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Additive Free Diets

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How diet has dramatic effect on child behaviour


An experiment involving identical twin brothers has revealed the dramatic effect an additive-free diet can have on children.


Christopher and Michael Parker, aged five, were put on separate diets for a fortnight with the latter only allowed food free of E numbers or additives.


And in just two weeks Michael had become more assertive and calmer than his brother and outperformed him on IQ tests.


The experiment and the changes in Michael's behaviour are being revealed on ITV1's Tonight with Trevor McDonald programme this evening.


The list of products banned from Michael during the experiment included chocolate and sweets, fizzy drinks, flavoured crisps and caffeine.


He was allowed additive-free goods such as ready salted crisps, fruit, banana chips and some yoghurts.


Children in the twins' class at Dingle School, Crewe, were also given school meals free of 39 named E numbers but Michael's brother Christopher maintained an additive-filled diet at home.


In IQ tests before the experiment the twins each made the same mistakes and completed them in exactly the same time.


Two weeks later, they conducted the same tests and Christopher had improved 10% but Michael had improved by 25%.


Child psychologist Professor Jim Stevenson, of Southampton University, conducted the tests but was not told which twin was additive-free. In the second series of tests he noticed a difference between the siblings and correctly picked Michael as the twin who had gone without E numbers.


Story filed: 12:50 Monday 28th April 2003

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  • 3 months later...

i would love to know more about how to give our kids an additive free diet. It was a pity that in all the pulicity about this on the Tv and newspapers that not a single article offered any help or advice about additive-free diets.



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