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Good people need to get angry (at adharmis).

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Source: Mahabharat, Dron Parva, Ch.11


On 13rh day of war Abhimanyu was murdered by six maharathis who attacked him simultaneously breaking the laws of fighting. In the evening, Krishna consoling Subhadra said: ".. On the holy field of Kurukshetra, Adharma has been born today. Do you think these men will go unpunished for the vile crime of theirs? You will see it tomorrow. Arjun has sworn that he will kill that sinful Jayadrhatha tomorrow before the sunset. .."



When Yudhisthir knew Jayadratha was killed by Arjun, he said to Krishna, "Krishna, you are the one person who has made this possible."


Krishna said, "No, Yudhisthir, you are wrong. Jayadratha was killed because of the anger which blazed in your eyes yesterday. A good man's anger is more powerful than anything else on this earth."


- Dorna Parva, Ch. 24



Bottom line: In the time of this world-wide terrorism and that is active just in your (our) neighborhood, the good people ( and who could better than HK's?) need to get angry at adharmis., and act accrodingly. aatataayis do not deserve forgiveness, says vedic litrature. these adharmis are not capable to understand the shades of various love chaitanya is describing. they have no respect for unarmed and angerless people.


when the temples in the vicinity are bombed and devotees on the way to yatra dhamas are attacked and killed, then in such times, it is fundamentally wrong to just chant and dance and says "we love all."


are "we" above krishna?


jai sri krishna!


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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” (Edmund Burke)


But on a practical level we can't expect people to just start assuming they are the good and then start killing those that disagree with them or are of a different religious persuasion. That would be chaos. Like in Gujarat recently.


We have to act through our governments. Of course when someone does like Bush all the whiners come out in full force and rally behind the terrorists.


So many problems


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<<We have to act through our governments.>>


i would respectfully disagree and say:

we need to listen to gita/krishna and act.


is any gov. better than Krishna?


jai sri krishna!



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Oh, and what varna was Arjun?


Do you think you have Krsna telling you that its alright to just go out and kill your Muslims neighbors?


Don't get me wrong, there may be a time for grassroot action of a violent nature against certain activities. Abortion mills for example.


But in all cases I believe the importance of the Hare Krsna message supercedes such action as would impair the preaching of the Holy Name.

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As a servant of the servant of Krishna wouldn't you have to have the authorization of Srila Prabhupada to engage in violence against anyone? I realize there are times when violence may be necessary but it still has to be authorized by Krishna so until the Kalki avatar appears or an authorized representative of Krishna gives you the ok your only duty as a servant of the servant of Krishna is to spread the glories of Krishna isn't it?

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Guest (madhav?): we need to listen to gita/krishna and act.


If we read the entire Bhagavad-gita, we see that krishna directed Arjuna to act 1) under His personal order, 2) according to his own nature, and 3) in a spirit of detachment. His ultimate direction is to fix our minds on Him, become devoted to Him, worship Him, offer our respect to him, and, giving up all other conceptions of "dharma," seek shelter in Him exclusively. So, I'm a 56-year-old English professor whose military experience wasn't entirely satisfactory for me or the Navy. What "action" do you propose I take? What "action" do you propose to take yourself? And might it not be more effective to take action against the many, many Hindu "adharmis"?


Every once in a while, you come and try to whip up the "HKs'" sentiments against folks you don't like. Give it a break. We are not under your direction, dear friend.

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<<Oh, and what varna was Arjun?>>


Arjun was kshatriya, and kshatriya are needed badly in thit time. If some org. produces brahmanas only, from where the kshatriyas would come? who would protect them against the asuras?


In a normal situation, each varna would do thier duty, but in this time almost all are shudras. and asuras are shudras also who kill suras. the magnitude and spread of this asuric activity (well organized and funded) is so much that no gov. can take full care of the citizens. therefore, each one need to do something pro-actively, violent or on violent, in order to check the asric terrorism.


our first preference is non violent, and there are many such ways. violence is authorized by the vedic literature against the aatataayis. terrorists are aatataayis.


<<Do you think you have Krsna telling you that its alright to just go out and kill your Muslims neighbors? >>


no, if the muslim of india:

- does not do terrorism even secretly

- does not support terrorism even secretly

- joins in the fight against terrorism

- gives up islam because islam does not belong on the vedic land bharat, or goes out of the vedic land if he cannot give up islam. islam has violently invaded in india and need to get out soon. this invasion is just in accordance with koran that is not compatible with gita.

eh mix is explosive and they should stay away from each other. india even gave them pak to live separate, and it did not solve the problem.


in varnasrama dharma (sanatan dharma or Hinduism) non violence is not an absolute principle. this is the rason krishna recommends to fight adharma. every one has right and duty to fight adharma, in any way he/she can.


HK's have intellectually fought with the hindus.

why should they shy away from fighting against islam?

