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A Blessing to the Soul: An Old Preacher Tells What It Is To Preach

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If I had the wisdom of Solomon, the patience of Job, the meekness of Moses, the strength of Samson, the obedience of Abraham, the compassion of Joseph, the poetic genius of David, the prophetic voice of Elijah, the courage of Daniel, the greatness of John the Baptist, the endurance and love of Paul--I still would not receive the praise of all men.


I learned this early in my ministry and, for some time, it brought grief to my heart. I sincerely wanted to do my best and when I did and received unjust criticism--this was a bitter pill to swallow. But I learned! I learned what all men who would serve in the ministry must learn. I learned that true success came only in being God's man--and that God's man is expendable. And if I receive all the praise of men, and in so doing, fail insesrving the Lord, I am a real failure. But if I please the Lord by doing my best to serve Him, even though I do not gain the praise of men, I am a real success.


So I have become accustomed to the fact that when I stand for the right, all will not stand with me. When I stand for revealed truth, all who hear will not accept. When divine principle is followed, all will not agree. I expect to be loved by some--and hated by others. Sinners, happy in their sin, will not like my stand for righteousness. Unbelievers will question my faith. False brethren, moved by envy or other bases motive, will treacherously seek to weaken or ruin ministry. I must sometimes stand alone.


At times I will have to deal with unreasonable men ("for all men have not faith") whose motivation is like that of him who did not "like" Dr. Fell;


"I do not like thee, Dr. Fell-


The reason why I cannot tell;


But this I know and know full well,


I do not like thee, Dr. Fell!"


But praise be to God. I serve a risen Saviour who stands with me as long as I stand for Him. And thus, my offtimes faltering spirit is braced for steadfast and "patient continuance in welldoing." For I am confident if I do my best to do His will, weak as it may be, He will bless my effort. If I honestly err in judgment, He patiently leads me to the right path. My talent, whatever it may be, He will develop as I use it. My will is overcome by His will. It is not easy to be a minister--but it is a blessing to the soul.


An Older Preacher


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