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4 Principles of Freedom

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hare krishnas and mnay hindus control their freedom like this:


- no meat eating

- no wine, alcolo, drugs, tobaco, etc.

- no illecit sex (no sex out of marraige, and no sex if children are notwanted.)

- no gambling.


these are basics for spiritual living.

taken from sanatana dharma or the vedic culture.


jai sri prabhupada!


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there are other thoughts about freedom:


- fredom is a birth right, but the society can take it away if you misbehabe (or asuras can take it away if you are weak.)


- freedom is something you exercise by your own might. never expect some one to give it to you. it has to be taken by you.


- do not take away others' freedom if others do not take away your freedom.


- be prepared to fight if any one challanges your freedom.

the ideologies that are there that want to take away your freedom do not deseve to exist.


- there are many freedom acts that are not worth doing. e.g. :


- you are free to jump from a ten story bldg.

- you are free to kiss or mate any woman (law may forbid it, but you can do it with your might.)

- you can bamble with all your wealth.


there is wisdom in choosing which freedom to exercise and to what extent.


jai sri prabhupada!



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Hare Krishna


The trick I use is to pay attention to my mind, and make sure my intelligence is in control. Your intelligence should be rooted in the transcendental instructions descending from Krishna.


Desires manifest by first 1) thinking, then 2) feeling, and 3) willing. Once you're willing, it's just a matter of time before doing. The sooner you catch yourself in the process of manifesting some mundane desire, the easier it is to stop it. If you notice yourself thinking about some activity that is against the regulative principles, stop it, and think about something nice and spiritual. Gradually or quickly, the thinking, if allowed to continue, becomes feeling. That's basically imagining or anticipating some enjoyment from the activity. Once this starts, it is more difficult to stop. It has to be confronted strongly with intelligence. Remember that acting for sense gratification prevents Krishna consciousness. This is a good time to remember the glories of Krishna consciousness. If you allow the the desire to manifest to the willing stage, that is, if you decide you want to do something contrary to the four regulative principles, all I can say is to pray for Krishna's mercy. Once you decide you want something, it is hard to turn around. If you're lucky, Krishna will do something to set you back on the right path. Pray hard for His mercy as if your spiritual life depended on it, because it does.


Hare Krishna


- Paul

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