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Bombay blasts coincides with the release of report on Ayodhya site

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Deadly blasts hit Bombay



Several vehicles were also destroyed in the blasts

At least 25 people have been killed after two powerful explosions struck the Indian city of Bombay, also known as Mumbai, local officials say.

Dozens more have been injured in the blasts.


One of the blasts occurred in a car park near the historic Gateway of India monument in the south of the city, according to police, which is a popular site for tourists.


The explosions shook buildings and telephone lines in the city were jammed as panicked residents called family and friends, the Associated Press news agency reported.


At least one other took place near the Mumba Devi temple in central Bombay.


Rajendra Darda, home minister of Maharashtra state, told AFP news agency: "Both the blasts occurred in the back seats of parked taxis."


Star Television reported that another bomb had exploded in the upmarket Marine Lines district. Other reports claim a fourth explosion at the Mumba Devi site.


It is not immediately clear who carried out the blasts.


Thrown into sea


A number of vehicles parked around the Gateway of India were destroyed by the impact there.


At least six sniffer dogs are being used to check whether any of the other cars in the parking lot adjacent to the Gateway of India have any explosives, the BBC's Sanjeev Srivastava at the scene says.


The force of the blast threw a number of people into the sea, our correspondent adds.




July 2003: Three killed in bus blast

Mar 2003: 11 killed in commuter train

Jan 2003: 30 injured in market attack

Dec 2002: 23 injured at McDonald's outlet

Dec 2002: Two killed in bus blast

Mar 1993: More than 250 killed in serial blasts


"The building we were in shook and we heard a loud noise," Ingrid Alva, a public relations consultant, told AP. "I rushed out and saw the crowds at the Gateway of India... We saw some body parts lying around, before we were told to move away by police."


The city has been prey to a string of deadly bomb attacks since December last year, with the most recent, on a bus, killing three in July.


Police blamed that attack on Pakistan's Lashkar-e-Toiba Islamic militant group.


Lashkar-e-Toiba is one of the two Pakistani rebel groups that Delhi blames for the December 2001 militant attack on its parliament which left 15 people dead, including five attackers.


The latest attacks also coincided with the release of a report on the controversial religious site at Ayodhya.


The dispute has been blamed for previous explosions in Bombay.


In the early 1990s hundreds of people were killed in a series of bomb blasts which rocked the city



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The following comments reflect the balance of views received at BBC News:


When such a thing happens in Israel, Israel retaliates and kills terrorist leaders from Helicopters. Why doesn't India do the same? By not taking any action, they encourage more terrorism. India & Israel are infected with the same virus. The world should join hands and recognize the need for a real Global Fight against Terrorism. Justice for the dead please.

Prahlad, USA


The extremists fear the rapprochement between India and Pakistan


J Thakrar, USA

Stay the course. The extremists fear the rapprochement between India and Pakistan. Bend over backwards before blaming average Indian Muslim: see the victim list! All are Indians before they are Hindus or Muslims!

J Thakrar, USA


The killings of innocent civilians are highly condemnable; either it happens in Bombay, in Gujrat or in Kashmir. I think social justice and tolerance can decrease such tragic incidents. My heartily condolences to those who lost their loved ones.

Saif Ullah, Pakistan


My sympathies with the people of Mumbai, who did nothing, as individuals, or as a nation, to justify this outrage. This, and the UN bombing last week, bring into focus the truth - terrorists will always find a 'perceived wrong' to justify their atrocities. Our answer must be to go after the terrorists, rather than fool ourselves into thinking we can correct these 'wrongs'.

Daniel, Israel


Let's just pray India doesn't react the way America did after 9/11 by bombing more innocent people. Nothing justifies such a blatant massacre.

Ahmed, UK


This explosion has raised two concerns: the retaliation against Indian Muslims, and against Pakistan. Whatever occurs in India or Pakistan, it is always the other country that is blamed. Even though this is the time to mourn the deaths of so many, I feel we have more carnage in store under the umbrella of "revenge".

Hamza Sheikh, USA


I am a resident of Mumbai. I am totally shocked by these incidents and strongly condemn this cowardly act of terrorism but i request to all fellow citizens of Mumbai and India that for god's sake please don't stage any "Bandhs" as it will only serve the purpose of the coward terrorists to destabilise the country.

Deepak Sankhla, India


I don't know if tomorrow can be a normal day


Kaushik Vishwakarma, Mumbai / India

It was really a shock when in the afternoon we hared about the blast in our office. Suddenly everyone starts calling their dear ones to find their wellbeing and the telephone line gets overloaded. It seemed the terrorists knew the result of the ASI report and were just waiting for this moment. I don't know if tomorrow can be a normal day.