(islam has no commection with vaishnavism,

and hinduism is the mother of vaishnavism.)

is it because they fear the sword of ialsm

and no fear from peace loving hindus?


this web site's name is "india divine."

if it is divine, then don't we have duty to keep it divine, and free from terrorism and terrorist ideologies?


jai sri krishna!


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<<As a servant of the servant of Krishna wouldn't you have to have the authorization of Srila Prabhupada to engage in violence against anyone? >>


he is not around any more. krishna's gita is clear in message. Bertrand russel has said: "the fundamental trouble in the world today is that stupid are so corksure that the intelligent are in doubt." when one surrenders to krishns, he/she can direclty follow the instructions of krishna from gita. one only needs to undersand what action is of priority at a time.


<< I realize there are times when violence may be necessary but it still has to be authorized by Krishna so until the Kalki avatar appears or an authorized representative of Krishna gives you the ok >>


by that time (if nothig is done) india will not have any vedic culture any more. no Hk's there or mayapur or vrindavan or radha kunda. all you would se is mosques, cow killigs, burqas, no singing, no moorties. is it something desirable?


when the house is on fire (an emergency situation,) who intelligent devotee would say, "well, i need to take my guru's or kalki's permission to run away from this fire."


jai sri krishna!


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<<we see that krishna directed Arjuna to act 1) under His personal order, 2) according to his own nature, and 3) in a spirit of detachment. >>


yes, be detached from the body.

do not hate asuras, but kill them (just as arjun killed bhishma and drona) or check them successfully in order to keep bharat divine and free from the asuric invaded ideologis. ( remember that krishna did not advise arjun to take an army with mridangam and symbals and advane towards the kaurava army. these imstruments simply cannot win against the asuric weapons.)


<<So, I'm a 56-year-old English professor whose military experience wasn't entirely satisfactory for me or the Navy. What "action" do you propose I take? >>


dear babhru ji, please take any action that can help check or remove the invaded ideology from bharat. if you are in intellectual, then expose the asuric ideology intellectually. you have to figure what action. no one else can tell it to you. to do nothing against the asuras is actually surrendering to asuras. if you are willing to die withtut resistance, they are willing to kill you that way because it is easy for them.


<<What "action" do you propose to take yourself? >>

i do what ever i can. some of my effort is to unite the suras and make them understand the enemy.


<< And might it not be more effective to take action against the many, many Hindu "adharmis"?>>


yes, no doubt. but that does not mean we silently tolerate the invader ideologies on the vedic land. kurukshera is external as well as internal. both fronts have to be fought at. this does not mean each person has to fight at both fronts simultaneously. some's energy may be only for only one front.


if a pure aggresor and a pure tolerant live to gethrer,

you can imagine who will survive. do we want to give the aggresors a free field? it would be suicidal for the self and dharma and the vedic culture.


do not worry who i am please.

i could be a shudra or chandal.

it is the message that counts.

every day i pray krishna that all understand this.


all glory to sri prabhupada!


jai sri krishna!


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I really don't know what I can do about it. I live in America and we have plenty of nonesense going on here and I am bewildered what to do here even. I quit my job working at a convenience store because I was starting to actually get sick to my stomach when people would buy beer, cigarettes, and beef jerky. After studying Srila Prabhupada's books I realized I was implicating myself in karma by selling people these items. I chant the Hare Krishna mantra all the time but I can't even get my own father or any of my family members interested in Krishna so I guess I am a failure as a preacher. From a vedic point of view this world has become a complete nightmare and quite frankly I don't have any idea what to do except keep chanting Hare Krishna and wish for the best.

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<<I really don't know what I can do about it. I live in America and we have plenty of nonesense going on here and I am bewildered what to do here even. >>


- do not buy or sell any product ot service to/from one who follows the asuric ideology. theymultiply like pigs and weeds and that is dangerous for any democrcy.


- live by gita. do not worry if others d ot join you.


- do not try to preach when you have not lived by or realized a truth from gita.



<< I quit my job working at a convenience store because I was starting to actually get sick to my stomach when people would buy beer, cigarettes, and beef jerky.>>


if that is the only kind of job you can get, then it is alroght to do it, but do it honestly and excellently.

so says mahabharat. no need to quit the job, you are just a servant rthere, not the owner of the business.


<< After studying Srila Prabhupada's books I realized I was implicating myself in karma by selling people these items.>>


quit such a job only when you have some thing better.


<< I chant the Hare Krishna mantra all the time but I can't even get my own father or any of my family members interested in Krishna >>


just chanting is not enough. read gita every day with faith. and then live by it.


<<so I guess I am a failure as a preacher. >>


may be for now. when you live by gita for sufficien time,

then you could be a magnetic peracher. no need to get disappinted.



<<From a vedic point of view this world has become a complete nightmare and quite frankly I don't have any idea what to do except keep chanting Hare Krishna and wish for the best. >>


gita will guide to figure what to do.

start small, be persistant, adament.


yogah karmasu kaushalam.


jai sri krishna!


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