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Finally! Chapter 5 is here...

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Chapter 5 - SD's comments

I know, i know, the chapters havent exactly been rolling in very fast lately. But after my accident i couldnt write very well for a little while. Well, now that i'm over the accident (to the best of my knowledge ) and i'm back to writing the Ramayana again. Anyway's, before you read chapter five i have a few comments about this chapter. Chapter five was a tough one, very tough. Why so?, because the chapter 5 was supposed to introduce three key characters - Lakshmana, Bharata, and Shatrughna, but there was a problem, the previous chapter made introduction of new characters hard. So any new intro's had to be short and straight foward. Unfortunetly the characters still didnt get a good intro, that's one of the reasons why this chapter was so short. Chapter 5 was also hard because i had to make sure that the book didnt turn into a bussiness report (I didnt want this book to turn into a bussiness like story).A problem that will be fixed in a revised edition after the first version. Anyways enough with my blabbing, on with the story!



Chapter Five

Lakshmana, Bharata, and Shatrughna


Dasaratha was happy now that he decided to pick his son or the other two close relatives to take over the family business. And he was more even more excited after learning that a SDI leader was coming to work at his company. On the 25th of January, Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrughna were brought together. Dasaratha and his advisor, Vasistha asked the three to come over for a meeting in Dasaratha’s office. The three knew each other very well, after all they worked for the same company and were from the same family. Today was a special day for them, they never knew it but they could sense this meeting was very important. In Dasaratha’s office, Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrughna. Dasaratha, and Vasistha sat down at a table in the middle of the room, the meeting started. Dasaratha opened the meeting,

“Hello everyone. Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrughna thank you for coming to this meeting on such a short notice. This meeting indeed is very important for me and my company, and of course for you three.”

Dasaratha paused for a moment, and then said,

“All three of you have been asked to come here for a very special reason. Over the last couple of years I have watched all three of you, and noticed that you were special. Why? you stand out from the rest of the workers, and the other family workers. That’s why I am going to promote all three of you to Chief Financial Officer’s.”

The three looked at each other in shock and surprise,

“Why did I do this? Because you have all worked very well. And the fact that you are very special to the family.”

Laksmana was still shocked, and didn’t really believe it, he said,

“You mean that where’re CFO’s, the three of us?”

“Yes, all three of you will jointly work together.”

Lakshmana chuckled in disbelief, then all three of them laughed and said,

“Good joke Dasaratha, you really had us there.”

“I’m serious about this Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrughna, you’re CFO’s as of five seconds ago, now its six, seven…”

“You’re serious, were actually CFO’s”


It took a couple of minutes for the three to comprehend what just happened. Lakshmana then said,

“You mean that we…”


Upon realizing what they just become, the three started to hug each other and laugh in surprise, and shock,

Later that Monday, around lunch time, Lakshmana, Bharata, and Shatrughna sat together in the main plaza that was at the bottom of the Kosala Centers. It was time for lunch, and some talk. Lakshmana started to talk,

“What a day!”

“Tell me about it” Shatrughna said sarcastically,

Bharata talked,

“I have worked for Dasaratha for a number of years, he is usually a predictable man, but today that was not the case.”

“I wonder why Dasaratha is doing this? There was no pre-cursor or warning.” Laksmana responded,

“You make it seem like Dasaratha is up to know good the way you say it Lakshmana.” Bharata said,

“Who are we to complain about this promotion, this is a chance to live our dreams” Shatrughna said,

“Your right Shatrughna, we can’t complain.” Bharata responded,

“Yeah, your right, but I still wonder what made Dasaratha promote us to CFO’s?”

Bharata and Shatrughna just rolled their eyes and continued eating.


Chapter Six comming soon!

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