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I was trying to explain to someone how the one Veda was divided into various branches and subbranches by Srila Vyasadeva for the benefit of the less intelligent people of the Kali-Yuga. He told me puranas are smritis and vedas are shrutis and there is a vast difference between the two and every Hindu knows this. Can anyone explain to me what smritis and shrutis are?

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shruti means knowledge acquired by hearing.

krishna himself spome the vedic knowledge to brahma,

and brahma spoke to ohters, and it came down to us by direct contact -hearing.


smriti means what is remembered - history books. puransa are history books dealing with god's incarnations and pastimes, etc. the vedic people have no interest in history of a movie star or a mondale politician, or a sports player unless it has something to do with god.


jai sri krishna!




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