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Wisdom Teeth rubbing gums

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Hi, my wisdom teeth have started coming through andthe sharp edges are rubbing the inside of my mouth causing gum to be pushed down and a "ditch" is forming (with ulcers). It hurts alot to eat and even talk.


Do you think this problem will stop as the teeth come out more? Or will surgery be needed? If so whats usual procedure? Does it hurt?


PS: i am scared to death of the dentists so im hoping this clears up /images/graemlins/frown.gif


Thanks in advance

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Mark,


THe same thing is happening with my wisdom teeth, theyre coming through and it hurts like hell. I dont have ulcers.....yet. but the last time my gums flamed up cos of my wisdom teeth coming through I got a few ulcer's too and it was the worst. However this has like swollen half of my face and Im getting killer headaches from it. but last time it went away and Im pretty sure urs will too.


Just start using mouthwash if not already and it'll get rid of ur ulcer's within a couple of days cos theyre caused by bacteria and it should help the inflamation.


so just take it easy and it will clear up. the main reason ppl have operations for wisdom teeth being removed is coz' it's pushing other teeth as it grows.


anyway, have a good one! nad rest easy! I feel ur pain!



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  • 3 weeks later...

The last few days I've had the same problem. I went to the health food store and bought something called IPSAB Concentrate. The ingredients are water, prickly ash bark, ethyl alcohol, salt, pepermint spirits, calcium spirits, and atomidine. Anyways, it works like a miracle. It would be best if you had an eye dropper to put it on, but q-tips work well also. The pain is numbed right away.

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Gauracandra's sounds like the thing to do along with guest's on waiting it out. Along those lines clove oil applied directing on the trouble area works also. Eye dropper here as well. But it needs to be done several times throughout the day.


But don't worry young people out there, the miseries that come with this body will soon fade. The bad news is worse one's will becoming to take their place.


It comes down to making the best use of a bad bargain. Thank God we have attained the human form in which we have the chance to do something about all this.


Hare Krsna

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went to my healthfood store and looked for clove oil. The only thing I could find was labeled clove oil but said only for external use only, not to be ingested. The stuff I saw looked more like the aromatherapy kind of stuff, so I didn't buy it. Is this what you mean? I suppose it is external if only applied to the gums, but still it would result in some ingestion, so I figured better not to buy this stuff I found.

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Gauracandra prabhuji,


There is a difference between frangrence oils and essential oils but I can't say exactly what it is. Additives?


You can even use a whole clovebud on the effected spot.


Here is a site where you can buy clovebud oil. I have shop at this store for years. Always great service and fresh herbs at the best prices.


They used to have a small store at their main warehouse in the Mission @14th. Mail orders are a $30 minimum. They ship fast.




you can order on the web or by phone


please pass on anything you learn as to what the differences there are in oils.


Hare Krsna


I just tried the above link and it took me to a different site for some reason.


Try this http://sfherb.com/

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