Kaushik Vishwakarma, Mumbai / India


Act of terrorism, should be condemned whether it happens in Pakistan, India or elsewhere. India and Pakistan should work together to get rid of these acts, and if it is home-grown we should nip that evil sooner than later. May God, the Almighty bless the innocents who are dead in this act of cowardice.

Ehson, Pakistan/Canada


This was a highly condemnable act, a great tragedy. I hope that the terrorists behind this are caught and brought to justice. I also hope that this does not trigger any tensions between Hindus and Muslims. Mumbai thrives on business; hopefully that attitude will ensure its survival.

Kiran, India


Once again India has become the victim of a nefarious terrorist attack. I wonder when we in the West will stop applying double standards to terrorism - evil when it hurts our interests, and self-inflicted in the case of countries like India. Whatever became of Mr. Bush's famed "international coalition against terrorism"?

Sven Larsson, Sweden


Blast like these will not stop the die hard Bombaities to go on with their life. As India goes on the path to be globally strong, politically and economically, more and more terrorists and acts like these will try to act as a hurdle in the path of success. And as usual... Bombay will stand up on its feet and "Rise Again".

Clyde Joseph, India


As long as terrorism and suicide bombing wont be condemned by the entire world, it will continue to be legitimized way of combat by eyes of few distorted persons, and the results are dead civilians and diminish of trust between humans. Terrorism and suicide bombing should be labelled as CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, without exception, this is true in Bombay as in Baghdad and in Jerusalem.

Uri D, Israel


Yes i got affected. This is an act of terrorism, killing innocent people. I can say truth will prevail, whoever is he, he has to pay for it . People who kill innocents can't be freedom fighters, they are only devils. and those who name them as a freedom fighter, they are big devils. God Bless My Lovely India.

Sridhar, India


Why don't their leaders become wise enough to convince their people that this issue is not worth so many lives


M. Ali Abbas, USA, Pakistan

Why don't these people make a mosque and a temple side by side? Why don't their leaders become wise enough to convince their people that this issue is not worth so many lives that have been and would be wasted in this ridiculous cause?

M. Ali Abbas, USA, Pakistan


Explosions in Mumbai are quite often these days. When I heard about today's explosions I was stunned as target people are either devotes or tourists. Some of them were thrown in to Sea because of the explosion. I lived in Mumbai it is very difficult in identifying who has done this. The underworld of Mumbai is closely netted with terrorist groups. Today's incident comes at the time of ASI (Archaeological Society of India) report of some temple structures beneath grounded Babri Masjid which can make a case of temple building at the site. I pray god to give the strength to the relatives of the victims.

Prakash Bharatam, Germany/India


With Pakistan moving swiftly to condemn this bombing, it can only be hoped that a positive outcome will be a constructive dialogue between India and Pakistan, removing the leverage for self interested groups to play them off against each other.

Barry B, UK


Terrorist attacks have come to be a part of our lives


Mon Chandy, India

One has to consider the terrorist attacks similar to road and rail accidents, earthquakes and other natural disasters, because it has come to be a part of our lives. A couple of decades back these events were rare, but today it is a daily occurrence. It is the highest priority for the news media and gets wide coverage. Thus meeting the very objectives of those indulging in these wanton killings

Mon Chandy, India


These kind of acts are to condemned but while considering the Gujarath incident this is nothing.

Anilkumar, Liberia


For building Temple or mosque, innocent people are getting killed. God never say to do this unwanted idiocy.

Tajammul, India


Let's wait for the results of the investigations. No one should se charged till the end of the investigations.

Antonio Souza, India


8 blasts in as many months is just too much to deal for any city in the world. It is time the government act more seriously in eliminating such attacks on civilians. I hope these blasts won't lead to any more sectarian clashes. God bless India.

Vamsi, India (From Hungary)


Really it is sad for all who lost their beloved ones. It is every one's responsibility to fight against terror who ever it may be which ever the country it be, by god's grace there, we will pray there will not be such incidents in future.

Murugesan, Jeddah


I think it's a wake up call for India to act tough.

Hari, USA


This is a terrible tragedy, inhuman and condemnable by all peace loving people of the world

Rajeev Jacob, Kuwait


Baffling: Definitely handiwork of religious fanatics as Barbri Masjid-Ram temple dispute unfolds. Why India, Pakistan are set to destroy each other? Berlin Wall is down and its time for India-Pakistan-Bangladesh to come together for humanity needs a better deal.

Tito, Greece


Is Ayodya a place for worship or an altar of sacrifice for the Gods to feed on the blood of innocent lives?


