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Sri Radhastami Mathura Sept 2003

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[Respected Maharajas, Prabhus and Didis,




Dandavat pranama. All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga.




Tomorrow, September 4, 2003, is Sri Radhastami. Two nights ago Srila Narayana Maharaja began giving classes on Her divine tattva (the philosophical truths of Her identity) and mahima (glories). Today, known as the Appearance day of Srimati Lalita-devi he will do the same, and of coursre tomorrow on Her own Appearance Day. Last night in Mathura, Srila Maharaja told his international audience a very interesting explanation of the verse beginning "Sri Radha-krsna pranaya vikrtir..." (Cc Adi 4.55) This verse is generally translated to mean that "the loving affairs of Sri Sri Radha and Krsna are transcendental manifestations of the Lord's internal pleasure-giving opotency...", and this is a fact. Last night Srila Maharaja said we should deeply understand this verse in this way: "Sri Radha" and then colon, comma or dash, meaning that the words coming up is the identity of Srimati Radhiksa, is "pranaya vikrti". She is the transformation of Sri Krsna's pranaya, or love. this is not the pranaya which comes after maan and before raga in the series of the gradual development if the intensity of prema. This pranaya means the highest possible expression of love, that is madanakhya-mahabhava. How is it that She can be a transformation of that pranaya of Sri Krsna? Once, Krsna was alone, standing on the vbank of Jamuna at the Yoga Pitha in Sri Vrndavana dhama. He was desiring to relish that highest love that would astound even Him, and Srimati Radhika simultaneously manifested from His left side, approached Him, and satisfied all His desires. Srila Maharaja then said that if the devotees want to understand both the philosophical truths and the glories or opulences of Sri Radha, they should read Sri Caitanya-caritamrta Adi-lila chapter 4, and also Sri Raya Ramananda Samvad in Madhya-lila chapter 8.



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Tridandisvami Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja



Mathura, India: September 14, 2002 (am)


[in the early morning of September 14th, in order to commence the celebration of Sri Radhastami in the opulently decorated Sri Kesavaji Gaudiya Matha in Mathura, Srila Narayana Maharaja requested Krsnadasa Brahmacari to lead the assembled devotes in singing Sri Krsna Virahe by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. He then explained some of the verses as follows:]


sri krsna-virahe, radhikara dasa, ami to' sahite nari

yugala-milana, sukhera karana, jivana chadite pari


["I am absolutely unable to tolerate Sri Radhika's pitiable condition when She is suffering in separation from Sri Krsna, but I am fully prepared to immediately give up my life for the sake of Their happy reunion." (verse 1)]


Only under the guidance of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura is it possible to render service to Srimati Radhika. In the mood of a maidservant of Srimati Radhika, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has written that he cannot tolerate Radhika's condition during the time of Her separation from Krsna. On the other hand, for Their meeting together, he is prepared to easily give up his life.


radhka-carana, tyajiya amara, ksaneke pralaya hoya

radhikara tare, sata-bara mari, se duhkha amar soya


["If I were ever to renounce Srimati Radhika's lotus feet for even a instant, I would be totally devastated. For Her sake I will gladly tolerate the pain and agony of death hundreds of times." (verse 2)]


Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura is saying: "I can give up anything. I can even give up Krsna, but I cannot give up the lotus feet of Srimati Radhika for even a moment. For the service of Radhika I am prepared to die hundreds and millions of times, but I would never be able to tolerate giving up Her association for even a second. When will that day come that I can render some service to Her lotus feet? How can I have attachment for this Radhika, and how can I attain the perfect service of Her lotus feet?



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