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Rig Veda 10.90 (again)

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Here is the Rig Veda chapter which our Christian friend claims is a prediction of Jesus Christ's birth and crucifixion. Let him come forth, and quote the exact mantras + translation from THIS posting which he claims are predictions of Jesus. Please note again that the translator quoted here is himself a Christian.


As you can see, there is nothing here that speaks of the Purusha being "the only begotten son,being born of a virgin," or any other such Christian sentiment. Our Christian friend, who isn't sure if he is a Christian or a Hindu, just keeps repeating the same old sentimental drivel. Some people are just so dense that they can't figure out when they've been defeated.



Rig Veda 10:90


sahasrashIrSA puruSaH sahasrAkSaH sahasrapAt |

sabhUmiM vishvato vRtvAtyatiSThad dashAN^gulam || RV 10.90.1 ||


A THOUSAND heads hath Purusa, a thousand eyes, a thousand feet. On every side pervading earth he fills a space ten fingers wide. (R^ig veda sa.mhitaa 10.90.1)


puruSa evedaM sarvaM yad bhUtaM yacca bhavyam |

utAmRtatvasyeshAno yadannenAtirohati || RV 10.90.2 ||


2 This Purusa is all that yet hath been and all that is to be; The Lord of Immortality which waxes greater still by food. (R^ig veda sa.mhitaa 10.90.2)


etAvAnasya mahimAto jyAyAMshca pUruSaH |

pAdo.asyavishvA bhUtAni tripAdasyAmRtaM divi || RV 10.90.3 ||


So mighty is his greatness; yea, greater than this is Purusa. All creatures are one-fourth of him, three-fourths eternal life in heaven. (R^ig veda sa.mhitaa 10.90.3)


tripAdUrdhva udait puruSaH pAdo.asyehAbhavat punaH |

tato viSvaM vyakrAmat sAshanAnashane abhi || RV 10.90.4 ||


With three-fourths Purusa went up: onefourth of him again was here. Thence he strode out to every side over what cats not and what cats. (R^ig veda sa.mhitaa 10.90.4)


tasmAd virAL ajAyata virAjo adhi pUruSaH |

sa jAtoatyaricyata pashcAd bhUmimatho puraH || RV 10.90.5 ||


From him Viraj was born; again Purusa from Viraj was born.

As soon as he was born he spread eastward and westward o'er the earth. (R^ig veda sa.mhitaa 10.90.5)


yat puruSeNa haviSA devA yajñamatanvata |

vasantoasyAsIdAjyaM grISma idhmaH sharad dhaviH || RV 10.90.6 ||


When Gods prepared the sacrifice with Purusa as their offering, Its oil was spring, the holy gift was autumn; summer was the wood. (R^ig veda sa.mhitaa 10.90.6)


taM yajñaM barhiSi praukSan puruSaM jAtamagrataH |

tena devA ayajanta sAdhyA RSayashca ye || RV 10.90.7 ||


They balmed as victim on the grass Purusa born in earliest time. With him the Deities and all Sadhyas and Rsis sacrificed. (R^ig veda sa.mhitaa 10.90.7)


tasmAd yajñAt sarvahutaH sambhRtaM pRSadAjyam |

pashUntAMshcakre vAyavyAnAraNyAn grAmyAshca ye || RV 10.90.8 ||


From that great general sacrifice the dripping fat was gathered up. He formed the creatures of-the air, and animals both wild and tame. (R^ig veda sa.mhitaa 10.90.8)


tasmAd yajñAt sarvahuta RcaH sAmAni jajñire |

chandAMsijajñire tasmAd yajustasmAdajAyata || RV 10.90.9 ||


From that great general sacrifice Rcas and Sama-hymns were born: Therefrom were spells and charms produced; the Yajus had its birth from it. (R^ig veda sa.mhitaa 10.90.9)


tasmAdashvA ajAyanta ye ke cobhayAdataH |

gAvo hajajñire tasmAt tasmAjjAtA ajAvayaH || RV 10.90.10 ||


From it were horses born, from it all cattle with two rows of teeth: From it were generated kine, from it the goats and sheep were born. (R^ig veda sa.mhitaa 10.90.10)


yat puruSaM vyadadhuH katidhA vyakalpayan |

mukhaM kimasya kau bAhU kA UrU . ucyete || RV 10.90.11 ||


When they divided Purusa how many portions did they make?

What do they call his mouth, his arms? What do they call his thighs and feet? (R^ig veda sa.mhitaa 10.90.11)


brAhmaNo.asya mukhamAsId bAhU rAjanyaH kRtaH |

UrUtadasya yad vaishyaH padbhyAM shUdro ajAyata ||


The Brahman was his mouth, of both his arms was the Rajanya made. His thighs became the Vaisya, from his feet the Sudra was produced. (R^ig veda sa.mhitaa 10.90.12)


candramA manaso jAtashcakSoH sUryo ajAyata |

mukhAdindrashcAgnishca prANAd vAyurajAyata || RV 10.90.13 ||


The Moon was gendered from his mind, and from his eye the Sun had birth; Indra and Agni from his mouth were born, and Vayu from his breath. (R^ig veda sa.mhitaa 10.90.13)


nAbhyA AsIdantarikSaM shIrSNo dyauH samavartata |

padbhyAM bhUmirdishaH shrotrAt tathA lokAnakalpayan || RV 10.90.14 ||


Forth from his navel came mid-air the sky was fashioned from his head Earth from his feet, and from his car the regions. Thus they formed the worlds. (R^ig veda sa.mhitaa 10.90.14)


saptAsyAsan paridhayastriH sapta samidhaH kRtAH |

devAyad yajñaM tanvAnA abadhnan puruSaM pashum ||


Seven fencing-sticks had he, thrice seven layers of fuel were prepared, When the Gods, offering sacrifice, bound, as their victim, Purusa. (R^ig veda sa.mhitaa 10.90.15)


yajñena yajñamayajanta devAstAni dharmANi prathamAnyAsan |

te ha nAkaM mahimAnaH sacanta yatra pUrve sAdhyAHsanti devAH ||


Gods, sacrificing, sacrificed the victim these were the carliest holy ordinances. The Mighty Ones attained the height of heaven, there where the Sidhyas, Gods of old, are dwelling. (R^ig veda sa.mhitaa 10.90.16)



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