always do everything in cooperative spirit and avoid any fighting amongst us, that is Vaisnava attitude because Lord Caitanya has advised us to always offer all respects to others, especially to the devotees of the Lord."




Lord Caitanya plays many roles, nevertheless the supreme concept or the supreme mood of fidelity will be what to follow in the steps Lord Caitanya directly.




The head of six Gosvamis it Rupa Gosvami -


"Personal associates like Gadadhara, Svarupa Damodara, Ramananda Raya, and the six Gosvames (headed by Rupa Gosvami) are all situated in their respective transcendental humors. Thus the Lord submits to various positions in various transcendental mellows."




But among personal satellites the head it Svarupa Damodara. Svarupa Damodara the head of all Gosvamis as-


"But the Lord is understood only in pursuance of the principles laid down by the Gosvamis, headed by Svarupa Damodara. "




"Sri Svarupa Damodara Gosvami was the principal figure among Lord Caitanya's confidential devotees. The records of his diary have revealed these confidential purposes of the Lord. These revelations have been confirmed by the statements of Srila Rupa Gosvami in his various prayers and poems."


"Srila Rupa Gosvami and Srila Sanatana Gosvami are the two principal followers of Srila Svarupa Damodara Gosvami, who acted as the most confidential servitor of Lord Sri Krsna"


" Svarupa Gosvami is the most intimate associate of the Lord."

Adi 4.105




As the closest satellite Lord Caitanya, Svarupa Damodara also specifies that Gadadhara Pandit plays role Laksmi devi, because role Radha (but only in separation) is played by Lord Caitanya. Though Gadadhara Pandit this embodiment of all internal energy, nevertheless, in this case He does not operate thus.




"Svarupa Damodara Gosvami has described Lord Caitanya as Krsna Himself with the attitude of Radharani, or a combination of Radha and Krsna. The intention of Lord Caitanya is to taste Krsna sweetness in transcendental love. He does not care to think of Himself as Krsna, because He wants the position of Radharani. We should remember this."




A class of so-called devotees called the nadéyä-nägarés or gaura-nägarés pretend that they have the sentiment of gopés toward Lord Caitanya, but they do not realize that He placed Himself not as the enjoyer, Kåñëa, but as the enjoyed, the devotee of Kåñëa. The concoctions of unauthorized persons pretending to be bona fide have not been accepted by Lord Caitanya.


Lord Caitanya has accepted the role of Rädhäräëé, and we should support that position, as Svarüpa Dämodara did in the Gambhérä (the room where Lord Caitanya Mahäprabhu stayed in Puré). He always reminded Lord Caitanya of Rädhä's feelings of separation as they are described in Çrémad-Bhägavatam, and Lord Caitanya appreciated his assistance. But the gaura-nägarés, who place Lord Caitanya in the position of enjoyer and themselves as His enjoyed, are not approved by Lord Caitanya or by Lord Caitanya's followers. Instead of being blessed, the foolish imitators are left completely apart. Their concoctions are against the principles of Lord Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu. The doctrine of transcendental enjoyment by Krsnacannot be mixed up with the doctrine of transcendental feeling of separation from Krsnain the role of Rädhäräëé.


From the life of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu, an intelligent person engaged in pure devotional service can understand that He always felt separation from Krsnawithin Himself. In that separation He sometimes felt that He had found Krsnaand was enjoying the meeting. The significance of this separation and meeting is very specific. If someone tries to understand the exalted position of Lord Caitanya without knowing this, he is sure to misunderstand it. One must first become fully self-realized. Otherwise one may misidentify the Lord as nägara, or the enjoyer of the damsels of Vraja, thus committing the mistake of rasäbhäsa, or overlapping understanding.

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