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Behavior question

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I have a question on behavior with devotees. This is a follow-up of an event that happened last night during Lord Balarama's appearance celebration at the temple.


I've noticed that while serving prasadam to devotees, me being the person serving, they are quiet. They often give me incomprehensible signs with their hands instead of just telling me what they want. Am I just dumb or something??? Last night while serving a plate to someone he started to be agitated because I didn't understand his hand symbols that meant nothing to me.


In my mind I wanted to scream "just say it for Krishna's sake." But I immediately cooled down saying in my head: "Krishna please protect me from anger." And luckily He sent 2 devotees to take my place, and I understood this as a sign to get away and I left (even the temple).


And this is happening especially with female devotees, I'm male just to clearify things. I know the thing with association between male and female devotees. But is it so illegal to even say something to a guy when one is female? "Put the subji on the rice" is it so illegal to say this?????


I'm wondering if this is a test from Krishna or something. He knows I hate/fear silence with people and these hands signs are just so annoying.

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I don't know anything about hand signals but I can tell you after years of Krishna fooling around with me that He does test your every weakness etc. waiting to see if you can control your emotions. He just keeps doing this over and over so you become well practiced at managing your emotions. Its all preparation for ultimately meeting Krishna in the spiritual world.

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if you love krishna, then also try to love krishna devotees who come from many cultures, but vedic culure sets the behavior for devotees.


sign saves time.

also, just as vedic people do not urnage standing, they try to avoid talking while eating or relieving.

thus sings come handy. if you do not get teh message, kindly aske them what they are saying. then they will tell it. if you insist tht all must speak and no soigns, than that is not going to happen. then you may choose to get angry or politely aske them what it means. you have ot know it once or twice only. then after even you can use thes signs. and you woul love it.


the new comers in vedic culture - eg HK's some times make blunders. some HK painted a noce pictrue of the home of nanad maharaj and they drew hucca in it. hucca is a device to smoke tabaco in large groups. it is muslim culture not vedic.


similalry a new young devotee and preacher i know sometimes raises his middle finger (all hand and fingers straight except the middle finger vertical to palm) while preaching. he does not know that it is very obsene gesture in vedic culture. one has to live a bit in india to know these things. or, those who know it can share it here and educate.


jai sri krishna!


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