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Kalki Avatar n Aztec Possible Relation

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i was reading some history of Aztecs. When Aztecs saw white people on horses they thought them God. Is it possible they were waitin for shree Kalki Avatar. This 10th avatar is also supposed to be on a horse carring a sword. Is it possible that aztec followed Hindus. There are also lot of similarities beteween america civilisations n us. Sorry if i wrote anything wrong.


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Here is one theory I have heard, a bit speculative but possible. It is now known that the Vikings discovered the “New World” around 1000 AD. Eric the Red (Red because of his red beard), Leif Ericson’s father, fled to Iceland from Norway due to some dispute (I think he killed someone, but hey, he’s a Viking, waddaya expect?). Leif continued the movement from Iceland to Greenland, and eventually into North East Canada and settled some areas. I think their colonies extended down into the New York area.


All of this is true. Now on one of their trips, the Viking Sagas describe that one of their boats got lost. Where it went no one knows. Now here it gets a little speculative. Apparently there are some Viking Runes (stone carvings) to be found in the mid-west of the United States. Some people have speculated that this lost ship traveled down the eastern coast of the U.S. past Florida, into the Gulf of Mexico, and then up the Mississippi river, leading right into the heartland of America. If so, this could explain it.


Now the Aztecs (or was it the Mayans? I always get them confused) have a story where men with white skin, and red beards appear on their shores one day. They stick around for a while, then decide to leave. They tell the people that they will return one day, but never do.


The story is passed down for many generations. Several hundred years later, they still have the story in their collective memory. All of a sudden, some white, black bearded Spanish men show up. These Native Americans assume “The legends have been fulfilled.” They take these Spaniards in as friends, giving them the royal treatment. Then the Spaniards in due time, kill off all of these native Americans. I believe they actually took their king hostage, and killed him. This is all from memory, and I don’t recall the details. I may be wrong here, but I seem to recall that their legend believed that when these men returned, that would be the end of the world (kind of Kalkiish). I don’t know about this for sure, but if so, it is a very odd coincidence. They seemed to have had a great relationship with the white, red beards, and that trust betrayed them in the end.

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what I know about Aztecs is that they were looking for the return of the god "Quetzalcotl", I think that is the spanish spelling and pronounciation of an Aztec name, but I am not sure.


Anyway, I believe they used to give Gold as a sacrifice to this God.


The Aztec Legend says that when this God arrives "AGAIN", (He was here before), He would destroy the Aztecs once and for all if they don't please him and change their ways.


So, to please him they found those old shrines of Quetzalcotl and started praying him... because there was an Omen or something.


However, When Cortez arrived they were not sure if this guy was Quetzalcotl, but He had all the types of qualities of what they thought their Punishing God will look like.


For example, the horse- which they never saw in their lives.

The guns , which they never heard off.

The metal and steel armour which they never saw.

However, they finally figured out his real identity after he made Montezuma(the wise spanish emperor) a prisoner...


I read this in some book like when I was in Global studies, I kind a got very curios about Aztec Civilizations.


Oh yeah, they also used to sacrifice human beings every morning, just for the sun to rise and the high priests used to even eat them- talk about disgusting gross ideals!!!.

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