Anonymous, India

In their quest to build a place of worship (Hindu or Muslim) innocent lives are lost. Is Ayodya a place for worship or an altar of sacrifice for the Gods to feed on the blood of innocent lives? Is it worth building a temple or a mosque after so many deaths....the gods must indeed be cruel to demand such a huge sacrifice for their glory!!

Anonymous, India


Indian government should take necessary steps to catch the culprits and bring them to justice. If some countries and harbouring those terrorists they have to pressurise them to hand them over, just like what USA did after 9/11.

Mahesh Sharma, Canada


I feel that this was a very sad thing to happen!! Just when we see the City growing and people treating each other with respect it crumbles in this way, I feel we should fight against this and put an end to terrorism.

Merzi , Dubai UAE


It's unfortunate, that India started witnessing the same situation as in Israel and Palestine where both the sides have decided to fight each other till they see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Mohan, India


Not more than a week or so ago I was staying in the Taj Mahal Hotel overlooking the 'Gateway to India' and the Independence Day celebrations in front of it with kids chasing the multitudes of pigeons and people generally having a good time. Now it's the scene of death and destruction..... how very, very sad.

Richard, Dubai, U.A.E.


If this blast is related to the Ayodha Temple site issue then it is a shame that people have to die for the building of a temple or a mosque (whatever they decide to build there). Why don't they build a school or a hospital there which both Hindus & Muslims can use rather than just fighting over a piece of land.

Sadiq Parker, Kuwait


I feel very sad for those who lost their loved ones in the Blast. We should be united at this point of time and pray for peace.

Janaki Rama Raju, INDIA


It is completely unnerving to even think of the victims of the blast


Ujwal Makhija, India

Creating panic by terrorising and killing innocent people is the worst way to make any point on any issue whatsoever. Not only should the blast be condemned, but also made sure that such people are not lost in the tentacles of a painfully slow judicial system. The culprits should be made to pay maximum penalty for such shameful acts of cowardice. It is completely unnerving to even think of the victims of the blast.

Ujwal Makhija, India


I sincerely hope that these latest series of bomb blasts, do not provoke wide spread retaliation against the muslim community. Wiser counsel has prevailed in similar such recent occasions ,and the normally pragmatic Mumbaikar should do well not to fall in to the trap laid by the nefarious forces, which are intent on tearing apart the nations secular fabric.

Sarat Menon, INDIA


Every bomb, and every death, irrecoverably scars us all.

Tony, UK


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Hindus and Muslims are disputing whether ruins found at India's most controversial religious site are evidence of a Hindu temple.


The Babri mosque, destroyed by hardline Hindus in 1992

The differences follow the release of a report compiled by a team of Indian Government archaeologists excavating at Ayodhya, in the state of Uttar Pradesh.


The team, from the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), was ordered to excavate the site to help clarify a bitter dispute between Hindus and Muslims about whether a Hindu temple should be built at the site.


Hindu hardliners destroyed a Muslim mosque at the site in 1992, triggering widescale rioting that left more than 2,000 people dead.


Hindu pleasure


The ASI team submitted their final report to the high court in the state of Uttar Pradesh on Friday. It will not comment on its findings.


But on Monday the court distributed the report to interested parties.


The report says there is "archaeological evidence of a massive structure" below ground where the Babri mosque was demolished 11 years ago.


And it says the structure bears distinctive features associated with ancient temples of northern India.


It says there is evidence of building work there from as far back as the 10th century.



Hindu groups have expressed pleasure at the report's findings and say it will strengthen their case to have a Hindu temple built at the site.


Hindu lawyer Ranjana Agnihotri said the report "describes a 10th or 11th century structure that indicates a temple existed in the excavated site," she told the AFP news agency.


But Muslims say the report offers no proof that the building was one built for Hindu worship.


A Muslim lawyer, Zafaryab Jilani, has already said he will lodge an objection.


He told the BBC the ASI "has misinterpreted the findings".


He accused the ASI of working under the pressure of the Hindu Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the main party in the central government.


The BBC's Ram Dutt Tripathi in Uttar Pradesh says the ASI report may bring the Ayodhya temple dispute back to the centre of Indian politics.


General elections are due to be held next year.


Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee recently said a Hindu temple would be built at the site.



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The Land of India has the same problem as Isreal, but unlike the Government of Isreal, the Government of India kisses up to the Muslim minority.


This makes it basically weak because it does not represent the majority of the population.


Anyway, In my view, the people of India are untouched by these events, many people die each day due to starvation in that country.


I went to India 2 years ago and got heavily depressed by the starving people that I saw on the streets of HYD and other places I visited.


They are every where and no one cares for them, it was one of the most depressing moments of my life.

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