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Fate, destiny and the enevitable - what your past karmas have pre-destined for you in this life unmutable.However these reactions can be lessened by total surrender to the Lord Purshottam Narayan which is extremely tough and rare therefore 99.9% of us humans on this earth are governed by fate, beleive in it or not this is the way of life on mrutyulog.

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then don't, even when you fail and fail utterly.

(i am not wishing you ever fail in good karma.)


karmanye va dhikaaraste maa phaleshu kadaachana


jai sri krishna!


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"karmanye va dhikaaraste maa phaleshu kadaachana"


It says "you do the job and leave your your fruits of action to Me."


If you don't do that , you are run by fate, because fruits whether they are good or bad, you will have to accept them.



if you leave the fruits to him and you just do the job, then you will be self situated and peaceful.





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Hare Krishna,



I remember the teachings of Yudhistra Maharaja from Mahabharath.


Karmas done in previous lives are like the seeds we have already sown in the field, while the actions that we perform in this life is like the farmer who plows the field.


So the outcome depends on both the seeds sown and the knowledge and work of the farmer.


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Fate cannot be avoided by anybody, even if the person is living right in the midst of the Lord. AFter the death of all the 100 sons of Dhritarashtra and Gandhari, the couple went to the battlefield and were mourning their fate. When the Lord Vasudeva appeared there to comfort them. However, Dhritarashtra asked the Lord, why He could not avoid the death of his 100 sons and why he had undergo the trauma of watching the death of his children. The Lord replied that, it was the Karma that Dhritarashtra had done 50 births ago, when he was a hunter, who hunted birds to earn his living. On a particular day, this hunter saw a big tree with several birds with their young ones living in nests happily. He could have caught a couple of them for his living. However, instead, he set the whole tree afire and watched quietly. Many birds could fly, but many of them could not and lost their eyesight due to fire. Many birds when they could fly away, watched their young ones dying helplessly and mourned while flying around the tree. The young ones were almost 100. This unripened Karma fructified in this birth, as Dhritarashtra had a chance to beget 100 children in this birth. As many birds had lost their eyesight in the fire, Dhritarashtra was born blind. When the Lord narrated this story to Dhritarashtra, latter was dumbfounded. In essence, the Karma good or bad, must be paid for in the subsequent births at an opportune moment. None can intervene, as it is our own doing. True saints can at best provide us with satisfaction and comfort, so the time of the Prarabdha Karma passes away fast without much of the feeling.

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Fate is nothing more than past self effort.


You have both, past self effort and present self effort.


The more powerful self effort from the both wins and that gives the outcome for the individual. Some times the self effort of one entity is more powerful than the self effort of the other, thus leaving the weak to suffer and giving the person with the stronger self effort all the good results.


For example, if a farmer sows a field and plants grow , then he sells them and makes a living.


The result was that he sowed the field, planted the seeds and his work paid off.


But lets take a look at this scenario again...


What if he sows the field but because of locusts his whole field is destroyed.


So, we can say, because the present self effort of the locusts is much greater than the past self effort of the farmer... the locusts win and the farmer is left with nothing.


So, we can conclude by this that there is no divine will. There is no fate, there is no destiny and all such notions are entertained in the mind of the individual on account of delusion.


But the fact that there is no divine will is only limited to the beings in the cycle of karma.


If you surrender to the almighty, then this is not true.

And all of the above can be excluded.


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Well...this is an old and robust philosophical, and theological discussion.

Do I believe in fate?

Fate...this being destiny, predestination, Kismet, and the like?

I remember my first lecture in orthodox Christian philosophy [although that is somewhat of an oxymoron].

Father Hyacinth [yes that was really his name], said that free choice exists for man...and at the same time The Creator, God, knows all the decisions we will make--but this does not mitigate the reality of free choice in our experience.

The two exist, completely and absolutely--no question.

This thought, this concept and mystery, has been a constant reminder of my need to commit to a process of surrendering; in the face of this I can only dance my truth, and celebrate my existence---and then all of a sudden--fate?.............it matters not at all.




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