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Tradition vs. Scripture

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If scripture does not mention one way or the other about a tradition one engages in, can one accept it or reject it according to what one feels? I don't have particularly good examples but for instance, I know that the Puri temple will only serve food to the Lord based on traditional recipes. These recipes may be written down in cookbooks, but I doubt there is actually scripture that says that they are forbidden to offer say potatos (a new world crop).


I can understand that if a tradition directly violates scripture then it should be rejected. But if the scripture is silent on a subject, can one create a new tradition or reject an old tradition?

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"These recipes may be written down in cookbooks, but I doubt there is actually scripture that says that they are forbidden to offer say potatos (a new world crop). "


this is a false problem, traditionally they know what to cook, potatoes are not in these recipes, they do not cook potatoes, they are not interested in make something new, and basically, it is very good


(archana is a very strict practice with relatively few creativity)


scriptures are not enough, we have to consider the tradition and the interpretation according time , place and circumstance given by our spiritual master


there is nothing really new in this world it is often very easy to find (helped by the spiritual master) a parallelism with things that the are already there




internet was not there at the prabhupada times, but He has used telex, bbt did that, and He has commented many times on the use of television and radio, technology, microphones, recorders etc.


so it is very easy to understand if we can use internet speaking of krsna

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