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Eating Enough

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I've recently started a training program, I've done it before and I think I ate more as well.


I'd like to know your thoughts on my diet for weight gain.


I eat at the moment.


Large Bowl of Shreddies in the with Full Fat Milk / A Banana


Tin of tuna and cucumber sandwhiches with 4 slices of think white bread.


4 medium sized egg whites with 1 grilled chicken breast.


Main Meal Consists of :


Rice,Potatoes or Chips

Steak,Mince,Chicken,Pork,Suasages Corned Beef.

Some Veg

Pint of Full Fat Milk


Followed by a yoghurt or apple.


I may eat a packet of crisps or some peanuts as well at some point.


I understand it should be 1g of protien per pound of body weight.


Can somebody advise me if this is okay or should I be eating more, I know I probably should but I don't want to have my life taken over by food.


Cheers All

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Hare Krishna


You should stop eating meat NOW. otherwise you will incur sin, if you can't do that then strave yourself and die, and let the poor animals live, lest you become an animal in your next life, chant Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare, and see it's magic work!




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dear Govindaram,

ithink you should me more tolerant and encouraging. to me our friends will give up meat soon, but i think you shouldn't tell him what to do. for some people giving up this habit is very difficult, they have to do it gradually, then they can keep it up until the end of their life.

i 've seen too many people telling other what to do, this person can make choice for him/herself. Sometime if people don't take in consideration the psychologocal aspect it just leads to an aversion.... so now or later. let this person decide...

Sunanda dasa

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It has been proven that vegetarians live lnger, recover earlier and have more stamina than meat eaters. They also perform better and thus veggie food is simply better.

Phisiologicaly, your teeth are the wrong ones and your intestine too long for meat, fish or eggs. your stomach misses the necessary enzymes to digest meat fish or eggs, making for the addition of alcohol, to help you digest properly.

harness a tiger or lion in front of your plow and see how far they can pull it. For all it's strenghth and power it cannot do it. A bull can do it easily, for a whole day.

Fish belonmgs in the ocean to keep it clean and not in your stomach, where it pollutes your system with the wrong kind of food.

Eating meat is also antisocial, since it costs 16 kilos of grain - bought from third world countries, who need it for their own population - to produce 1 kilo of meat.

For the money the third wolrd countries make they buy weapons which they use to kill each other. Nice and convenient for us, or USA and Europe, for it stops them coming for us. Divide and rule.

This encouraging enough?


Vaikunthanath das Kaviraj (Meaning king of nealers here)

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