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VeriChip-Miniaturized, Implantable Identification Technology

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I suspect that similar devices will one day be implanted at the time of birth.


It has the potential to be used for total population control. They will be be able to track your every movement, your every purchase. You won't be able to enter a city bus or fly on an airplane without the OK. With one stroke they will be able to eliminate your purchasing power completely.


Really the perfection of slavery in strictly human terms. Comes with an illusion of free movement and free will. Like maya only, designed by humans for control over other humans.

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my dogs got one too




Not one like this one!




remember, just because your paranoid, doesn't mean they are not after you.




That makes little sense - and no I'm not "paranoid" - despite this having happened to me.


As for them 'being after me' - pray tell me what for?


Notwithstanding that point - there is no convention [in the western nations at least] for the implanting of humans with tracking devices - it just isn't legal - so 'who is after who'?


I wonder about a person that could answer like you have...

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what are you wondering about my answer?


i didnt mean to offend you, they quote i gave is a song lyric that seem to fit your situation.


as far as us in the west being tracked...of course evil things are happening. you cant even buy toilet paper at your local supermarket without giving your zip code, address,phone #, and such.


tell us why though, they would like to track you?

by implanting a dental device?



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Dear Prabhu:


One could try to reason - why do evil thugs destroy people and things?


I must mention that looking for such 'reasons' must not become an attempt to make a justification for its occurrence.


When I am asked ‘why did they do it’ – often I hear a subtle 'tone' in that question – a tone seeking to justify its occurrence.


I know that is not why you are asking the question - but it is the reason many have asked me that - like they are really prepared to accept that the leaders of society can place tracking implants in its citizens.


There are no substantive reasons – they just did it - because they think they can get away with it.


They suffer from some grandiose power lust - ignoring all legal convention - they did something they have no business doing.


The so-called 'reasons' are outlined in my blog - please vist my blog for full context:


Q: In brief - what is the 'problem' with SGI?


A: This SGI matter started when I was riding my ten-speed pedal bike - minding my proper observance of road laws [on July 10, 1998] - and then 'slam' - a car hit me!


A negligent SGI customer was speeding and failed to stop at a marked stop.


I was struck on the right side head on - by a big steel 1960's model car!


I now have post-traumatic arthritis in my ankles, hips, right elbow, right wrist and knees.


However - it was SGI and their ‘no-fault insurance’ client calculation which quickly became my REAL HELL.


Now here we are nearly seven years later - and we have this insurance company - breaking all morals and ethics in connection to a spite they've seeded and cultivated - because I could not accept anything less than fair for my permanent impairments.


I once told SGI’s manager of personal injury [with over 30 years at SGI] something [which of course I am not proud of] - a shock statement - within a moment of deep frustration [to see if he was really paying attention to me - and to see how it would be recorded in the file] - which they’ve used as a propaganda tool against me - to profile me.


Without doubt I see evidences that the clinic was [also] victimized by SGI in this connection - likely inducing them into a type of ‘hysteria’ about me - by an out-of-context presentation [to the clinic] of this comment that I made to SGI [on September 20, 2000].


Q: What was the statement?


A: I said - "SGI is acting like a pack of Jews"


It was derogatory! - yes - it makes me look crass - but later how SGI reacted - it makes them look worse.


Q: Was your comment violence or hate orientated?


A: NO!! - I was [in deep duress] making an analogous point [about the miserly nature of SGI] with a comparison that was in very very very poor taste - and NOT correct on the racial group I 'disparaged'!


Of course I do not think at all that way! That was an isolated comment/event.


Q: Could this comment have had any bearing on 'how' or 'why' you were implanted at 'this' clinic?


A: Possibly. When I requested my file from SGI in early June of 2002 - the SGI access to information lawyer [a very senior legal department official of over 30 years] made several errors in his response to my request [i can point out later what those were] - when I called his office [August 06, 2002] to discuss this with him [to ask why he made such obvious errors like sending the box with [part of] my SGI file to the wrong address!] - he 'maliciously' threw that comment I made [NOT TO HIM] to the personal injury manager - [TWO YEARS BEFORE!] - in my face! - saying - "I guess it's because I'm a pack of Jews" - he then informed me that he is a member of that ethic group. It doesn't stop 'there' - there are other 'connections' - I do not wish to mention.


Yes - what I said [as a shock statement] was very nasty - yet - it didn't give 'anyone' ANY right to implant me!


Q: Do these two senior officals still work at SGI?


A: Not as of the latter part of June 2004.


The two so-called retired - but - SGI's 'president' was also replaced [with a guy from their legal department!]


Q: Why have you decided that now everyone should know what this comment was?


A: Well - my detractors are out there spreading a lie based on 'that' ISOLATED statement - I have seen evidence of this - thus I think it is best that 'I' explain this - despite how it may make me look.





[i also tend to wonder if my extensive 'online preaching' and political critiques - over the 18 months previous to the June 05, 2002 implant procedure had anything to do with it as well.]

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