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Chapter 2 of the new Ramayana...

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Chapter Two

Dasaratha’s Question


Up at the meeting room, were Dasaratha was going to, the other delegates that came from 10 other major companies were patiently waiting for him, they were chatting to one another in the meanwhile. There was beep that came from a black voice intercom that was on the meeting table,

“This is Manthara, I am just coming out of the elevator, with Dasaratha and heading over to the meeting room.”

All the delegates stopped talking, and sat down in there seats ready for Dasaratha to arrive. This meeting was very important to all of them, the stock market, and strategy meeting determined what companies, sectors, and shares they should invest and not invest into. The meeting also covered what strategies they would use when buying, exchanging, and managing there shares, and money. All the delegates brought there ideas, and suggestions. The door at the end of the meeting roomed opened, Dasaratha walked in,

“Hello everyone, sorry I’m late.”

The delegates walked over to Dasaratha and shook hands, then went back over to there seats and sat down. Dasaratha sat down in his seat as well.

“Well I guess we should get stated, everyone knows that three hours can fly by very fast.”

Everyone chuckled a little bit. Dasaratha spoke again,

“Well delegates, welcome to the fourth-quarter stock markets, and strategy meeting. Were here to discuss the ever changing market scene, and how we can invest wisely into it. Also, how to avoid any pitfalls the markets often have. Were all familiar with the fact there is no such thing as a safe investment any more. All of us remember the old days when stock market investments were safer, were in the future now, there are many more companies, and countless more investing into the markets daily. But at least we can try to avoid any serious risks when investing.”

The meeting went on for about three hours, at the end, all were satisfied with the discussions. The delegates were now getting ready to leave, but before they did, they decided to engage in some light talk with each other. A CEO called McAllen from Directed Financial Services had the audience,

“So any ways, he walks up to me and says “when are you going to step down as CEO?” I say, “excuse me I don’t even know you and your asking me to step down as CEO?!” What was he thinking?”

Everyone in the room laughed. He the stated talking again,

“Speaking of stepping down-.”

Some people chuckled a little. He tried again,

“Speaking of stepping down, Dasaratha, who’s going to take over Kosala Inc. After you retire?”

Dasaratha, didn’t know what to say in response to the question, he had a puzzling, and thinking expression on his face, he was just about to respond, but hesitated and said,

“You know what? I never really thought about that question until just now when you asked me.” He thought about the question a little, then said,

“Thanks for asking, I don’t know who’s going to take over after I retire.”

They continued to talk to each other for a little while longer, and one by one the delegates left. After everyone left, Manthara entered into the room, she saw him sitting at a chair at the end of the table thinking to himself. She asked him,

“It looks like something is troubling you Dasaratha, what’s the problem?”

“No, nothings wrong, its just that I’m thinking about something that was brought up today in my meeting.”

“What is it?”

Dasaratha hesitated to tell Manthara the question. He responded saying,

“Oh, it’s just business talk.”

She smiled back and said,

“Well, your needed in the planning accounting department.”

“I almost forgot, I have to pick up the third quarter earnings report. Thanks Manthara.”

Dasaratha got up from his chair, he closed the door as they both left the meeting room.



Meanwhile at Starr Darcy Inc. headquarters in El Dorado City, Mexico. At a meeting between high SDI officials…


“Good evening everyone. Thank you attending this very important meeting.”

Everyone sat down in there seats at the meeting table. At this meeting there was the three co-Presidents of SDI; Vishnu, Shiva, and Brahma. There was also ten other high SDI officials from other countries, and branches. Vishnu was talking now,

“I have gathered all of you here to discuss some very important issues that I must address.”

Everyone in the room was silent and were concentrating on Vishnu.

“There are some troubling things that are beginning to surface in SDI. All of us know the Lanka Corporation, and it’s leader Ravana. In the past several years, and noticeably in the last four months, money has been mysteriously disappearing, money that was supposed to be coming to SDI. I think the Lanka Corporation maybe responsible for these events. Yes, I know your asking yourselves why I say the Lanka Corp. is responsible for the disappearing money, well I have a record of there accounting books, and spending. In the month of November, and December frequently noticed unusually large transactions of money taking place within the Lanka Corp. and Ravana himself.”

Some people in the meeting room begun to write down notes, while other still concentrated on Vishnu.

“But that’s not all the things about the Lanka Corporation I’m worried about. On November twelve, 2199, a SDI Envoy was shot in the head and killed, While staying at a hotel”

Vishnu had a e-slide show ready, he showed the first shot, the bloody body of the SDI Envoy was shown. Several people looked in shock.

