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Always feeling cold: how do i warm up my body?

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I am aways feeling cold and chilly even in the summer.

poor circulation

weak immune system

I know I don't excercise enough.

What if i stood on my head for a few minutes a day?

Bramastra juice?


apple cider viniger perhaps?

some say to smear mustard oil on the body?

I've had this condition for over 20 years

what should i do ?

please help

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You should excercise and you know it, you said as much. At least take long walks.


For a quick fix to go along with your walks try niacin. Not niacinamide, niacin. It releases histamine witch causes the skin to itch for about ten minutes. But that soon fades. Start with like 100 mg. and increase a little every third day until you can take 1 gram and not feel any itching.


Takes about one month. This will greatly improve the circulation. It also causes the circulation to be equaly increased throughout the body. You wil also notice increased clarity of mind as it opens the brain up to receive more oxygen.


If you take enough you should also feel the coldness leave your extremities about 20 minutes after taking the first dose.


Cayenne pepper should also help.



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Ephedrine contributes to weight loss with its thermogenetic effects by heating up the body, which in turn results in burning fat. It speeds up the metabolic rate and calorie consumption by opening the receptor sites in the heart and lungs. Consequently, fatty acids are released from the stored fat cells and the transition from fat to energy is greatly increased. Another beneficial effect is directed to the muscles increasing stamina and endurance for body builders (http://www.mahuang.com). One study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition of March in 1987 showed that a group of rats lost 75% of their body fat from ephedrine. Another study performed in the International Journal of Obesity Related Metabolic Disorders in February of 1993 made claims that "ephedrine increases the release of brain catecholomines to enhance thermogenesis, without significant cardiovascular effects" and concluded that "varying combinations of ephedrine and aspirin could provide a safe combination with the necessary thermogenetic properties to assist in the management of obesity.

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Cayenne pepper is really good. Be careful with ephedra, unfortunately, it may have LOTS of negative side effects. Every time you are cold, you should stand up and lift/lower your arms (hands touching the outer side of your legs, and touching hands on top of your head) at a speed approx. twice per second, and breathe deeply at the same time (inspiration: one second, hands touching twice; expiratio: same). Good luck!

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I just met this lady whos swears by this brand of Chinese Herbs. They have a website at: http://store.sunrider.com/Defaultmap.asp

I'm not trying to endorse this product (I don't take any of it), just trying to help you out. Also, you could try taking Triphala. It's an ayurvedic herb combination that is supposed to balance the three doshas.

Hare Krishna

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