“At seven A.M., on the twelve of November, a maid found the dead Envoy laying on the hotel bed, with a gun shot to the head. Just before the twelve he paid a visit to the Lanka Corporation just two days before. He was just about to leave on twelve to come back to the SDI branch in India. The police investigators, and the SIA suspected that the Lanka Corp. was involved in the murder some how. But we never gathered enough evidence to prove that Lanka was involved, so the case went unsolved.”

Vishnu showed some other photos of the murder, and other photos of crimes while he talked,

“Both the Lanka Corporation, and Ravana have a well know history of getting involved in shady agendas, crimes against people, and scandals. In each and every time the Lanka Corp. was involved in foul play, or suspected of it, we could never gather enough information, and evidence to convict any one. And many people have quit, gave up, and some died trying to find out the truth. As a result, a large number of murders, frauds, and scandals that have been linked with, or suspected of, were never proven to be the work of the Lanka Corporation, or Ravana himself. This is very frustrating to SDI, the SIA, the civilian police force, and me. The general public wants answers to the latest string of crimes and events, as well as other past crimes, that has surrounded Ravana’s company.”

Vishnu took a small pause, and then started talking again.

“The SIA, and me also know that other companies are involved with the Lanka Corporation’s shady agenda. I will also find out who, and which other companies are involved as well, when I go undercover. Shiva will now say a few words.”

Shiva stood up and started to talk,

“Vishnu is right about the Lank Corp. and its troubled past. Lanka Corp. has never had good relations when it comes to the public, other companies, and even SDI. Ravana has misused the publics trust, and ours to fulfill his own agenda. Something must be done to see what the Lanka Corporation, and Ravana himself are up too. So Vishnu, Brahma, the SIA and me, have decided to send someone to go undercover and see what’s going on at Lanka Corp.”

Everyone in the meeting room clapped there hands in hearing this news.

Vishnu stood up again and said,

“And that person who is going to do the job will be me.”

People stunned in disbelief, and started talking to one another about Vishnu’s decision send himself to investigate.

“I know you’re asking each other why I’m going take on this massive project, but I am confident that I have enough training, knowledge, and the means to convict the Lanka Corporation of crimes against SDI, and the public.”

Vishnu sat back in his seat. It was Brahma’s turn to talk now, everyone else paid close attention to him.

“Vishnu does have the right training for this job, he would easily solve some of these mysterious cases. And put Ravana and his Company out of Commission. Vishnu has been trained for 3 years in the Starr Intelligence Agency, there support, Vishnu also has experience in the CSI field, and has access to information that most SDI officials cant access. Vishnu also has the mind for getting information, and solving problems. I too, have confidence that Vishnu will get the job done.”

People in the meeting room soon agreed to what was said, most of them felt happy about Vishnu’s plan. One person stood up from the meeting and asked a question to Vishnu,

“Who will you be disguised as? And will you still be co-president of SDI?”

“Good questions, My new name while undercover is still undecided, My appearance will change a little also, but that too is undecided, this will be part of the disguise. As for you other question, I will step down temporally as co-president of SDI to become whoever I need to be.”

Another person rose up from the meeting table and asked Vishnu another question,

“Are you going to work at another company while undercover? Which one will it be?”

“We have looked at several possible companies I could work under, a company under SDI of course. Kosala Inc. seems to the most likely company I will work for while I’m undercover.”

There was a few more people who had questions on Vishnu’s new appearance, and his new place of work while undercover. After the meeting was over, Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu decided to do some more talking privately.

“I’m glad the SIA and you have decided to go undercover for this job, but are you sure you want to take on such a daunting task of finding what the Lanka Corp. is up too? The job could get very risky, and your life could become jeopardized if you come close to Ravana and his company. Many people have died trying to do the same task your about to do.”

Vishnu was very confident that he could take on his task. He said back to Shiva,

“I will go undercover and see what Ravana is up too, I have enough experience in several fields that I can convict the Lanka Corp. of wrongdoing against SDI. He may be smart and cunning, but it will only get him so far, and then it will trap him.”

Brahma decided to add his comments,

“I am happy to see you so confident in this job. You have all the right stuff to get the job done, and put Ravana, and his company out of commission. Just to let you know, that SDI, the SIA, and Shiva, and me, are behind you. If I could go with you on your mission, I would, but there has to be two co-presidents running SDI at all times.”

Vishnu Responded back,

“I will be fine by myself, I will work at Kosala Inc. and complete my work that has been set out for me.”

Shiva asked Vishnu,

“By the way, how are you going to get in at Kosala Inc.?”

“I don’t now how, but there must be a way to get, in.”

“Well all I hope is that you find out what the Ravana and his company are up, to, and that you return safely.”

“I will, Shiva, I will.”

Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu finished there talk, they got up and left the meeting room.


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